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Welcome to the Sixth Form Information Evening. 2012-2013.
The 6th Form TeamMr Wycherley- Director of Sixth Form StudiesMr Britten- Deputy Director of Sixth Form StudiesMrs S Lawrance- Sixth Form Manager and Careers AdvisorMiss B Gammons- Independent Learning advisor and Enrichment Co-ordinatorMrs T Edwards- Sixth Form Administrator and Bursary
1. To provide the best range of opportunities and courses possible for all students so that they can develop their abilities. 2. To encourage all our students to achieve their academic and social potential, so that they are able to move from the sixth form to their chosen course or employment 3. To provide a supportive, caring and stimulating environment in which students will enjoy themselves and their studies. 4. The differences of sixth form life: Rights v Responsibilities The aims of the Sixth Form:
Outstanding performances: Nat Barker A, A*,A (Bio, Eng and Geog* Ruth Cracknell A*, A*, A* (Graphics, Bio, Psy) Sam Crossman A, A*A* (Econ, Maths, Fur Maths) Bella Eason Daniels A*,A*,A* (Graphics,Eng, Art) Ben Norman A, A, A, (Maths,Fur Maths, Physics)
Expectations Role Models Behaviour Involvement Contributions Responsibility Learner Agreement
Responsibilities/Privileges Independent Study Study Skills Attendance – Holidays in term time will not be authorised Uniform Sign in and Out (Yr 13) UCAS Socials Home study ICT space H5
Support and Guidance • Tutors • Outside Agencies –TIC/CAMHS/Mentors • Careers advice – S Lawrance • Study Skills- B Gammons • Insight- YOU
Higher Education and Careers PSE and Careers Information Careers interviews Careers Convention- February 2013 HE Convention University of Worcester- March 2013 Open Days Work Shadowing
University University offers usually fall under one of three categories: Specific Grades e.g. A, B, B Points, but with conditions E.g. 300 points with a minimum of a B in Chemistry Straight points offer
Target Setting Individual targets are set for each student based on ALPS data Reviewed with tutors and subject teachers Linked with regular assessments Use of Independent Learning Advisor Tutor mentoring time- Fill out mentoring sheets W:\6th Form\For Students\Progress Journals\AS mentoring sheet 2012-2013.docx
Formative Assessment TestsReporting and feedback • Formal feedback- grade cards/reports and Parents’ Evenings (6th December) • Insight- New Year 12 make an appointment with V Roberts vroberts@newent.gloucs.sch.uk • Email- List at end of presentation • FAT’s and ALPS (Formative Assessment Tests and Advanced level Performance System ) • Dept handbooks-..\dept handbooks\Applied ICT done.doc
H5 Sixth Form Study Area
Enrichment & Community Partnerships Wednesday Afternoon Public speaking D of E, Diving Mock Bar Trial Sports Clubs, Music etc Self Selection by students for an activity to support their personal statement: primary School etc EPQ Senior Citizens Party Norway Expedition Committee members- Organisation of trips Litter picking
16-19 Bursary Details on the School Website Application Forms to be collected and handed in to the Finance Office
mwycherley@newent.gloucs.sch.uk ibritten@newent.gloucs.sch.uk slawrance@newent.gloucs.sch.uk bgammons@newent.gloucs.sch.uk tedwards@newent.gloucs.sch.uk Tutor Direct line to Sixth Form Office 01531 828915
University Fees – Worried? Check out Martin Lewis, money saving expert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55fKa-ErQ8E