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perpetuate. (Verb) to make permanent or long lasting Ex: Starbucks and other coffee shops help perpetuate ( continue, preserve, prolong indefinitely ) a culture of coffee-drinking in America.

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  1. perpetuate • (Verb) to make permanent or long lasting • Ex: Starbucks and other coffee shops help perpetuate (continue, preserve, prolong indefinitely) a culture of coffee-drinking in America. • Example of the antonyms: It would be terrible if America abolished (discontinued, abolished, abandoned) the drinking of coffee!!! Margaret Hallock

  2. precedent • (Noun) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action • When you are babysitting for the first time, it is important to set a good precedent (guide, tradition, model) by putting the children to bed on time; otherwise, they will expect to stay up and party every time you come! Margaret Hallock

  3. Virginia Cheij feasible • (fē’ zəbəl) • (adj.) possible, able to be done • SYNONYMS: workable, practicable, viable • ANTONYMS: unworkable, impracticable Is it feasible (workable, practicable, viable) to get that amount of homework done in so little time?

  4. It is rude to grimace at the taste of the host’s dinner. GRIMACE The baby showed a grimace on his face as he bit into the lemon. • (grim’ əs) • (n.) a wry face, facial distortion • (v.) to make a wry face • SYNONYMS: (n.) a pained expresion, facial contortion • ANTONYMS: (n.) smile, grin (v.) beam

  5. Cursory By: Taylor Roach • The mayor gave a final cursory (quick, superficial, perfunctory) glance at the text of her speech before mounting the podium. • Cursory is used as an adjective. • The mayor gave a final thorough (painstaking, careful) glance at the text of her speech before mounting the podium. • The definition of cursory is: hasty, not through • The syllable stressed in the word cursory is… • Ker’ se re

  6. Benevolent By: Taylor Roach • The newcomers had nothing but benevolent(benign, well-meaning) feelings towards their neighbors. • Benevolent is used as an adjective. • The newcomers had nothing but malicious (spiteful, malevolent) feelings towards their neighbors. • The definition of benevolent is: kindly, or charitable. • The syllable that is stressed for the word benevolent is… • Be nev’o lent

  7. Scrutinize ImaruAgholor • (v) to examine closely • Lawyers are paid to scrutinize (inspect, pore over) legal papers and explain the fine print to their clients. • I am inclined to (skim, scan, glance at) the fine print. - www.elderparenthelp.com

  8. Tepid ImaruAgholor • (adj.) lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest • A cup of tepid (insipid, halfhearted, wishy-washy) tea will not warm you up on a chilly morning. • A cup of (heated, excited, enthusiastic) tea will warm you up on a chilly morning. www.deviantart.com www.wattpad.com

  9. Sentence from the vocabulary book: The judge repeatedly cautioned the prosecuting attorney not to harass (annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer) the witness. Harass (v.) to disturb, worry; to trouble be repeated attacks Sentence made by myself: George harassed (annoyed, pestered, bedeviled, beleaguered) a girl on the bus. Synonyms: annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer MarjolaineLegros-Hoffner

  10. Sentence from the vocabulary book: During inclement (blustery, tempestuous, implacable) New England Weather, heavy snowfalls may bring highway traffic to a standstill. Inclement (adj.) stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action Synonyms: blustery, tempestuous, implacable MarjolaineLegros-Hoffner

  11. Caroline Glen JEOPARDY!! When she screamed during a lockdown, she put our lives in jeopardy (danger, risk, hazard, peril). It is a rule that you must remain silent during a lockdown for your safety.

  12. impetus Caroline Glen Never having anything to do gave me an impetus (impulse, incentive, spur) to try new things. I had a hindrance (curb, impediment, constraint) to trying new things.

  13. Retrogress Synonym: Sister says I need to keep up my studies or I might retrogress ( revert, degenerate, decline) into mediocrity. Antonym: During the school year we progress (advance, evolve, progress) in our studies. By: Kaitlyn Fair

  14. Quintessence Synonym: Paula Deen makes the quintessence (paragon, exemplar) of southern cooking. Antonym: Sewer water is not the most quintessential (not the purest) of waters. By: Kaitlyn Fair

  15. DELETE • DEFINITION: (v) to erase, wipe out, cut out • SYNONYMS: remove, cancel, expunge • ANTONYMS: insert, add, retain, include • SENTENCE: I had to delete (remove, cancel, expunge) the words that didn’t make sense in the sentence. By: Cecilia Romo

  16. By: Cecilia Romo DEMISE • DEFINITION: a death, especially of a person in a lofty position. • SYNONYMS: decease, passing away • ANTONYMS: birth, beginning, commencement • SENTENCE: When I was 5, I mourned the demise (decease, passing away) of my pet gerbil.

  17. Punitive By: Shelby Mire • (adj.) inflicting or aiming at punishment • The general led a punitive (penalizing, retaliatory) expedition against the rebel forces.

  18. Redress By: Shelby Mire • (verb) to set right, remedy • An apology can go a long way to redress (to rectify, correct, mitigate) the hurt feelings caused by an insensitive comment or a thoughtless act. • (noun) relief from wrong or injury • The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they suffered in the train crash.

  19. MeticulousBy: Caitlin Sowney (Adj.) extremely careful; particular about details If you have a full time job outside the home, you may find it exceeding difficult to be a meticulous(fastidious, painstaking, fussy) housekeeper. If you have a job outside the home, and have several children, it is possible that you will seem to be a (careless, negligent, sloppy) housekeeper.

  20. NostalgiaBy: Caitlin Sowney (Noun) a longing for something past; homesickness - Looking at old scrapbooks and reading old letters can bring on a vague sense of nostalgia (syn. None) for days gone by and friends no longer near.

  21. Adversary By: Lizzie Rohricht • (noun) an enemy, opponent • Synonyms: antagonist, rival, foe • Antonyms: friend, ally, supporter, confederate • Synonym Sentence: We got really frustrated with our adversary (antagonist, rival, foe) on the volleyball court when they got the point. • Antonym Sentence: On the weekends, I hang out with my friend (ally, supporter, confederate).

  22. Alienate By: Lizzie Rohricht • (verb) to turn away; to make indifferent • or hostile; to transfer, convey • When someone is mean to me, they alienate (separate, drive apart, estrange) us. • When someone smells really good, they attract (befriend, captivate, reconcile) other people.

  23. Holocaust • (noun) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering • The survivors of the holocaust (conflagration, devastation, annihilation) are often asked to tell their story. By: Eileen Kile

  24. Artifice Skillful or ingenious device ;a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery

  25. coerce To compel ,force

  26. sources http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iLf522Qf-ww/UMGxnCXNp4I/AAAAAAAAQ8Y/p10hB8e4iVk/s1600/Being+forced+to+work+in+order+to+collect+private+bank+notes+just+to+survive+is+called+slavery.jpg http://www.sheridanhoops.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/LeBron-James.jpg http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4984035789767677&pid=1.7

  27. Verbatim Definition-(adj.,adv.) word for word; exactly as written or spoken Synonyms- When tommy made his speech, he (verbatim, exactly, precisely) copied his friend Jims speech. Antonyms- Making sure not to plagiarize Susie (paraphrased) the paragraph of information, then cited it.

  28. Warily Definition- (adv.) cautiously, with great care Synonyms- The skateboarder (warily, carefully, prudently, gingerly) did his trick so he wouldn’t fall off and break a bone. Antonyms- The race car drive (recklessly, heedlessly, incautiously) was driving, therefore he swerved and his another car.

  29. When Puffer fish augment (Enlarge, Supplement, amplify), they aren’t happy! • Russian dolls do not augment (decrease, diminish) at all. By: Andrea Ricker Class:4 Augment

  30. * Bereft * • Individuals who live to be very old may eventually find themselves completely bereft (bereaved) of friends and family. • George Vanderbilt berefted(replete, well provided) his family.

  31. Sojourn (n.) a temporary stay (v.) to stay for a time (n.) How long was you sojourn ( a temporary stay) to Paris? (n.) Living in Pairs is very different then living in the United States (v.) I sojourned (to stay for a time) to Spain for the summer. (v.)When I departed from Spain was very hard.

  32. Title and Content Layout with List • Click to edit Master text styles • Second level • Third level • Fourth level • Fifth level

  33. Title and Content Layout with Chart

  34. Two Content Layout with Table • First bullet point here • Second bullet point here • Third bullet point here

  35. Two Content Layout with SmartArt • First bullet point here • Second bullet point here • Third bullet point here

  36. Vocab so FAB! • By Sanielle Townsend

  37. Opulent • To be wealthy, luxurious. • Synonyms: rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant • Antonyms: poverty-stricken, wretched, destitute

  38. Pliable • Easily bent, flexible • Synonym: supple, adaptable, resilient • Antonyms: rigid, inflexible, recalcitrant

  39. adverse (adj.) having a deep-seated distaste; opposed, unwilling • You are not likely to become a marathon runner if you are (disinclined, loath) to strenuous exercise. • If you are(favorably disposed, eager, keen) to take tests than you were more than likely dropped on your head when you were a child.

  40. Belligerent (Adj.) given to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive; (n.) one at war, one engaged in war • I did not expect such a (assertive, truculent, pugnacious) answer to my request for directions. • I never realized how (peaceful, conciliatory, placid) listening to classical music can be.

  41. Vocab PowerPointBella Parlette

  42. Exhilarate (v.) • We need to exhilarate (enliven, cheer, liveliness, stimulate, excite, gladden.) the crowd during the basketballgame tonight.

  43. Fallow (v. n. adj.) • V. The farmer needs to fallow the land over there. • N. The fallow land is so unpleasant to see. • Adj. I pass fallow(unproductive, dormant, inert.)land everyday to school.

  44. *All pictures were from Google Images*

  45. adulterate By: Adreanna Parlette

  46. Ambidextrous By: Adreanna Parlette

  47. Synonyms & Antonyms Antonyms Synonyms The girl was (deceitful/deceptive/hypocritical) in writing things. The woman in the class is (right-handed/left-handed/dextral) only.

  48. Picture This shows a picture of a girl who is able to write with her two hands. She is ambidextrous

  49. Antonyms & Synonyms Antonyms Synonyms The oil (contaminates/pollutes/sullies/) the water in the ocean. The filter in the water bottle is there to (purify/purge/expurgate) the tap water.

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