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General Studies Assessment. Leslie Rach Gallaudet University, October 2008 Email: leslie.rach@gallaudet.edu. Top Five Reasons to be your Department’s Assessment Coordinator. Bi-weekly flow of coffee and danish from Pat’s office.
General Studies Assessment Leslie Rach Gallaudet University, October 2008 Email: leslie.rach@gallaudet.edu
Top Five Reasons to be your Department’s Assessment Coordinator • Bi-weekly flow of coffee and danish from Pat’s office. • Filling up spare hours formerly spent obsessing about the election. • Endless opportunities for career advancement. • The occasional chance to hobnob with MSCHE members. • It beats being a sub-prime mortgage lender.
Click the highest number of a statement that is true for you. • I’m new to classroom assessment. • Classroom assessment of students is routine for me. • I’ve helped implement program assessment. • I run program and/or institutional assessment.
Have you ever used clickers to collect data? • Not yet. • No. It’s a bad idea. • Yes. I’m glad I did. • Yes. It was a bad idea. • I’m tired; can’t you just lecture?
Which of the following best describes your department’s view of assessment efforts on campus? • It is critical for improving student learning experiences. • It takes away faculty time from doing original research in the discipline. • It’s okay as long as I don’t have to do it. • I want to learn more about it; I wish I had time.
What is the HIGHEST step your department has achieved, even partially? • Write Learning Outcomes • Develop Assessments • Collect & Analyze Data • Decision Makers Discuss Results • Faculty Alter Instruction Based on Results • None of the Above
What is the HIGHEST step your department has achieved completely? • Write Learning Outcomes • Develop Assessments • Collect & Analyze Data • Decision Makers Discuss Results • Faculty Alter Instruction Based on Result • None of the Above
Click on the EASIEST step for your department • Write Learning Outcomes • Develop Assessments • Collect & Analyze Data • Decision Makers Discuss Results • Faculty Alter Instruction Based on Results
Click on the HARDEST step for your department Write Learning Outcomes Develop Assessments Collect & Analyze Data Decision Makers Discuss Results Faculty Alter Instruction Based on Results
If you reached step 4, even partially, which step actually happened next? • Rewrote Learning Outcomes • Altered Assessments • Collect & Analyze Data • Decision Makers Discuss Results • Faculty Altered Instruction Based on Results • Nothing Happened.
Which step is of most concern to FACULTY? Write Learning Outcomes Develop Assessments Collect & Analyze Data Decision Makers Discuss Results Faculty Alter Instruction Based on Results None of the above
Gallaudet Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes Continued next slide…
Skills based outcomes are easier to assess than dispositions and knowledge. General Studies has gone through an assessment cycle with the following two outcomes: Continued next slide…
Dispositions and knowledge outcomes have proven to be more difficult to assess than skills. We do not yet have instruments to assess these outcomes: Continued next slide…
Average (mean) Student Writing Scores Emerging Mastering
What actions would you recommend? • Based on the writing data I showed, what can we do: • 1. at the course level? • 2. at the program level? • 3. at the institutional level?
Photo Credits • Rubik’s Cube courtesy of cybertvnews.com