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The Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act. Protection for Workers By Sulamita Miguel. Before the FLSA…. Many people worked in what were called sweatshops. These people worked for long hours and with very little pay.

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The Fair Labor Standards Act

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  1. The Fair Labor Standards Act Protection for Workers By Sulamita Miguel

  2. Before the FLSA… • Many people worked in what were called sweatshops. • These people worked for long hours and with very little pay. • They were not government regulated and so the workers had no benefits, no rights, and were at the mercy of their employer

  3. Working Conditions • Workers lacked access to the kind of knowledge and resources that would enable them to overcome the impossible working conditions.

  4. Characteristics of Sweatshops Characteristics of sweatshops included overcrowding, lack of sanitary conditions, no worker breaks or relief, demands to complete a task within a limited period of time, and-as important to the continuance of the sweatshop-the total lack of job security.

  5. Child Labor Children were forced to work in hazardous conditions. Many of them lost a finger or were badly hurt. They were forced to work long hours at a lower wage than adults.

  6. Passing the Fair Labor Standards Act • Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 provided more protection for the workers. • It was passed in 1938, during franklin D. Roosevelt's precedential term. (Appleby, 2005)

  7. What Did the FLSA Improve? • The Fair Labor Standards Act: • provides minimum standards for both wages and overtime entitlement • specifies administrative procedures by which covered work time must be compensated • includes provisions related to child labor, equal pay, and travel time issues • exempts specified employees or groups of employees from the application of certain of its provisions • requires employers to pay workers a minimum wage and overtime when the employee works more than 40 hours in a week • provides exceptions to this rule for professional, executive and administrative employees (employees found to be exempt under these provisions are not required to be paid additional wages for overtime)

  8. References • Fair Labor Standard Act. (2012, June 29). Retrieved from Kansas Department of Administration: http://www.da.ks.gov/ps/subject/flsa.htm • SWEATSHOPS. (2013). Retrieved from Reference for Business, Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed.: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Str-Ti/Sweatshops.html • Appleby, J. B. (2005). Fair Labor Standards Act. Woodland Hills: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

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