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Taxi privileges in The Netherlands. Hubert Andela General Secretary Dutch Taxi Association (KNV Taxi) Moscow, June 4, 2004. Taxi privileges, The Netherlands. Deregulation 2000 – 2004 Bus- and tram lanes Taxistands Rewarding of voluntary quality standard.
Taxi privileges in The Netherlands Hubert Andela General Secretary Dutch Taxi Association (KNV Taxi) Moscow, June 4, 2004
Taxi privileges, The Netherlands • Deregulation 2000 – 2004 • Bus- and tram lanes • Taxistands • Rewarding of voluntary quality standard
Deregulation in The Netherlands • Start 2000 - Evaluation 2004: prices public taxi’s + 25% lower quality in 4 biggest cities • Re-regulation needed: national: - professional skills exams (2003) - drivers exams (juli 2004) - voluntary quality system (ISO+)(2004) local: e.g. Amsterdam and Rotterdam
Bus- and tram lanes in Amsterdam Driver’s exam for permit tram- and bus lanes - streetknowledge- how to handle aggresion of passengers- knowlegde of dutch language (indirect) Some stands only reachable via tram- or buslane (Is in fact re-legislation, since Amsterdam has large numbers of ‘newcomers’, with bad street knowledge and bad dutch)
Taxistands • - - - - (first-in-first-out) / / / / (fish bone) • Sometimes hard to realise because- is habit of drivers & consumer to take first one- space old-city-streets limits changes taxistands- changes taxistands costly • Preferred position if quality mark on taxi(plan Rotterdam)
Rotterdam: safety and taxistand + • many newcomers with little street knowledge and bad dutch and english • ‘repair stimulation’ instead of repair legislation • Voluntary violence-protocol (signed by company + police + municipality): a. direct line to emergancy-callcentre b. assistance police highest priority • Taxistand += Best stands only for taxi’s with quality mark
Voluntary Quality Standard (1) • Taxi Association (KNV Taxi) introduced Taxi Quality Standard (Taxi-keurmerk)
Voluntary quality standard (2) Quality standard = ISO system + demands on consumer service, administrative system, and Human Resource management. • Introduced april, now 11 compagnies certified, 10 in the process • Hopefully used by Tendering authorities Local authorities Consumer
Rewarding of quality mark Rotterdam first with plans for stimulation by giving privileges to certified taxi’s • Best spots in town • Better signs “Taxi” on these spots • Quality mark in illumination
Conclusions Taxi privileges in The Netherlands • Privileges sometimes new way of regulation • (In future) privileges only for certified taxi’s • Pro active role of Taxi Association usefull (e.g. introduction Quality system, negotiations with municipality about privileges, etc.)