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Self Concept and Self-Esteem

Self Concept and Self-Esteem. WHY study:. SELF-CONCEPT. SELF-ESTEEM. To have a more positive self-awareness To see yourself honestly and to like or at least accept yourself To remove the internal barriers that keep you from doing your best. What is the difference between. Self-Concept.

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Self Concept and Self-Esteem

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Self Concept and Self-Esteem

  2. WHY study: SELF-CONCEPT SELF-ESTEEM • To have a more positive self-awareness • To see yourself honestly and to like or at least accept yourself • To remove the internal barriers that keep you from doing your best.

  3. What is the difference between Self-Concept and Self-Esteem

  4. SELF-CONCEPT YourVIEWof yourself - - The ENTIREpicture... It changes S L O W L Y

  5. SELF-CONCEPT POSITIVE You see yourself as a LOVEABLE and WORTHWHILE person…

  6. CHARACTERISTICS of people with POSITIVE SELF-CONCEPT Asks questions Persistent – keeps trying – finds new ways to do things Take time to acknowledge personal accomplishments Sets goals

  7. NEGATIVE SELF-CONCEPT You feel uncertain and uncomfortable about yourself - - -you fear possible rejection

  8. CHARACTERISTICS of people with NEGATIVE SELF-CONCEPT Jump to conclusions Look at only one detail and disregard the big picture Minimize achievements Magnify faults Blaming others. What better way to deny our weaknesses than to blame others for our problems or for the world's problems? Being an overly nice people-pleaser or rescuer or self-sacrificing martyr.

  9. BUILDING SELF-CONCEPT Set ATTAINABLEgoalsbased on your WANTS and NEEDS List and develop YOURpersonal strengths and abilities Recognize what YOU have accomplishedeach step of the way LOOK FOR positive relationships with others

  10. SELF-ESTEEM The way YOUTHINK and FEEL about yourself Can change from MOMENTtoMOMENT

  11. HIGH SELF-ESTEEM Feeling POSITIVELY about yourself, your actions, and your future

  12. CHARACTERISTICS of people with HIGH SELF-ESTEEM Seeks the challenge of worthwhile and demanding goals More ambitious in what one hopes to experience in life More capable of having open, honest and appropriate communications with others Self-confident – wants to be with other self-confident people.

  13. LOW SELF-ESTEEM Feeling NEGATIVELY about yourself, your actions, and your future

  14. CHARACTERISTICS of people with LOW SELF-ESTEEM Uncertain of own thoughts and feelings Fearful of change – seeks the safety of the familiar and undemanding People with low self- esteem are often drawn to each other – these relationships are often destructive – hurtful rather than helpful Feels anxious about the listener’s response

  15. BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM Seek to understand whatever has an influence on your life – be aware of the world around you Be respectful toward yourself – refuse to reject yourself Recognize that you are the source of your own choices, actions – YOU make your life what it is

  16. BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM Stand up for your values and feelings – find appropriate ways to express them Take responsibility for identifying your goals Exhibit your principles of behavior to others. Keep your promises and honor your commitments

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