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SDO/DATT & DAO/SCO Cooperation and Integration Policy and Vision

THIS SLIDE IS UNCLASSIFIED. SDO/DATT & DAO/SCO Cooperation and Integration Policy and Vision. Overview. A Little SDO/DATT History Program Particulars Where We Are Today Future Considerations. SDO/DATT Program Origin.

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SDO/DATT & DAO/SCO Cooperation and Integration Policy and Vision

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  2. UNCLASSIFIED Overview • A Little SDO/DATT History • Program Particulars • Where We Are Today • Future Considerations

  3. UNCLASSIFIED SDO/DATT Program Origin • “I am today announcing my decision to designate a Senior Defense Attaché in each foreign country to increase the efficiency of our Attaché work at the embassies in which they serve. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and I will look to this Attaché to supervise and coordinate the work of all U.S. Attachés assigned at particular embassies, to make certain that the needs of the ambassadors are filled and to be the senior representative of the Department of Defense at the embassy at which he is stationed. The Senior Defense Attaché in each country will report to me through the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

  4. UNCLASSIFIED SDO/DATT Program Origin • “I am today announcing my decision to designate a Senior Defense Attaché in each foreign country to increase the efficiency of our Attaché work at the embassies in which they serve. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and I will look to this Attaché to supervise and coordinate the work of all U.S. Attachés assigned at particular embassies, to make certain that the needs of the ambassadors are filled and to be the senior representative of the Department of Defense at the embassy at which he is stationed. The Senior Defense Attaché in each country will report to me through the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” ROBERT McNAMARA December 12, 1964

  5. SDO/DATT Program Origin • In 2003, SECDEF determined the need to designate one principal DoD official in US Embassies. • Senior Defense Official (SDO) was established as the diplomatically accredited Defense Attaché (DATT). • The concept of Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché (SDO/DATT) was born. UNCLASSIFIED

  6. UNCLASSIFIED A Little More History • Progress Toward SDO/DATT Erratic • USDR Concept – Failed Forerunner Terminated • Secretaries’ Impetus • Staff Study Strongly Supported Concept • Two Years of Coordination • Buy-in by Services, DIA, DSCA, DoS • COCOMS: Supported, But with Concerns • DoDD 5105.75-DoD Operations in U.S. Embassies, 12/07 • DoDI C-5105.81 – Implementing Instructions for DoD Operations in U.S. Embassies, 11/08

  7. SDO/DATT Roles and Responsibilities • Principal DoD official and military advisor to • Chief of Mission (COM) and Country Team. • DoD focal point for all Defense matters. • Represents SecDef, Chairman JCS, GCCMD • Cdr, and other DoD Components to Host • Nation Ministry of Defense and Military Services. • Diplomatically accredited to the Host Nation. UNCLASSIFIED

  8. SDO/DATT Roles and Responsibilities • Supervises the Defense Attache Office (DAO), the Security Cooperation Organization (SCO). • Has coordinating authority over all DoD elements assigned, attached to, or operating from US embassies or otherwise subject to COM authority – except the Marine Security Guard Detachment and Navy Seabees. UNCLASSIFIED

  9. UNCLASSIFIED Program Objectives • Provide the Secretary, the Ambassador, the GCC and Host Nation Military with a Single Point of Contact for All DoD-Related Issues • Foster Unity of Effort While Breaking Down Stovepiping • Expedite Two-Way Information Flow • Integrate Knowledge of All DoD Activities with the Senior DoD Diplomat in Country

  10. UNCLASSIFIED SDO/DATT Program Basics 1 • Guiding Issuances: DoDD 5105.75 & DoDI C-5105.81 • Program Oversight: Joint USD(I) & USD(P) Responsibility Acting on Behalf of SECDEF • DIA & DSCA Jointly Oversee Nomination, Selection & Training Processes • All SDO/DATTs Diplomatically Accredited in Host Nation as Defense Attaché • SDO/DATT is Principal DoD Rep on Country Team

  11. UNCLASSIFIED SDO/DATT Program Basics 2 • SDO/DATT Exercises Authority, Direction & Control Over Both Defense Attaché Office (DAO) & Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) – Like Foreign DATTS in DC • SDO/DATT Exercises Coordinating Authority Over All DoD Elements Under Chief of Mission (COM) Authority Except Marine Security Guards and Seabees • Governing Directive Does NOT Alter Current Billets, Realign Office Budgets or Consolidate Offices

  12. Coordinating Authority • Includes the authority to require DoD elements to inform the SDO/DATT of their activities and of issues affecting them. • Ensures COM is aware of all ongoing DoD activities. • Does not authorize the SDO/DATT to dictate, direct, deny, control, suspend , limit, or interfere with the activities of DoD elements. UNCLASSIFIED

  13. UNCLASSIFIED Where We Are Today • Total Number of SDO/DATTs in place: ~137 • Egypt Initial Location – Feb 2009 • Limited Implementation in a Few Sensitive Locations • Countries Remaining: ~10 • Some on Hold for Political Reasons • Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia Awaiting Review by USD(I) and USD(P) • Expect New Countries to be Added Beyond 148

  14. UNCLASSIFIED Program Feedback • Perception of Program’s Value and Effectiveness – Highly Subjective • Where You Stand… • Most COCOMs Have Turned From Opponents to Supporters (EUCOM & AFRICOM Best Examples) • Feedback – Generally Very Positive • SDO/DATTs & Ambassadors are Biggest Fans • Ambassadors Value Single POC • Opposition Typically Based on Unsubstantiated Assertions

  15. Responding to Change • SECDEF Guidance on Efficiencies • Budget Realities • Incorporating USD(P) 5132.12, “Consolidation and Reduction of U.S. Defense Attaché Offices (DAOs) and Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs)” • Long Overdue Update – Incorporated into Revised 5105.75 • Results of Better DAO-SCO Coordination • Improved Effectiveness Supports Expanded Training UNCLASSIFIED

  16. DoDD 5105.75 Notable Changes • Allows Assigned SDO/DATTs to Function While Awaiting Letter of Appointment • Specifies Conditions for “Acting SDO/DATT” • Requires Review of Existing DAO-SCO Relationship for Possible Integration/Merger/Consolidation • Provides SECDEF-level Oversight of SDO/DATT Billet Service Distribution • Encourages Use of FAOs for SDO/DATT Billets • Clarifies USD(P) & USD(I) Role in Approving SDO/DATT Nominations UNCLASSIFIED

  17. UNCLASSIFIED Future Considerations • Personnel Adjustments • Supporting Services’ Foreign Specialists • Growth of Navy and Air Force Foreign Area Officer-Equivalent Programs will Force Rebalancing • Billet Downgrades likely where DATTs & SCO Chiefs of Equal Rank • Funding • “Don’t Cross the Streams” Funding Exists Due to Law and Policy • Long Term Goal – Cost Savings via Policy & Legislative Reform • Paradigm Shift – SDO/DATTs to Lead Consolidated Offices • Combining DAO & SCO Admin Functions and Offices

  18. UNCLASSIFIED Summary • SDO/DATT is the Secretary’s Program • Benefits DoD, USG, Ambassador, GCC, Host Nation • Implementation: Started Slowly, now >95% • USD(I), USD(P), DIA, Joint Staff and GCCs Working Collegially to Address Existing Concerns

  19. THIS SLIDE IS UNCLASSIFIED DSCA SDO/DATT PM Paul Gendrolis 703-604-0051 paul.gendrolis@dsca.mil Paul.gendrolis@osd.smil.mil USD(I) SDO/DATT POC Roman Hrycaj 703-692-3250 roman.hrycaj.ctr@osd.mil roman.hrycaj.ctr@osd.smil.mil OVERALL THIS BRIEFING IS UNCLASSIFIED




  23. Coordinating Authority A commander or individual [SDO/DATT] assigned responsibility for coordinating specific functions or activities involving forces of two or more Military Departments, two or more joint force components, or two or more forces of the same Service. The commander or individual has the authority to require consultation between agencies involved, but does not have authority to compel agreement. In the event agreement cannot be obtained, the matter shall be referred to the next senior in the reporting chain. UNCLASSIFIED

  24. Governing Regulations • DoD Directive 5105.75, “DoD Operations at U.S. Embassies,” December 21, 2007 (U). • DoD Instruction C-5105.81, “Implementing Instructions for DoD Operations at U.S. Embassies,” November 6, 2008 (C). • Specific regulations provided by the GCCMDs, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). UNCLASSIFIED

  25. SDO/DATT Oversight • SDO/DATT is the SecDef’s program. • Joint management of the program is delegated to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. • Daily program management is further delegated to DSCA and DIA. UNCLASSIFIED

  26. SDO/DATT Global Picture • There are currently 148 countries identified for SDO/DATT. • DSCA sources 36 SDO/DATTs. • DIA sources 122 SDO/DATTs. UNCLASSIFIED

  27. SDO/DATT Selection • DIA and the GCCMDs manage SDO/DATT personnel requisitions. • Services nominate against those requisitions. • DIA receives the nominations and coordinates with the JCS and respective GCCMDs. • DIA sends the coordinated nomination packets to DSCA for OUSD(P) coordination. UNCLASSIFIED

  28. SDO/DATT Selection • DSCA sends the coordinated SDO/DATT nomination to USD(P) for approval; DIA sends the coordinated nomination to USD(I) for approval. • Once both USD(P) and USD(I) approve the nominations, and the nominee successfully completes required training, OUSD(I) prepares the appointment letters and letters of introduction for SecDef and Chairman, JCS, signature. UNCLASSIFIED

  29. SDO/DATT Appointment • To be appointed by the SecDef, an SDO/DATT must first complete the relevant course work at the Joint Military Attaché School and the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management. • For most SDO/DATT positions, the ideal nominee is a Foreign Area Officer with prior experience as an attaché and as a security cooperation officer. UNCLASSIFIED

  30. DAO/SCO Relationship • Current policy requires that where both DAOs and SCOs exist, they will maintain separate offices with distinct duties and statutory responsibilities. • By directive, they maintain distinct roles and missions. UNCLASSIFIED

  31. Resource Management • The SDO/DATT is responsible for managing a variety of funding from different sources. • DIA funding and DSCA funding come from different appropriations and must be managed according to the respective rules and regulations of each agency. • Funding streams must be kept separate and distinct; there can be no co-mingling or cross-over of funds. UNCLASSIFIED

  32. SDO/DATT Issues • The revision of DoDD 5105.75 is ongoing. • Major changes include policy with regard to consolidation of administrative functions, designation of major subordinates, and sourcing. • Review of DoDI C-5105.81 will follow publication of the revised DoDD and will implement revised policy. UNCLASSIFIED

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