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Tropism. Tropisms Objective 16. Plants change their patterns and directions of ___________ in response to their _________________. Growth. Environmental Conditions. Tropisms Objective 16.

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  1. Tropism

  2. TropismsObjective 16 Plants change their patterns and directions of ___________ in response to their _________________. Growth Environmental Conditions

  3. TropismsObjective 16 ***Diagram the way the corn seeds were placed in the petri dish. How did the roots of the corn seeds grow?

  4. TropismsObjective 16 environmental The responses of plants to _______________ stimuli are called tropisms. Gravitropism—the response of a plant to __________; plants grow _________ gravity( ) gravity against up

  5. TropismsObjective 16 Light Towards Phototropism—the response of a plant to ________; plants grow ____________ light. A group of plant hormones Called __________ are involved In many plant responses. Auxins

  6. Flowers Structures

  7. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 Sexual Reproduction--the main angiosperm reproductive organ is a _______________. Flower

  8. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 Flower 4 main parts of a _________________: • Sepals-- ________________ flower parts and encloses the ____________. • Petals-- attracts _________________. • Stamens-- ________________ reproductive structure. Anther—produces _________________ grains (contain _____________). Filament—supports _____________. Outer Bud Pollinators Male Pollen sperm anther

  9. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 Female • Pistils (Carpels)--________ reproductive structure. Stigma—collects ___________. Style—supports ___________. Ovary—contains _________. Pollen Stigma eggs

  10. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 Stigma Pistil Anther Style Filament Ovary Sepal Eggs Petal

  11. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 3 Monocots have flower parts in multiples of _____, whereas dicots have multiples of ________. 4 or 5

  12. FlowersObjectives 14-15, 17 Role of Pollinators Most angiosperms are pollinated by __________. This is an example of a ______________ relationship. Ex: • Other methods of pollination: Animals Mutualistic Bees get nectar : plant gets Pollinated wind

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