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UNDP and Climate Change. 2nd South Asian Judicial Roundtable on Environmental Justice Thimphu, Bhutan 30-31 August 2013. Karma Lodey Rapten UNDP Bhutan. CC Poses Risks to all MDGs. UNDP’s CC Strategy: Aims.
UNDP and Climate Change 2nd South Asian Judicial Roundtable on Environmental Justice Thimphu, Bhutan 30-31 August 2013 Karma Lodey RaptenUNDP Bhutan
UNDP’s CC Strategy: Aims Build country level capacity to address climate change by providing a set of integrated support services Complement policy change & capacity development efforts at national level by facilitating action at local/community levels Address both mitigation and adaptation towards achieving the MDGs Diversify funding sources and help countries to effectively combine and sequence these different financing sources Promote public-private partnerships at all administrative levels Mainstream CC into development emphasizing that climate change is not only an environmental issue but a core developmental concern
UNDP and CC: Strategic Priorities Support the design of integrated adaptation and mitigation policies, strategies and quantified action plans that promote long-term sustainability and poverty reduction at all levels Promote early adaptation actions and long-term adaptive capacity of developing countries in a sustainable manner Attract and drive direct private and public investment towards lower carbon technologies and land use practices that promote long term sustainability and poverty reduction Integrate climate change into UN development assistance at the national, regional and global levels to effectively and efficiently service country needs in addressing the challenge of climate change
Bureau for Development Policy EEG 6 Regional Service Centres Bangkok Dakar Cairo Pretoria Bratislava Panama 5 Regional Bureaus RBA RBAP RBAS RBLAC RBEC UNDP and CC: Delivery Architecture 160+ Client Countries 133 UNDP Country Offices
Bhutan: Greenhouse Gas Emission compared to World average Total Emissions 1,559.56 Gg CO2 equivalent (excluding LUCF) Forest Sequestration 6,309.6 Gg CO2 equivalent Net GHG emission -4,750.04 Gg CO2 equivalent Source: IPCC AR4, Synthesis Report (shares are for 2004)
Priorities for Bhutan • Adaptation and mountain issues • LDC matters • Mitigation as a national action - non-issue • but committed to clean development and maintaining carbon neutral status • Sincere efforts to serve as an example • Align with LDCs and G77& China
Priorities for Bhutan • Mitigation • Limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C • Even 2° rise is too much and means disappearance of mountain glaciers • Emission Reduction Targets • Annex I Parties reduce emissions by at least 45% below 1990 by 2020 and 85% below the 1990 by 2050. (LDC) • Non Annex I mitigation through NAMAs, but contingent on availability of financing (LDC) • Bhutan can benefit from voluntary NAMA because of sustainable development and local environmental benefits • REDD Plus • REDD can contribute to reduction of global emissions • “Conservation” of Forests must be part of REDD mechanism • Prevent international leakage • Prevent perverse incentives • CDM • Hydropower • Simplification of process for LDCs
Priorities for Bhutan • Adaptation • Implementation of full LDC work programme • NAPA preparation and Implementation • Capacity building for LDCs (national focal points, meteorological systems, early warning, negotiations) • Scope: Medium to long term Adaptation • NAPA is only short term intervention • Vulnerability conditions to be prioritized • “Fragile mountainous ecosystems” • “Rapidly melting glaciers” • GLOF & Long term impacts • Implementation of Adaptation (LDC) • Implementation more important than preparation of plans • Too much “mainstreaming” is not desirable
Priorities for Bhutan • Finance • Simple procedures and mechanisms • Adaptation Fund model • Under COP • One Fund- multiple windows • National Climate Financing • Finance for Adaptation • mandatory as per commitments • from public sources “additional to ODA” • 1.5% of GDP of Annex I • 70% reserved for adaptation • may need “innovative schemes” to enable “additional, reliable and predictable” financing • Levies on all trading mechanisms
Priorities for Bhutan • Technology & Capacity Building • May not benefit from Tech transfer as much as larger developing countries (eg. CDM) • Technologies for Adaptation is priority • Private sector will not drive adaptation technology • Need research and diffusion of appropriate technology • Capacity building • Institutional & continuous, • Meteorological, early warning, disaster management, V&A assessments
Supporting Low Emission Climate Resilient Development Supporting market transformation towards a green, low emission economy Promoting climate resilient livelihoods, economies and ecosystems Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Brown Sector - sustainable industry, transport and urban management Capacity Building in Environmental Management, Advocacy and Reporting Forests & Biodiversity Agriculture & Food Security Climate Change-induced disasters Water Resources Public Health Integrated Solid Waste Management PPP (UNDP) Poverty Environment Initiative Joint Support Programme (UNDP, UNEP, DANIDA)** Integrated Livestock and Crop Conversation Project (UNDP)* Reducing CC-induced Risks & vulnerabilities from GLOF (UNDP)* Piloting Rain-Water Harvesting (UN Habitat) Piloting CC and Human Health (WHO)* Sengor Community Micro Hydro for Sustainable Livelihood Sustainable Rural Biomass Energy Project (UNDP)* National Capacity Self-Assessment (UNDP)* Bhutan Climate Summit (UNDP, FAO, ICIMOD, WWF, McArthur, DANIDA)** National Human Settlements Policy Bhutan Climate Summit** Disaster and Climate Resilient Construction Building Capacity and Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in Bhutan Second National Communication (UNDP)* National Energy Efficiency Policy REDD+ Readiness Strategy Human Wildlife Management Support to Environment Education (UNDP) Low Emission Capacity Building Programme NAPA review and update (UNDP) 2nd LDCF Climate Change Adaptation Programme (UNDP pipeline)* Rural Renewable Energy Project (ADB) Local Climate Adaptive Living facility (UNCDF) Sustainable Financing for Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management (WB) Policy support to NEC (UNEP) Capacity Building for Climate Change (ADB) Engendering the Energy and Environment Portfolio (UNDP/GCCA)
1st CC Adaptation Pjt in the World: Reducing CC-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities of GLOFs (US$ 3.5 m from LDC Fund) • OUTCOME 1: Improved national, regional, and local capacities to prevent climate change-induced GLOF disasters in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkhar Valleys • OUTCOME 2: Reduced risks of GLOF from Thorthormi Lake through an artificial lake level management system • OUTCOME 3: Reduced human and material losses in vulnerable communities in the Punakha-Wangdi Valley through GLOF early warnings • OUTCOME 4: Enhanced learning, evaluation and adaptive management
1st CC Adaptation Pjt in the World: Reducing CC-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities of GLOFs (US$ 3.5 m from LDC Fund)
Sensors Samdingkhag:6hrs 6mins Punakha:7hrs Wangdue: 7hrs 50mins PHPA-1: ~8hrs
Largest CC Adaptation Project in the World (US$ 11.5 m from LDC Fund) • Addressing the Risks of Climate-induced Disasters through Enhanced National and Local Capacity for Effective Actions • Outcome 1: Risks from climate-induced floods and landslides reduced in Bhutan’s economic and industrial hub Pasakha Industrial Area. • Outcome 2: Community resilience to climate-induced risks strengthened in at least four Dzongkhags • Outcome 3: Relevant information about climate-related risks and threats shared across climate-sensitive sectors on a timely and reliable basis.