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2. They facilitate analysis. Easy model manipulation.Graphics Allow for the simultaneous use of multipleThey are everywhere!Spreadsheets are the work environment.. Advantages of Spreadsheets. 3. Data ManagementForecastingOptimizationSimulationGraphicsProgramming Capability (VBA). Spreads
J. D. Camm
University of Cincinnati
QAOM Department
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0130
Jeff.Camm@uc.edu Teaching Spreadsheet OptimizationTMSW, July 2004
2. 2 They facilitate analysis.
Easy model manipulation.
Allow for the simultaneous use of multiple
They are everywhere!
Spreadsheets are the work environment.
Advantages of Spreadsheets
3. 3 Data Management
Programming Capability (VBA) Spreadsheets Provide an Integrated Environment for OR
4. 4 Linear Programming (Simplex Algorithm)
Linear Integer Programming (B&B)
Nonlinear Programming (GRG2)
Nonlinear Integer Programming (B&B)
Evolutionary Algorithm (GA) Spreadsheets Provide a Comprehensive Environment for Teaching Optimization
5. 5 Disadvantages of Spreadsheets
Large Models become cumbersome.
Dimensionally challenged.
Debugging is sometimes difficult.
? bugs in some of the tools!
6. 6 Using SS in your class Decide on a structure!
data section
model section
use color
Teach them early how to print formulas!
Beware that SOLVER & DA are options!
Audit tool
7. 7 Optimization Modeling
What am I trying to decide?
What is my objective?
How am I constrained?
8. 8 Spreadsheet Optimization Begin by developing models and testing for feasibility......performing manual what-if or using data tables
Trial and error optimization
9. 9 The Fundamentals: Tools - Solver
Solver Dialog Box
Set Cell
Changing Cells
10. 10 Premium Solver Dialog Box
11. 11 Premium Solver Options Dialog Box:
12. 12 Constraint Dialog Box:
13. 13 Linear Programming Sumproduct
performs the dot product of two arrays
e.g. sumproduct(a1:a3,d5:d7)
14. 14
15 Products
Dobbie Looms, Regular Looms
What to Make – What to Outsource?
Data in Calhoun.xls Example 1: Linear ProgrammingCalhoun Mills Make-or-Buy
15. 15 Data ti = internal hours/yard needed to produce fabric i
ci = cost per yard to produce fabric i
si = cost per yard to outsource fabric i
demi = demand (yds) for fabric I
R = total regular loom hours available
D = total dobbie loom hours available
16. 16 Decision Variables ri = yards of fabric i to produce on a regular loom
di = yards of fabric i to produce on a regular loom
oi = yards of fabric i to outsourcer
17. 17 The Algebraic Model
18. 18 Lesson Learned
Linear Programming simultaneously considers the objective function and the constraint set and the tradeoff between the two.
19. 19 Integer Programming
20. 20 Example 2: The Ohio Banking Location Problem
Bank Location
Principal Place of Business (ppb)
Coverage Matrix Defined by County Adjacency (88x88)
Set Cover
21. 21 The Algebraic Model
22. 22 How might we attempt to solve this problem?
23. 23 Lesson Learned
Greedy is not always optimal. Optimization models and algorithms operate on the system in its entirety.
24. 24 Model Extension Some models are easily extended.
Ohio Banking Problem – revised
What is the maximum population that can be reached by “k” ppbs?
25. 25 The Revised Algebraic Model
26. 26 Lessons Learned
Models are often easily revised to model different situations.
Models should be used to perform analysis.
27. 27 Nonlinear Programming Known Models
Portfolio Optimization
Estimating relationships for model building
28. 28 Example 3: Nonlinear Programming Phillips Marketing Budget Allocation
29. 29 Phillips Marketing Problem we have $500,000 for advertising
at least $50,000 to each product
let xA = amount ($) to allocate to A
let xB = amount ($) to allocate to B
30. 30 Max f(xA, xB)
xA + xB ? 500000
xA ? 50000
xB ? 50000
31. 31 Add Trendline Option:
32. 32 Max 1.2712 ln(xA) + .397 ln(xB) + 33.523
xA + xB ? 500000
xA ? 50000
xB ? 50000
33. 33 Lesson Learned
Sometimes you do not know the functional form, so it has to be estimated from available data of expert judgment.
34. 34 Evolutionary Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm
Random Mutations
Survival of the fittest
35. 35 Evolutionary Solver Options
36. 36 Example 4: A “nasty” NLP:Max x[sin(5px)] + y[sin(5py)]
37. 37 Using the nonlinear solver:
38. 38
Visual Basic
Simulation – Optimization (iterate) Stochastic Optimization
39. 39 Lesson Learned
VBA enables you to develop some powerful tools in the spreadsheet environment.
40. 40 If you teach in spreadsheets, then your students will use “IF”
41. 41
Bank Location
Principal Place of Business (ppb)
Coverage Matrix Defined by County Adjacency
Maximize Population Reached
Maximal Set Cover
Example 5: Students and the “if” Sun Bank Location Problem (revisited)
42. 42 Max Cover Model
43. 43 The “natural” IF way If sumproduct(B6:CK6,B100:CK100) >=1 then add population to the total population reached
Maximize the total population reached
Solve using the Evolutionary Solver
44. 44 Lesson Learned
IF doesn’t work well with traditional optimization algorithms
Use the Evolutionary Algorithm if you use IF
45. 45 References: Camm, J.D. and J.R. Evans, Management Science & Decision Technology, South-Western, Cincinnati, OH, 2000.
Camm., J.D., Dearing, P.M. and S.K Tadisina, “The Calhoun Textile Mill Case: An Exercise on the Significance of Linear Programming Model Formulation,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 23-28, March, 1987.
Sweeney, D., Mairose, R. and R.K. Martin, “Strategic Planning in Bank Location,” American Institute for Decision Sciences Proceedings, November, 1979.