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Bittersweet Memories. Topics. What kind of feelings do you have before you come to university? Now, you have lived in university for a few days. How do your feel about your new life here?. Para1 High School Graduation.
Topics • What kind of feelings do you have before you come to university? • Now, you have lived in university for a few days. How do your feel about your new life here?
Para1 High School Graduation • At a high school graduation ceremony in the United States, the students, dressed in “caps and gowns”, parade into the auditorium while music is played. Before officially graduating, the tassel (穗) is on the right side of the cap. After speeches from the principal, honored guests, visiting alumni, and so on, the name of each student is read loud. That student comes to the stage, gets his or her diploma and the tassel is moved to the left side to symbolize that the student is now a graduate.
P1 L1 … are as much a part of me now as they were twenty-one years ago. —are still with me, I can still feel them, just as deeply as I felt them twenty-one years ago. —仍像21年前那样是我整个身心的一部分。
P2L2 come of age • Become legally an adult成年 • You will have the right to vote upon coming of age.
P2 L2 on my own • Alone, without anyone else独自的,独立的 • How can you expect me to finish the whole project totally on my own?
P2L3 looking over one’s shoulder -keep an eye on sb. 监视 -Sam didn’t realize that the police had been looking over his shoulder for a long time.
P3L3 force sth. on sb. Force sb.to accept sth.勉强某人接受某事物 You should try to persuade him rather than force the decision on him.
P3 L3 preference • A greater interest/desire for sb/sth 偏爱,爱好,喜爱 • Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan. • 许多人强烈表示喜欢原计划.
P3L3 subtly • Not very noticeable or obvious • Not very subtly, he raised the subject of money. • 他没有拐弯抹角,直接提出了钱的问题。
P3L4 Happen to • Do or be sth. by chance碰巧 • I happen to bring my umbrella when it rained. • Do you happen to have some coins?
P3L5 Chicago—海明威的故乡 • 美国第三大城市,伊利诺伊州东北部大工商业城市。位于美国中部、世界第一大湖密歇根湖畔与芝加哥河交汇处,气候夏日酷热,冬季不寒,终年多风,号为“风城”。 • “八小时工作制”的发源地、“麦当劳叔叔”的老家、“天下没有免费午餐”的作坊 • 旅游: 林肯公园(Lincoln Park) 约翰汉寇克中心(John Hancock Center)别名“Big John”(大约翰),是一幢高达100层的建筑物.它的外形像把梯子, 初看有些怪异, 但是建筑结构力学上的一项新的成就.
P3L5 Once it was established that, … • Once it became clear that, …这点一认经定
P3L6 Feasible • Practicable; possible 可行的,行的通的 • The electric car is technically feasible. • 电动汽车在技术上是行得通的。
P3L7 perspective • A particular attitude towards sth; a way of thinking about sth.态度,观点,思考办法 • His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem. • 他在国外的经历使他以更广阔的视角看待这个问题。
P3L7 Concern n. • Worry • There is growing concern about violence on television. • 人们对电视上的暴力内容日见担忧。
P3L8 East Coast • The region of the US bordering the Atlantic Ocean.
P3 California • 加利福尼亚州(State of California)是美国西部太平洋岸边的一个州,美国最富有的州,在面积上是全美第三大州,人口上是全美第一大州。由于早年的淘金热,加州有一个别名叫做金州(The Golden State)。 • 昵称: 黄金之州,金州(The Golden State)州府:萨克拉门托 (Sacramento)城市: 洛杉矶 (Los Angeles)好莱坞(Hollywood) 旧金山(San Francisco) • 景点:死亡谷, 卡尔斯班花田
P4L6 Keep up (with sb. or sth.) • Not fall behind • I’m a slow learner. It always takes me more time to keep up.
P4L7 Assurance • Confident belief in one’s own abilities and power自信,把握 • She shows remarkable assurance on stage for one so young. • 她小小年纪,在台上却泰然自若。
P4L7 Survive • Continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed 幸存 • survive an earthquake, shipwreck • 经历地震,沉船而死里逃生 • The plants may not survive the frost. • 这些植物不经冻。
P4L8 What if…? • What would happen if…?假如…怎么办? • What if we miss the last bus? I can’t walk that long way home.
P5L1 Then panic set in. • Then there came sudden anxiety and fear about the unknown future. • Panic恐慌,惊惶 • I got into a panic when I found the door was locked. • 我发觉门锁上了,十分惊慌。 • A panic decision • 慌乱中做出的决定。
P5 on the bottom rung of the ladder • At the lowest point of a sequence; here, being a freshman at a university.
P6L1 despite • in spite of • They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. • 尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得十分愉快。
P6L1 anticipation • 预料,预期,预测 • In anticipation of bad weather they took plenty of warm clothes. • 他们预料到会变天而带了很多厚衣服。
P6L2 Strains (usu. pl) • Part of a tune or piece of music音乐片段,乐曲 • the strains of the church organ. • 教堂风琴奏出的音乐。
P6L2 Pomp and circumstance • Composed by Elgar, an English composer. This music is commonly played at graduation ceremonies in the United States.
P6L3 echo • 回响,引起回声 • Their shouts echoed through the forest. • 他们的叫喊声在林中回荡。
P6L4 File into • Walk one behind the other in a line into • 鱼贯而入 • The leaders of the seven countries filed into the conference room.
P6L4 auditorium • 观众席,听众席,礼堂
P6L5 consume • 1 Affect strongly; overwhelm. 使不知所措,压倒 • He was consumed with guilt after the accident. • When she learned her husband had been unfaithful to her she was consumed by rage. • 2 eat or drink sth.吃光,喝光 • Bread and fruit are what I consume most every day.
P6L6 In a daze • In a confused state 处于茫然状态 • I’ve been in a complete daze since hearing the bad news. • 我听到那坏消息,一直全然不知所措。
P6L9 Exciting as the prospect of a new life seemed • As-although • Paraphrase -Although the prospect of a new life seems exciting.
P6L12 Abhor • Dislike, disgust, detest or hate very much • Eg: abhor terrorism • (N.) Abhorrence: hatred, disgust • Eg: have an abhorrence of war • (A.) Abhorrent: disgusting, hateful • Eg: Violence is abhorrent to his gentle nature. • 他性情温和,讨厌暴力。
P6L12 commute • The regular travel between one’s home and school or place of work.上学放学或上下班的往返交通 • N /V. • She commutes from Oxford to London every day. • 她每天来往于牛津和伦敦之间。
P7L2 Providence • 罗得岛州首府和最大城市,由罗杰·威廉斯在1636年建立,当时是宗教异议者的避难地. • “二十世纪最伟大的恐怖文学作家之一”美誉的H.PLovecraft出生地,H.PLovecraft几乎在这里度过了自己的一生。他的不少杰作的故事背景就来源于普罗维登斯富有殖民主义风格的长街矮巷里,比如赫赫有名的《查尔斯·德克特·沃德案件》
位于普罗斯佩大街140号的这所老宅是H.P Lovecraft创作于1927年的小说《查尔斯·德克特·沃德案件》(the Case of Charles Dexter Ward)的故事背景所在地。
P7L2 Rhode Island • The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations • 是美国最小的州,名字最长的一个州,第一个接受美国宪法、第一个宣布从英国殖民地独立的州。 • 州府:普罗维丹斯 (Providence) • 最大城市:普罗维丹斯 • 州花:blue violet紫罗兰 • 别名:海洋之州 大多是港湾,罗德岛州有相当长的海岸线,据统计,此州的每一点都至少有30哩的海水,海岸线总计超过400里,所以它的别名是海洋之州,