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M. Montessori 課程模式. 授課教師:葉玉賢. 一、 Montessori ( 1870-1952 )的個人生命史及其爭議. 一、 Montessori ( 1870-1952 )的個人生命史及其爭議. 反對諸如羅馬雄辯家坤體良( 西班牙人,但在羅馬接受 教育,心儀西賽洛的學說。 著作「辯學通論」 (Institutes of Oratory) ,共十二冊,其中第一、二及十二冊探討一般性的教育理論與實際,其餘九側則敘述文法及修辭之教學技巧。 ) 等所主張學童之間彼此競爭的教育理念。 2. 新教育運動( New Education Movement )的繼承。
M. Montessori課程模式 授課教師:葉玉賢
一、Montessori(1870-1952)的個人生命史及其爭議一、Montessori(1870-1952)的個人生命史及其爭議 • 反對諸如羅馬雄辯家坤體良(西班牙人,但在羅馬接受教育,心儀西賽洛的學說。著作「辯學通論」(Institutes of Oratory),共十二冊,其中第一、二及十二冊探討一般性的教育理論與實際,其餘九側則敘述文法及修辭之教學技巧。)等所主張學童之間彼此競爭的教育理念。 2. 新教育運動(New Education Movement)的繼承。 3. Children’s Houses的建立。
1.1 蒙特梭利與新教育運動的繼承(New Education Movement)(1) • 何謂「新教育」(New Education)? 1. 源自古希臘劇作家Aristophanes以嘲笑辯論士(Sophists)之「新」教育,來娛樂觀眾開始。 2. 二十世紀之前,新教育(或進步主義教育)主要在反擊當時的傳統主義作風;二十世紀之後,成為積極性與建設性的教育理論。 3. 代表學派: 1984年:Dewey領導的芝加哥大學之實驗小學運動。 ► Marietta Johnson’s School ► Caroline Pratt’s Play School ► Margaret Naumberg’s Children’s School
1.1 蒙特梭利與新教育運動的繼承(New Education Movement)(2) • “Miracle of the new children” • 蒙氏認為,教育改革並不只是機械性的以新穎的方法取代舊方法,而是關心”reformatio”原始意義的過程:生命的再模式化(remodeling)與更新(renewal)。 • 蒙特梭利雖無系統地落實盧梭的教育理念,但仍主張閱讀古典巨著:《愛彌兒》(Emile)。
1.2Children’s House的建立及其精神(1) • 背景:19世紀義大利哲學被當時實證主義之氛圍以及由Alessandro Chiapelli, Bernardino Varisco等人所代表新康德學派(neo-Kantian)與觀念論者所影響。 • 特色與精神: (1) Exercises in daily living or “exercises de la vie pratique”(Montessori, 1976) (2)Disciplined behavior becomes a basic attitude.
1.2Children’s House的建立及其精神(2) • Task of Children’s House: “The central feature of this development of the personality was free work that satisfies the natural needs of inner life. Therefore free intellectual work shows itself to be the basis of inner discipline. The principal achievement of the Children’s Houses has been to instil discipline in the children (Montessori, 1976: 107).
1.2Children’s House的建立及其精神(3):現今Children’s House課程舉例
1.2Children’s House的建立及其精神(4) • Primary programme: • Elementary programme: • Summer programme:
二、蒙特梭利課程模式之理論基礎(1) • 兒童發展之觀點 1. 兒童成長的過程有既定的“自然程序表”。2. 每個生物體之發展皆根據早已注定的模式,而分為三個階段: (1)0-6 yrs: 變化期 (2) 6-12 yrs:單一成長期 (3) 12-18 yrs:青少年期+青春期
二、蒙特梭利課程模式之理論基礎(2) • 兒童學習之論點 1. 產生學習與持續學習的動力來源: 2. 學習形式: 3. 敏感期: • 自由觀 1. 蒙特梭利認為,兒童有權利選擇自己要做什麼和決定自己的工作到什麼程度的權利。 2. 自由與紀律是一體兩面。
三、蒙特梭利課程模式之內涵(1) • 教育目標 1. 強調兒童內在主動學習的動力與潛力。 2. 發展的目的是為了未來的生活(成人世界)作準備。 • 教育內容 • 日常生活的教育 2. 感覺教育 3. 算術教育 • 教育方法 • 環境的規劃:“準備好的環境”。 • 教具與提示方式:教具是“一種輔助兒童生長發展的媒介”。 • 教師的角色
三、蒙特梭利課程模式之內涵(2) • 評量 • Assessment: There are no grades, or other forms of reward or punishment, subtle or overt. Assessment is by portfolio and the teacher's observation and record keeping. The real test of whether or not the system is working lies in the accomplishment and behavior of the children, their happiness, maturity, kindness, and love of learning, concentration, and work. • Requirements for Age 3-6: • There are no academic requirements for this age, but children are exposed to amazing amounts of knowledge and often learn to read, write and calculate beyond what is often thought usual for a child of this age. • Requirements for Ages 6-18: • There are no curriculum requirements except those set by the state, or college entrance requirements, for specific grades and these take a minimum amount of time. Students of K-12+ age design 1-2 week contracts with the teacher to balance their work, and learn time management skills. The work of the 6-12 class includes subjects usually not introduced until high school.
三、蒙特梭利課程模式之內涵 (3):當今課程模式教學舉例 • 北美蒙特梭利中心 http://montessoritraining.net/Members/sample.htm# )(NAMC)
四、蒙特梭利的教學模式及其本土化之影響 (1) • Multi-aged Grouping, based on Periods of Development • The 3-Hour Work Period: After every age, a minimum of one 3-hour work period per day, uninterrupted by required attendance at group activities of any kind is required for the Montessori method of education to produce the results for which it is famous. • The Human Tendencies: The practical application of the Montessori method is based on human tendencies— to explore, move, share with a group, to be independent and make decisions, create order, develop self-control, abstract ideas from experience, use the creative imagination, work hard, repeat, concentrate, and perfect one's efforts.
四、蒙特梭利的教學模式及其本土化之影響 (2) • The Process of Learning: • (Stage 1) introduction to a concept by means of a lecture, lesson, something read in a book, etc. • (Stage 2) processing the information, developing an understanding of the concept through work, experimentation, creation. • (Stage 3) "knowing", to possessing an understanding of, demonstrated by the ability to pass a test with confidence, to teach another, or to express with ease.
四、蒙特梭利的教學模式及其本土化之影響 (3) • Teaching Method: 1. There are no text books, and seldom will two or more children be studying the same thing at the same time. 2. Children learn directly from the environment, and from other children—rather than from the teacher. 3. The teacher is trained to teach one child at a time, with a few small groups and almost no lessons given to the whole class. 4. Large groups occur only in the beginning of a new class, or in the beginning of the school year, and are phased out as the children gain independence. 5. The child is scientifically observed, observations recorded and studied by the teacher. Children learn from what they are studying individually, but also from the amazing variety of work that is going on around them during the day.
四、蒙特梭利的教學模式及其本土化之影響 (4): 台灣的蒙特梭利教育本土化-以台北蒙特梭利幼稚園為例 • 台北蒙特梭利幼稚園成立於民國七十三年,為台灣地區第一所蒙特梭利幼稚園,每班編制有兩位老師,一為指導員(主教老師)一為助理,均具幼教專業訓練基礎。指導員必經650小時的蒙特梭利專業培養並擁有合格教師證書。
四、蒙特梭利的教學模式及其本土化之影響 (5): 台灣的蒙特梭利教育本土化-以台北蒙特梭利幼稚園為例http://www.montessori.org.tw/Montessori/chinese/philosophy_life.asp • 混齡班工作與課程設計
兒童教育是為未來的成人生活做準備嗎? • 教育如果全由兒童自行決定或準備,則教育的意義為何?教育,是否淪於無政府主義以及浪漫主義的危險? • 如蒙特梭利教育理念所主張者,幼兒教育是否真的不需要教科書? • 蒙特梭利的教育觀是否傳達了另一種西方式的、進步主義式的文化霸權?