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Peace. Building Character. Peace. Misunderstood when not biblically defined, Jer 6:13-15 First comes peace with God, then peace with men, Lk 2:13-14; Eph 2:14 Expected to live in peace, Rom 12:18 Fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22 Peace must rule (“umpire”), Col 3:15

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Peace Building Character

  2. Peace • Misunderstood when not biblically defined, Jer 6:13-15 • First comes peace with God, then peace with men, Lk 2:13-14; Eph 2:14 • Expected to live in peace, Rom 12:18 • Fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22 • Peace must rule (“umpire”), Col 3:15 • Called to peace, 1 Cor 7:15 • Pursue peace, 2 Tim 2:22

  3. Peace • Absence of conflict, 1 Cor 14:33 • Presence of serenity, tranquility, harmony, contentment, security and safety, Isa 32:17-19 • Wise and righteous, Jas 3:17-18 What is Peace?

  4. Peace • Shalom (Heb): “Everything that makes for a man’s highest good,” wholeness; “completeness, sound-ness, welfare, peace” • Eirene(Grk): Harmonious relationships (with men, nations and God), Heb 12:14 What is Peace?

  5. Peace • God’s people are securely at peace even in the midst of conflict, Isa 32:18-19; cf. Matt 10:34-36 • A life and state in which one is in harmony with God and, if possible, others • The church enjoys this peace, Col 3:15 What is Peace?

  6. Peace • God is Source, Rom 1:7 • Not man (sin, strife, enmity), Gal 5:19-21 • The Father is the Provider of peace, Heb 13:20; 2 Ths 3:16 • HOW? Phil 4:4-9 • Rejoice – Pray – Think – Obey What to know about the Peace of God

  7. Peace • God is Source, Rom 1:7 • Christ is our Access to Peace with God, Rom 5:1 • Safety and security the world cannot give, Jno 14:27 • Peace is in Christ, Jno 16:33 • Christ is our peace, Eph 2:14 What to know about the Peace of God

  8. Peace • Gospel is the Message of Peace, Acts 10:36; Eph 2:17-18 • Most want peace, but reject the gospel, Eph 6:15 • Gospel-contending is not peace-hating, Matt 10:34-36 • Rejecting the truth (gospel) is rejecting peace! Matt 10:21-22; Psa 119:165 What to know about the Peace of God

  9. Peace • Blood of Christ is the Price of Peace, Eph 2:13-16 • Peace does not come cheap! Rom 5:1 • Give up sin to live in peace • We Must Walk in Peace, Rom 8:6; 2 Cor 13:11 What to know about the Peace of God

  10. Peace • Guard Peace, Rom 5:1-5 • From sin because it causes conflict, Isa 59:1-2; Jas 4:4-7 • Diligently Nurture Peace, Eph 4:3; 5:21 (Acts 9:31) • Attitudes of unity, 4:1-2 • Service, not selfishness, Gal 5:15-17, 22 Seek Peace and Pursue It 1 Pet 3:10-11

  11. Peace • In Your Home • Respect and love, Eph 5:22-25 • To Overcome Evil, Rom 12:18 (Heb 12:14) • Toward an enemy, Rom 12:20-21 Seek Peace and Pursue It 1 Pet 3:10-11

  12. Peace with God -Do you have Peace with God?-Is Peace seen in your Character?-Does Peace Rule in Your Heart? Col 3:15

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