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1a. Run all met fields with OH from Mich.-intercompare + (Mich. compare to data?) 1b. Run all met fields with offline OH, NO3, O3, HO2, JH2O2 hourly from respective trop. Models: Core Team Run trop model and save fields Core team changes model to read hourly data
1a. Run all met fields with OH from Mich.-intercompare + (Mich. compare to data?) • 1b. Run all met fields with offline OH, NO3, O3, HO2, JH2O2 hourly from respective trop. Models: • Core Team Run trop model and save fields • Core team changes model to read hourly data • Michigan delivers data to save for model comparison to observations • Core team runs all 3 met fields with data from trop model (14 month simulation)-deliver by Jan 31 • Feb 1: MICH: Intercompare + compare to data—trop group to consider as part of their “tracer” • intercomparison paper??- or write description paper and intercomparison paper—July completion for submission if money is ever delivered. • Comparison of forcing from met fields-Don has money -Michigan/Illinois Compare Illinois method/Mich method of Forcing – analysis of differences:
1c. Run with AEROCOM phase 2 sources and provide off-line aerosol optical depth calculation—CORE team uses MI optical depth calculation—timeline depends on AEROCOM source specification?? • 1d. Give data set for microphysics tests to Goddard for web site-MI/AER end of month • Debra provides benchmark AER results with Fitzgerald nucleation and Vehkemaeki scheme • Michael provides set of plots that he’s done • 1e. Develop GMI version of FVGCM met fields with full fields in trop + strat fields; Mich to specify fields to save; Steenrod responsible for getting data
2. Core Team: Run aircraft surface soot for 4 met fields: • Different scavenging and sedimentation for varying size (deposition coefficient may be size dependent) • Parametric study of aircraft soot accumulation varying emissions from 9-11, 11-13, 13-15 • Start Feb 1 – 16 runs completed in 2 month 5 – 7 years each • Begin analysis on Mar 1; Paper by Aug 2004 • Sea salt and dust sources based on met fields, DMS??—put off • or
3. Core team: Begin addition of UMaer Microphysics—start Mar 1, 2004- Mar 2005 • 3-4 months to install in 4 met fields + run 1 year • June1 - MI – begin analyze results – 3 –4 months-report in Nov 2005; Compare microphysics in 4 different met fields • Paper comparing use of UMaer model with 4 met fields Documentation + uncertainty due to met fields—Mar 05 to complete
Jun 1 2004, CORE team to add OCS to model-with AER • CORE team adds AER microphysics to GMI (hybrid with UMaer BC,OC, SS, Dust)-start implementation in July 2004, include aircraft sources • Runs ready in Dec. 2004, Analysis Jan – May 2005 (Debra lead-help from Mich)—paper comparing AER microphysics and UMaer microphysics by Dec 2005 for stratosphere + troposphere + effects of aircraft
Scavenging sensitivity study-post doc 2yrs • Compare Harvard scheme with scheme that uses full precipitation and cloud fields (have from CCM3) • Study other models and prepare scavenging scheme consistent with other treatments • Do for all aerosols and radionucleides with Considine