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ONLINE. Health Management Goals. Involve employees in the health goals of your program Maximize productivity while engaging employees in the health benefit equation Increase personal responsibility for health Improve morale Provide effective interventions and activities
Health Management Goals • Involve employees in the health goals of your program • Maximize productivity while engaging employees in the health benefit equation • Increase personal responsibility for health • Improve morale • Provide effective interventions and activities • Decrease healthcare costs for you and your employees
Proactive Health Management • Begins before symptoms and disease occur • Promotes health with screening, lifestyle assessment, personal wellness goals, and risk intervention before disease occurs • Tracks progress and rewards change • Evaluates outcome • Gets people involved • Targets risk • Tracks progress • Evaluates success
Flexible Easy to Use Effective Informative Comprehensive
Flexible • The wellness interventions in Health Activity Tracker™ (HAT) can be tailored to work with new or existing program ideals. • Program administrators can also choose to run the program using intervention and lifestyle activity defaults
Easy to Use • Participants log onto the HAT and record biometric data such as weight and blood pressure and any health activities they have completed during the month. • The HAT automatically tracks their progress toward achieving goals, and awards points for healthy lifestyle activities, as assigned by the program administrator.
Effective • The Health Activity Tracker™ improves participation in wellness programs by: • Allocating points for performance and providing recognition for reaching goals • Informing participants of personal accomplishments with monthly activity reports and rewards, and • Encouraging participants to continue making improvements
Informative • Group activity tracking alerts program administrators of participant trends such as: • Level of participation • Number of participants reaching goals • Popular activities and events • Helps program administrators measure the effectiveness of their wellness program. • Allows program administrators to modify interventions based on program goals and participation feedback
Comprehensive • The Health Activity Tracker™ is one of the most comprehensive programs on the market and includes: • Biometric measures • Lifestyle Factors • Intervention Options • Built-in rewards • Automatically computed reports
Participant Benefits • Access the program online • Log biometric data (weight, blood pressure, etc.) and health activities • Earn points through completed health activities • Record fitness activities and aerobic miles • Track progress toward priority health goals • Register completed Wellness Challenges • Monitor changes in biometric data • Log participation in health classes and events • Tally monthly wellness points to be used with the rewards program • Encourages permanent personal lifestyle change
Administrative Benefits • Improves participation in your wellness program by awarding points for performance • Informs the participant of personal accomplishments through monthly activity reports • Alerts the administrator if participation is increasing or decreasing, tallies the number of participants meeting goals, and identifies which events are most popular • Easy-to-follow on-screen instructions help the program administrator customize the HAT to fit your company’s wellness goals • Reports help target at-risk population groups with appropriate interventions • Tracks the progress of individuals and groups
Health Activity Tracker™ Program Overview User Site
Login Screen As the introductory page to HAT, this screen allows you to enter a password that you choose or one that the program coordinator has assigned to you. If you are a new user, click on the “New Users Register Here” link, to set up your personal accounts. (see next slide). This screen also offers a quick overview of HAT, including a summary of it’s features, Coming Events, Monthly Activity Reports, and Self-Directed Study information
New User Registration From this page you can create a new account and begin using HAT. Before creating your new user account, you will need to read and agree to the “Notice to End Users” which provides details regarding Terms of Use and Use of Personal Information.
New User Registration Drop down menus allow you to choose a specific company and/or group that you are associated with. These company/group designations can be associated with the location/branch of the company that you work for and/or the department that you work in. These designations are typically assigned by the program administrator. Your administrator will either assign you a password or allow you to choose a password of your own.
New User Registration Enter your personal and contact information into the system. This information will be remembered when you login, and may also be edited if necessary.
Participant Main Menu HAT’s main menu offers several options for managing and tracking your personal wellness program progress. For help on any section, click the "?" icon to show helpful hints or information about what is happening on the page.
Monthly Health Activities • General Activities • Coming Events • Announcements • Messages
Monthly Health Activities General Activities • General Activities are detailed as specified in multiple categories and you can view your “Wellness Points” or “Credit” totals for those activities. The changes made in the “Report Activities” menu are reflected on this screen. • General Activity categories include: • Key Health Practices • Health Events • Wellness Challenges • Self-Study Projects • Other Wellness Goals
Monthly Health Activities Coming Events This section helps the program administrator keep you up to date on health and wellness events at your organization or in your area. By clicking on the link for the event you are interested in, you can be routed to either a document or website for more details on that event. Example: The Weight Loss Program link directs you to a PDF document.
Monthly Health Activities Announcements The announcements section is used by the administrator to post information regarding local programs, changes to current programs or prize offerings, and any other special announcements.
Monthly Health Activities Messages Your HAT Inbox is used as a communication tool for the program administrator as well as the designated program counselor. Unread messages are highlighted, and you have the option to archive or delete messages. Note: The Messages section is for receiving messages only – There is no reply function.
Reporting Completed Health Activities Report Activities • Biometric Wellness Goals • Key Health Practices • Health Events • Wellness Challenges • Self-Study Projects • Other Wellness Goals Aerobic Miles
Reporting Completed Health Activities Biometrics & Wellness Goals Enter your latest biometric and wellness goal information for each month on this screen. Because HAT stores your information, you can easily compare your current information to where you were when you initially started the program. Recommended values are listed so that you are always aware of your wellness goals. A summary of goals you currently meet and total wellness credits for the month is listed on the bottom of the page.
Reporting Completed Health Activities • This is where you input information regarding your eating, exercise, and general health habits. The answers entered are automatically calculated into credits based on the criteria established by the administrator. • At the bottom of the page is a summary of Key Health Practice goals that you meet, your Key Health Practices Credits-to-Date, and your total wellness credits for the month. Key Health Practices
Reporting Completed Health Activities Health Events Record newly completed health events by selecting an activity from the drop down menu. You can use this page to keep notes for yourself regarding the selected event. Once the event is saved, it displays under “Activity” and shows you both credits for that event and accumulated credits for Health Events. A running total of your wellness credits is also listed.
Reporting Completed Health Activities Wellness Challenges, Self Study Projects, and Other Wellness Goals Similar to the health events screen, you may select a Wellness Challenge, Self Study Project or Other Wellness Goals from the list of activities, and can make personal notes regarding that particular challenge, project or goal. After the event is saved, your credits are tallied at the bottom of the screen and a running total of your wellness credits is kept for the month.
Reporting Completed Health Activities Aerobic Miles Click on a day to enter or change miles for that day then click “Submit.” The result will show up on the table to the right. Repeat this process to add information for other days. After you are finished, click on the save button. Your aerobic miles for the month and year are summarized at the bottom of the page.
View a Report of Your Monthly Activities • Personal Report • Accumulated Preset Awards
View a Report of Your Monthly Activities Personal Report • With the ability to choose the month and year of information you want to look at, this printable report summarizes the information for the time period you are interested in. • This report is an excellent way to see a summary of a single month’s worth of activity, and compare it through the graphs with your activity from previous months in the year.
View a Report of Your Monthly Activities This page displays the rewards that are available in the program year. A “Yes”, “No” or “Not Qualified” lets you know if you have met the requirements for that particular reward. Accumulated Present Rewards By clicking on Show Required Activities, you can see the details for each reward, including the dates you are eligible for the reward. You can also view your reward history by entering specific start and end dates.
My Settings • Update Your Personal Information • Your Health Data • Change Your Password
My Settings Update Your Personal Information These three screens allow you to make changes to your passwords, update your personal information, and update your initial health data. Update Your Starting Health Test Values Change Your Password
Supporting Sites Example: • Wellsource® Online Wellness Center™ • …a comprehensive online health improvement and wellness education website where users can learn how to… • Improve their health • Prevent disease • Manage chronic health problems • Obtain reliable instruction for improving quality of life
Supporting Sites Example: Wellsource Online Wellness Center™ • The Online Wellness Center™ can be fully branded and customized to integrate with your existing website. • The attractive design, related topics, and interactive nature foster rapid learning. • Repeat visits are encouraged with up to date content, monthly features, and current health news.
Configuration Options • Login Page • Login Content • Reports • Aerobic Program • Parent/Group settings • Rewards Program
Configure Your Page Theme Begin your customization process by choosing a pre-set background or customizing one of your own. Pre-set background examples
Enter Your Login Page Text Administrator User
Configure Your Login Page • Decide if you want to require personal information • Select what personal information you want • Name the demographic fields • Enter your own disclaimer text and disagree pop-up notice
Configure Your Reports • Choose whether or not you wish to include the participants Personal ID in the Biometrics Administrative Report • Choose from a drop down menu information you would like your Custom Column to display in your Detail Report
Aerobic Program Configuration Name your Aerobic Program and enter your own text explaining the program to your participants.
Application Configuration Set the following options to configure your program: • Title and text of the admin message to users • Content for “Information” button • Add monthly miles to total miles report • How many points are assigned per aerobic mile • Allow users to update past monthly reports • Max capacity of users in sub-groups • Monthly total points goal • Administrator’s email • “Exit Link” URL
Parent Group/Sub Group Configuration Change the text that the user sees when selecting a group/sub-group to match your organization’s group/sub-group designations.
Reward Program Configuration • Select your reward program type: • None • Preset Reward –Accumulated • Preset Reward – Non-Accumulated • “My Choice” Reward – Type 1 • “My Choice” Reward – Type 2 • Enter the reward program name • Enter the reward program description
Application Management • Manage Groups • Manage User Accounts • Manage Rewards Program
Manage Your Groups Select or add a parent group from the list and add, edit and delete subgroups
Manage Your User Accounts Through this menu you can: • Edit user information • View a user’s personal report • Purge a user name • Set up a user name, counselor, or sub-administrator account