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Youth Competence Centers (YCC) in Antwerp aim to boost the self-image of underprivileged young individuals through skills development programs, job training, and empowerment initiatives. Key services include leisure activities, competence recognition, and work placement support. The YCC collaborates with various organizations and offers personalized guidance to enhance competence and confidence among youth. Young people are encouraged to participate voluntarily in these programs for personal growth and community integration.
Youth Competence Centres (YCC) integrated youth policy city of Antwerp
Background • Total number of young people in Antwerp: 140 705 (29.2%) • Metropolitan Antwerp context ~ school arrears (secondary education): 32 426 young people (39% in Antwerp, 35 % in Ghent, 21% in Flanders) ~ youth unemployment: 28.54 % (16.71% in Flanders) • Leads to: ~ negative experiences with social institutions (school, work, VDAB - the Flemish public employment and vocational training service, police, …) ~ no believe in oneself ~ reproach about the lack of appropriate competences or attitudes ~ negative spiral 2
Objective General: Let (unskilled) young people develop a more positive self image so that they can form part of the community and enhance their position. Achieve this by describing their competences in a positive way and give them the opportunity to develop these competences. 3
Priority target group • Less privileged young people between 16 and 25 years old. Recognition of competences: not so easy for the target group (and for many other young people). • YCC is open to all young people and organizations that work with young people. 4
YCC: what? • Low-threshold centre for young people with an integrated operation based on 3 elements: 1. leisure: youth centre, event office, WKJ-working 2. competence development: consciously work with young people to recognize, determine and develop their competences + EVC-expertise (Previously Acquired Skills) 3. work and training: job competence consultants, job application training, support to find an appropriate training or a job. Apart from a specific offer per element, the YCCs work on the internal referral between the pillars and referral to external partners. Young people voluntarily take part. 5
YCC: year 2009-2010 • Strong cooperation between the 3 YCCs and the city by means of cooperation agreements. • Priority in Antwerp European Youth Capital 2011 • Reach 2009: ~ approximately 45 000 participations to leisure activities ~ approximately 800 young people participated in training and supervision; ~160 young people participated in competence programmes; ~ expertise sharing: information for about 30 organizations (youth work, colleges of higher education, international delegations, …); ~ guidance to work and training: 72 intensive guidance files (actual steps in the search for work), 148 contacts with young people. 7
The WAC… W Work (related) A Acquired C Competences Mostafa: youth worker from 2000 until 2009, a local (from the neighbourhood). Since 2009: stepstone between the street and work. 9
Priority target group WAC The priority target group of our WAC-counsellor: * +18 and qualified * +18 unqualified (MOST) * +18 economic crisis unemployed School dropout, unemployed, vulnerable How? * outreaching * networking * streets and squares !!! Accents on competence development 10
JES – RAC and WAC counsellors YCC Deurne: 1 RAC-counsellor 1 WAC-counsellor Youth workers and other employees YCC Zappa 1 WAC 1 RAC (Zappa) All other employees by Zappa YCC De Branderij 1 RAC - counsellor 1 WAC – counsellor All employees: 11
RAC and WAC RAC – guidance: can be individual or group based 3 counsellors (2 JES + 1 Zappa) 100 youngsters in Branderij + 80 Zappa + 50 Deurne WAC – guidance: can be individual or group based (trainings) 3 counsellors (3 JES) 40 youngsters each cooperation VDAB (Flemish employment service) cooperation Levanto (Deurne), Werkhaven (Zappa) RAC and WAC: empowerment positive active holistic competence development 12
C-stick • To gather and to develop useful methods to work on competences with lowly skilled youngsters : • Become acquainted with terminology (What is a competence? Which competences exist?) • Discover their own competences and be able to talk about them • Translate this in a (digital) personal development plan • A digital portfolio (on a USB flash drive) • Easy to handle for young people • Possibility to update • Possibility to integrate in other web-applications like , the website of the Flemish employment service, vacature.com,… 13