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ECTS Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Learn about ECTS implementation in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on a case study from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of East Sarajevo, including workload distribution and grading system adaptation.

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ECTS Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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  1. UNIVERSITY OF EAST SARAJEVOFaculty of Electrical Engineering WORKLOAD, GRADES AND ECTSCase StudyProf. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D. Workshop «ECTS BASICS AND ADVANTAGES»Sarajevo, 10.5. – 12.5.2006.

  2. In order to determine ECTS it is necessary to define the workload needed for various kinds of activities during the teaching process and for the exam.There is no legal frame for the implementation of the Bologna Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which means that the new Framework Law on Higher Education has not been adopted yet. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  3. In the Republic of Srpska, basic assumptions provide the “Law on Amendments and Supplements of the Law of University”, RS, October 2005. The important appointments: • The students’ success in acquiring of the subject is continually supervised during the teaching process and it is expressed in points. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  4. By acquiring of the pre-exam tasks and by passing of the final exam, a student can achieve maximum of 100 points. • The proportion of points achieved by pre-exam tasks and final exam is determined by the course syllabus. • The final examination is unique and it can be in written, oral or practical form. • Students’ success on the exam is described by grades, 5 - failed, to 10 – passed. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  5. Case Study: Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of East Sarajevo The maximum points for the current teaching activity (recommended 50-70 points), as well as the maximum points for the final exam (recommended 50-30 points), are defined for each course.The points for the teaching process achieve through different successfully completed tasks. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  6. The minimum of the required points for the teaching process (it is recommended 50% - 60% of the maximum points) is a condition for the sit to the final exam.If this condition does not satisfy, the student has to pass entry test (at the end of term) which is the condition for the sit to the final exam. Every teaching activity demands certain working engagement of a student - workload, which is directly connect to the number of ECTS allocate to a course. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  7. THE ACTIVITIES BASED ON WHICH STUDENT WORKLOAD IS ESTIMATE • Teaching activities: lectures, theoretical exercises, practical exercises, laboratory exercises, computer exercises, controlled project assignments, etc Each course is base on the certain teaching activities - tasks. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  8. Learning activities and preparations: lecture and exercise attendance, specified short tests, practical and laboratory exercises, book and magazine reading, learning how to analyze other students’work critically, how to find literature on the Internet, etc • Knowledge testing: oral exams, written exams, tests, partial quizzes, oral presentations, continual assessments through tests during practical exercises, etc Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  9. AN EXAMPLE: THE COURSE WITH LECTURES, NUMERICAL EXERCISES AND LABORATORY EXERCISES Weekly class hours:2+1+2 ECTS credits allocate: 6 Term duration: 14 weeks+2 weeks for partial quizzesNumber of Laboratory exercises: 5+5Term is dividing into two parts.Point's distribution: 70 for the current teaching activity 30 for the final exam Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  10. THE CURRENT TEACHING ACTIVITY POINTS DISTRIBUTION Maximal points • Class hours attendance 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Laboratory exercises, 5 exercises  1 point 5 • Test making, onetest5 • First partial quiz evaluation 22 If p3+p4  11 and each laboratory exercise does not grade with less than 0.5 point, student passed this part of thecontinual testing, with points’ grade: grade I = p2+p3+p4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Laboratory exercises, 5  1 point 5 • Test making, onetest5 • Second partial quiz evaluation 22 If p6+p7 11 and each laboratory exercise does not grade with less than 0.5 point, student passed this part of thecontinual testing, with points’ grade: grade II = p5+p6+p7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Total points for the current teaching activity p_total = p1 + grade_I + grade_II • Entry test (if p_total < 35) 44 • Total points for the entry test p_total_e = p9 + 0.5*p_total Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  12. If p_total  35 (or p_total_e  35) student qualified for the sit to the final exam. He/She starts with p_total (or p_total_e) points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Final exam30 Student passed this knowledge test if p11  15. He/She passed exam with P=p_total+p11 (or P=p_total_e+p11) points. Number P is Points’ grade. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  13. CONVERSION OF POINTS’ GRADE INTO LOCAL GRADE AND ECTS GRADE Points’ Grade Local Grade ECTS GradeRemark 95 – 100 10 (ten) A passing grade 85 – 94 9 (nine) B 75 – 84 8 (eight)C 66 – 74 7 (seven)D 50 – 65 6 (six) E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 – 49 5 (five) FX failing grade, but the student may improve knowledge 0 – 30 5 (five) F failing grade, the student must attend lectures again Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  14. At this moment, we do not use the normal distribution rule: A (10%), B (25%), C (30%), D (25%), E (10%),because we have only one academic year experience and statistical data are very small.We have idea to allocate ECTS grades based on statistical data for one academic year.For examples, to test statistical data from academic year 2004/2005, for all first year courses. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  15. ECTS CREDITS CALCULATION AND ALLOCATION BASIC INFORMATION : • Number of workweeks in a year:45 • Total Workload, 45*40 hours 1800 hours • Number of hours per one credit 30 hours • Workload per analyzed course180 hours Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  16. WORKING HOURS DISTRIBUTION – WORKLOAD - ECTS CREDITS ALLOCATION Workload expressed in hours: 150Allocated ECTS credits: 180/30 = 6 Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  17. EVALUATION OF THE STUDENTS' WORKLOAD The teacher estimate the time needed for every activity in the teaching process.The time estimated in total – workload, should correspond to the number of ECTS for that course, as was shown before. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  18. STUDENTS’ OPINION ON THE ESTIMATED WORKLOAD There are various methods for testing the estimated workload. We are using the most common method, an anonymous questionnaire filled by students. Before starts next term, the students have obligation to fill an anonymous questionnaire for all courses from the past term. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  19. MODIFICATION OF THE WORKLOAD OR TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND TASKS If it is notice, that the estimation of the students’ workload had not been done properly, the modifications of the workload (ECTS) and/or modifications of the teaching activities and tasks should be applied.Teacher gives new proposal. Faculty's council of teachers decides about the new allocation of credits. Students' deputies are also members of the Faculty's council of teacher. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  20. QUESTIONNAIRE Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  21. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  22. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  23. Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  24. YOUR OPINION, OBSERVATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING WHAT IS CONNECTED TO YOUR LIFE AT THE FACULTY AND FOR THE FACULTY ITSELF IN THIS TERM OR IN THIS SCHOOL YEAR __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  25. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Prof. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D.

  26. UNIVERSITY OF EAST SARAJEVOFaculty of Electrical Engineering WORKLOAD, GRADES AND ECTSCase StudyProf. Slobodan Milojković, Ph.D. Workshop «ECTS BASICS AND ADVANTAGES»Sarajevo, 10/5/ – 12/5/2006

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