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Parallel and Distributed Programming

Parallel and Distributed Programming. Kashif Bilal. Parallel and Distributed Programming. . Generally We have two types of Distributed and parallel Systems. Multiprocessors ( Shared memory System) Having single memory accessible to every processor Multicomputers ( Message Passing System)

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Parallel and Distributed Programming

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  1. Parallel and Distributed Programming Kashif Bilal

  2. Parallel and Distributed Programming. • Generally We have two types of Distributed and parallel Systems. • Multiprocessors ( Shared memory System) • Having single memory accessible to every processor • Multicomputers ( Message Passing System) • Every Processor has its own local memory.

  3. Parallel Programming Architectures • Generally we have two basic architectures for parallel programming • Supervisor Worker Structure (Master Slave model) • Hierarchy Structure (Tree Model )

  4. Supervisor Worker Model • There is only one level of hierarchy in this structure • one supervisor and many workers. • Supervisor • It normally interacts with the user • activates the workers • assigns work to the workers • collects results from the workers. • Workers perform calculations and send result back to supervisor

  5. Hierarchy Structure • The hierarchy structure allows the workers to create new levels of workers. • The top-level supervisor is the initiating task, which creates a set of workers at the second level. • These workers may create other sets of workers.

  6. Process ….. • A program (task) in execution. • A process is a set of executable instructions (program) which runs on a processor. • Process is basic entity to achieve parallelism in both multiprocessors and multicomputers.

  7. Distributes System Classification • John Flynn classified computers in four categories. • SISD – Single Instruction stream/Single Data stream • SIMD – Single Instruction stream/Multiple Data stream OR SPMD – Single Program/Multiple Data stream • MISD – Multiple Instruction stream/Single Data stream (No real application) • MIMD – Multiple Instruction stream/Multiple Data stream.

  8. Message Passing • The method by which data from one processor’s memory is copied to the memory of another processor. • In distributed memory systems, data is generally sent as packets of information over a network from one processor to another.

  9. Thumb Recognition Example • Suppose we have a database of 10 lack thumb impressions and their related data. • A user comes, system takes ones impression and searches the database for ones information. • Suppose one database match take 1/100 seconds. • To search the complete database, system will take approx. 10000 seconds. i.e. 2.7 hours.

  10. Algorithm for Thumb Recognition Main() { Picture =Capture the thumb impression to be matched Details = Match( picture ) } Match(Picture) { Pick record from database one by one and match it with Picture If (matched) return Details of that record }

  11. Distributed Algorithm… Main() { Receive impression, start record number and end record number from master. Details = Match( picture, start_no, end_no ) Send details to Master or supervisor code. } Match( Picture , start_no, end_no) { Pick record from database one by one and match it with Picture from record no start_no till end_no. If (matched) return Details of that record }

  12. Problem… • How to receive data from supervisor to workers. • How send details back to supervisor process. • How supervisor allocate and communicate with workers. • Etc……

  13. Possible Solutions • Make a new programming language for programming in distributed and parallel. • Change existing languages. • Build libraries and API’s( Set of functions) to perform all tasks related to Distributed and parallel programming like remote spawning to task, communication, synchronization etc.

  14. PVM and MPI • PVM and MPI are two famous libraries used for parallel and distributed programming. • PVM is a bit older than MPI. • MPI is now considered as standard for building parallel and distributed programs. • Both libraries provide different functions to perform different tasks required in parallel programs.

  15. PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) • Started as a research project in 1989 • The Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) was originally developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. • The PVM offers a powerful set of process control and dynamic resource management functions.

  16. PVM….. • It provides programmers with a library of routines for • Initiation and termination of tasks. • Synchronization. • Alteration of the virtual machine configuration. • Facilitates message passing via a number of simple constructs. • Interoperability among different heterogeneous computers. • Programs written for some architecture can be copied to another architecture, compiled and executed without modification.

  17. PVM… • PVM has two components: • A library of PVM routines • A daemon that should reside on all the hosts in the virtual machine. • The pvmd serves as a message router and controller. It provides a point of contact, authentication, process control, and fault detection. • One task (process) normally instantiated on one machine (Supervisor), and other tasks as instantiated automatically by supervisor.

  18. Task Creation… • A task in PVM can be started manually or can be spawned from another task. • The initiating task is always activated manually by simply running its executable code on one of the hosts. • Other PVM tasks can be created dynamically from within other tasks. • The function pvm_spawn() is used for dynamic task creation. • The task • that calls the function pvm_spawn() is referred to as the parent and the newly created • tasks are called children.

  19. To Create a child, you must specify.. • The machine on which the child will be started • A path to the executable file on the specified machine • The number of copies of the child to be created • An array of arguments to the child tasks

  20. Pvm_spawn()… • Num=pvm_spawn (Child, Arguments, Flag, Where, How Many, &Tids) • This function has six parameters and returns the actual number of the successfully created tasks in the variable num. • Child: Name of task (process) to be executed. • Arguments : Same as command line arguments. • Flag : A flag value decides what machine will run the spawned task.

  21. Flag values • PvmTaskDefault • 0 PVM can choose any machine to start task • PvmTaskHost • 1 where specifies a particular host • PvmTaskArch • 2 where specifies a type of architecture • Where : Depends on value of flag. • How Many : Number of tasks to be spawned. • Tids: Array to store Tid’s of spawned tasks. • Return : Total number of tasks created.

  22. n1 = pvm_spawn(“simple_pvm”, 0, 1, “mynode11”, 1, &tid1) • Will create 1 tasks and run executables named simple_pvm on node mynode. • numt = pvm_spawn( “simple_pvm”, 0, PvmTaskArch, “LINUX", 5, &tids); • Will create 5 tasks running simple_pvm onspecific architecture i.e. Linux. • res = pvm_spawn(“simple_pvm”, NULL, PvmTaskDefault, "", 5, children); • Will ask pvm to choose nodes itself.

  23. Task Id’s • All PVM tasks are identified by an integer task identifier • When a task is created it is assigned a unique identifier (TID) • Task identifiers can be used to identify senders and receivers during communication. • It can also be used to assign functions to different tasks based on their TIDs

  24. Retrieval Of Tid • Task’s TID  pvm_mytid() Mytid = pvm_mytid; • Child’s TID  pvm_spawn() pvm_spawn(…,…,…,…,…, &tid); • Parent’s TID  pvm_parent() my_parent_tid = pvm_parent(); • Daemon’s TID  pvm_tidtohost() daemon_tid = pvm_tidtohost(id);

  25. Communication among Tasks • Communication among PVM tasks is performed using the message passing approach, • Achieved using a library of routines and a daemon. • User program communicates with the PVM daemon • Daemon determines the destination of each message. • Communication is generally asynchronous.

  26. Sending Task Receiving Task User application Library User application Library 5 1 4 8 6 2 3 7 Daemon Daemon

  27. How to send a message • Sending a message requires 3 steps. • A send buffer must be initialized. • The message is packed into the buffer. • The completed message is sent to its destination(s). • Receiving of message requires 2 steps • The message is received. • The received items are unpacked.

  28. Message Sending… • Buffer Creation (before packing) Bufid = pvm_initsend(encoding_option) Bufid = pvm_mkbuf(encoding_option) Encoding option Meaning 0 XDR 1 No encoding 2 Leave data in place

  29. Message Sending… • Data Packing pvm_pk*() • pvm_pkstr() – one argument pvm_pkstr(“This is my data”); • Others – three arguments • Pointer to the first item • Number of items to be packed • Stride pvm_pkint(my_array, n, 1);

  30. Message Sending… • Point to point (one receiver) info = pvm_send(tid, tag) • broadcast (multiple receivers) info = pvm_mcast(tids, n, tag) info = pvm_bcast(group_name, tag) • Pack and Send (one step) info = pvm_psend(tid, tag, my_array, length, data type) • The call returns integer status code info. A negative value of info indicates an error.

  31. Receiving a Message • PVM supports three types of message receiving functions: blocking, nonblocking, and timeout. • Blocking bufid = pvm_recv (tid, tag) -1  wild card in either tid or tag • Nonblocking bufid = pvm_nrecv (tid, tag) bufid = 0 (no message was received) • Timeout bufid = pvm_trecv (tid, tag, timeout) bufid = 0 (no message was received)

  32. Data Unpacking pvm_upk*() • pvm_upkstr() – one argument pvm_upkstr(string); • Others – three arguments • Pointer to the first item • Number of items to be unpacked • Stride pvm_upkint(my_array, n, 1);

  33. Data Unpacking • pvm_upk*() • pvm_upkstr() – one argument pvm_upkstr(string); • Others – three arguments • Pointer to the first item • Number of items to be unpacked • Stride pvm_upkint(my_array, n, 1); • Receiving and unpacking in single step • Info = pvm_precv(tid, tag, my_array, len, datatype, &src,&atag, &alen)

  34. Work Assignment (different programs) info1 = pvm_spawn(“worker1”, 0, 1, “lpc01”, 1, &tid1) info2 = pvm_spawn(“worker2”, 0, 1, “lpc02”, 1, &tid2) info3 = pvm_spawn(“worker3”, 0, 1, “lpc03”, 1, &tid3) info4 = pvm_spawn(“worker4”, 0, 1, “lpc04”, 1, &tid4)

  35. Distributed Algorithm… Main() { Receive impression, start record number and end record number from master. Details = Match( picture, start_no, end_no ) Send details to Master or supervisor code. } Match( Picture , start_no, end_no) { Pick record from database one by one and match it with Picture from record no start_no till end_no. If (matched) return Details of that record }

  36. Distributed Algorithm using PVM • Master Main() {Input thumb Impression… Int arr[2]; Int start=1; Pvm_spawn(“slave”,0,0,””,100,children); Pvm_init_send(XDR); for(i=0;i<100;i++) { arr[0]=start; arr[1]=start+999; pvm_pkint(arr,2,1); pvm_send(children[i],) Start+=1000; Pvm_send(picture); } Pvm_recv(-1,-1); }

  37. Distributed Algorithm using PVM • Slave Main() { Int arr[2]; Pvm_recv(pvm_parent(),1); Pvm_upkint(arr,2,1); Pvm_recv(pvm_parent(),-1); Match(picture,arr[0],arr[1]); } Match( Picture , start_no, end_no) { Pick record from database one by one and match it with Picture from record no start_no till end_no. If (matched) return Details of that record// pvm_send(pvm_parent,2); }

  38. Distributed Algorithm using PVM • Master and slave both in single program Main() {int tid = pvm_parent(); if(tid=PvmNoParent) { Write supervisor code Here..} Else { Write worker code here.. } }

  39. PVM Master Program #include <stdio.h> #include <pvm3.h> int main() { int myTID; int x = 12; int children[10]; int res; myTID = pvm_mytid(); printf("Master: TID is %d\n", myTID); res = pvm_spawn("slave", NULL, PvmTaskDefault, "", 1, children); if (res<1) { printf("Master: pvm_spawn error\n"); pvm_exit(); exit(1); }

  40. pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&x, 1, 1); pvm_send(children[0], 1); pvm_recv(-1, -1); pvm_upkint(&x, 1, 1); printf("Master has received x=%d\n", x); pvm_exit(); return 0; }

  41. How to Compile and Execute? • gcc -I /opt/pvm3/include myprogram.c -L /opt/pvm3/lib/LINUX/ -lpvm3 -o myprogramexe • Illustration: • gcc = C Compiler • -I = Include • opt/pvm3/include = Path (include files) • myprogram = Name of source code file • -L = search path info as well as the pm3 lib • -o = output file

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