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Bag Biodigester: Conceptual Design Sizing

Bag Biodigester: Conceptual Design Sizing. Engineers Without Borders University of Minnesota Leo A. Kucek 19 Jan 2009. Bag Biodigester: Sizing. L. D. Bag Biodigester: Sizing. L. D. A: 1 m 3 total D: 0.8 m; L: 2.0 m B: 10 m 3 total D: 1.25 m; L: 8.0 m C: 100 m 3 total

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Bag Biodigester: Conceptual Design Sizing

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  1. Bag Biodigester:Conceptual Design Sizing Engineers Without Borders University of Minnesota Leo A. Kucek 19 Jan 2009

  2. Bag Biodigester:Sizing L D

  3. Bag Biodigester:Sizing L D • A: 1 m3 total • D: 0.8 m; L: 2.0 m • B: 10 m3 total • D: 1.25 m; L: 8.0 m • C: 100 m3 total • D1: 2.0 m; L: 32.0 m 1: If D > 2.0 m is available, then use larger diameter

  4. Bag Biodigester:Slurry Fraction L D A: 0.75 m3 slurry B: 7.5 m3 slurry C: 75 m3 slurry Assuming a 75% filled reactor volume

  5. Bag Biodigester:Human Manure • Assumptions • Human produces 1.5 ft3 biogas/ dayi • Human dung produces 0.025 m3 biogas/kgii • 0.45 kg/lb; 0.3048 m/ft • 1.5 ft3 gas/day*(0.3048 m/ft)3*0.025kg/m3 gas = 1.70 kg/ day  ~1.5 kg/day ~3 lb/(person*day)??? i: Water Environmental Federation, 2004 ii: FAO

  6. Bag Biodigester:Reactor Flow Rates V/ν = Θ V = 75 x 10n m3 slurry Θ = 20 days v = 3.76 x 10n m3 slurry/day If ρ = 5% v manure / v water ρ = 5 kg (Dry) / 100 L m = 3.76 x 10n m3 slurry/day *1000 L /m3 *5 kg (Dry)/ 100 L m = 188 x 10n kg (Dry)/day If people provide 1.5 kg (Dry)/day Requires 125 x 10n people If 0.025 m3 biogas/kg Produces 4.7 x 10n m3 biogas/day n = 0,-1,-2 (C,B,A)

  7. Bag Biodigester:The Next Step • Are assumptions reasonable? • Human Manure Output • Slurry Concentration • Length of Biodigesters • Operation (Flows, Valves, Scheduling…) • Biogas Produced • Is a continuous biodigester favorable? • Transport? • Pathogens?

  8. References • Water Environment Federation, “High Performance Anaerobic Digestion”, White Paper, January 2004, http://www.wef.org/NR/rdonlyres/4D51F55C-2CDD-42A0-AB9C-D77C4139F51C/0/AnaerobicDigestion.pdf • FAO, “A system approach to biogas technology”, Posted June 1997, http://www.fao.org/sd/EGdirect/EGre0022.htm

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