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LEADERSHIP. Papered by: Maha Alonazi Norah Al Hamdan. I am the boss. objective. End of this presentation, we able to: Describe the meaning of leadership Differentiate the leadership from management
LEADERSHIP Papered by: Maha Alonazi Norah Al Hamdan I am the boss
objective End of this presentation, we able to: • Describe the meaning of leadership • Differentiate the leadership from management • Identify the variable of leadership theories and predict the most appropriate leadership style • Identify the nursing leadership characteristics and styles
outline • Introduction • Views on leadership • Difference between leadership and management. • Theories on leadership • Nursing leadership • Leadership style in nursing • Effective leader . • Process model of leadership . • Leadership & communication. • Conclusion • References
Introduction • Today, professional nurses assume leadership and management responsibilities regardless of the activity in which they are involved. Although leadership and management roles are different. • Is defined as the ability to influence others, however, management involves not only leadership but also coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling to accomplish goals and objectives. Other differences are that leader focus on people whereas mangers focus on system and structures.
As nurses, we must demonstrate leadership and management skills in interacting with patients, colleagues, students, physicians and other health care providers.
Older views of leadership include that it involves interaction between members of a group that initiates and maintains improved expectations and competence to solve problem or attain goals.
Views on leadership • Sometimes as a position; • Sometimes as personality trait or a quality which causes other to follow leader's point of view; • Sometimes as power relationship; and sometimes as process. • Older views of leadership include that it involves interaction between members of a group that initiates and maintains improved expectations and competence to solve problem or attain goals.
Management functions
Great Man Theory • It discuses that a few people are born with the necessary characteristics to be great. • Leaders display both instrumental and supportive leadership behavior. • Instrumental activities include planning, organizing, and controlling. • Supportive leadership is socially oriented and allows for participation and consultation. • Many find this theory unattractive because its premise that leaders are born and not made which suggests that leadership cannot be developed.
People may be leaders because they are charismatic. • Most agree that it is an inspirational quality possessed by some people. • Traits could be obtained through learning and experience • Researchers identified the leadership traits as energy, drive, aggressiveness, self assurance, self confidence, friendliness, honesty, fairness and teaching skill. Charismatic Theory Trait Theory
Situational Leadership Theory It predicts the most appropriate leadership style from level of maturity of the followers.
Critical thinking Which one is best for our clinical practice?
Process model of leadership Process model of leadership is offered which is summarizes essential factors & activities that comprise a leadership decision or behavior .this model identify those elements a leader should consider to produce an appropriate and measurable leadership action .the model is composed of three stages :
the three stages for leadership model : Stage 1-identify & analyze the problem . Stage 2-determination of action plan. Stage 3-involve the evaluation of the selected action
1-Identify & analyzed the problem : The analysis stage categorizes elements of the problem This categorization provides a framework to select the critical aspects from the broad organization influences, as well as the actual problem .the analysis stage is composed of the following elements : 1-The event (problem). 2-The participant & their perception . 3-Interpersonal process. 4-Comtrolling forces & limiting factors.
Describe the nursing event : can range from an obvious problem to a feeling of dissatisfaction with the status . Eg: what is the effect on pt. when no effort is made to solve the problem of dietary trays always being late? Certainly the effect on diabetic pt. well be more . • Identify the participants & how they see the problem : all persons from each department who have a direct on a particular activity should be involved in the solution .
Describe the Interpersonal processes between participants: interaction between the leader & group affects the means by which decision are made .the respect it must be shared by the leader & group . Describe the Controlling factor that influence the situation such as protocols, procedures & standards of professional .
2-Determination of action: The process in brief consider the defined the problem & categorizes information about it based on specific information of what ,who &how best to solve the problem ,to arrive best action many alternative solution most be considered & the predictive effort should include the consideration of both positive & negative outcomes of each solution & selection of solution offering the greatest overall advantages & least disadvantages .
3-Evaluation of action: Following implementation of the selection action the result should be evaluated in terms of outcome. The evaluation criteria should be compared to a variety of issues such as : 1-the acceptability of action for particular organization or setting. 2- the psycho-social acceptance of the selection action . 3- the effect direct & indirect on the quality of nursing care
Leadership Characteristics • Interpersonal Skills : Leaders that have earned the trust and respect of their followers can use this trust to move the organization towards the achievements of the goal. These leaders are able to use their interpersonal skills to work through difficult relationships and keep the peace in their departments. They are good at listening and providing constructive feedback. • Creativity Skills: Leaders demonstrating creativity skills are able to develop innovative solutions to old problems. The creative leaders are able to translate technical information into solutions that are understood by everyone.
Organizational Consciousness: understand what the organization wants to achieve and know how it can be accomplished. Confidence: Leaders need to carry themselves with confidence and they must be able to learn from criticisms and are often acutely aware of their own shortcomings. Confident leaders are able to maintain a calm demeanor even during emergencies.
Flexibility: Leaders demonstrating of their ability to remain flexible and adapt their leadership style to meet the demand of the current work environment. they must be able to work with others to meet organizational goals and shift focus as necessary. • Communication Skills: Leaders demonstrating communication skills are both good speakers and listeners. Through their words they can help keep the workforce motivated and committed. They also listen to their followers and ask questions when they want to make sure they have a good understanding of what is being expresses.
Effective Leaders • Should be honest. • should do what they say they will do. They keep their promises and follow through on their commitments. • Should make sure their actions are consistent with the wishes of the people they lead. They have a clear idea of what others value and what they can do. • should admit to their mistakes. • Should create a trusting and open climate. • Should help others to be successful and to feel empowered. • Should not push too much. They encourage members to do more but know when it's too much.
Ten basics elements for good communication 1-clarify your idea before communicating to others . 2-consider physical sitting . eg: light ,condition. 3-consider psychological environment. eg: such as people's state of mind. We all tend to feel happier and more receptive to information when the sun shines. if someone has personal problems like worries about their health or marriage then this will probably affect them. 4-consult with others when necessary to be sure your information is accurate.
5-be mindful of the tone as well as words of the message. eg: high voice . 6-take the opportunity to convey something of help or praise to the receiver . 7-follow up your communication. eg: by question . 8-nonverbal behavior should support communication eg; facial expression ,eye contact . 9-be an active listener. eg: don’t look to the watch during communication with other . 10-be assertive when expressing your view .
Communication barrier Physical barriers : are often due to the nature of the environment. for example: the distractions like background noise, poor lighting or an environment which is too hot or cold can all affect people's morale and concentration which is interfere with effective communication.
Attitudinal barriers : come about as a result of problems with staff in an organization. for example: the personal attitudes of individual employees which may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work, brought about by insufficient training to enable them to carry out particular tasks, or just resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and ideas.
Physiological barriers : may result from individuals' personal discomfort. for example: by ill health, poor eye sight or Hearing difficulties.
Different languages : When you choose the words for your message remember that you are a member of a particular culture or subculture and that you know the code. Barriers also exist because words can be interpreted in more than one way. Always try to use words your audience will understand it.
activity • Describe one leader in your area with emphasize on the three style • Are you leader? Why?
Play Role You are ER nurse, you receive 5 year old boy, with medical history of renal failure on peritoneal dialysis at home, child has weak pulse, no breathing, pale. Are you the leader in this situation? Why?
conclusion • nurses assume leadership and management responsibilities regardless of the activity in which they are involved. • leadership and management roles are different. • leadership include that it involves interaction between members of a group that initiates and maintains improved expectations and competence to solve problem or attain goals. • Leadership Style Theories: • Autocratic, • Democratic • Laissez-faire • Leadership style in Nursing • Authoritarian • Democratic • Laissez-faire
conclusion Keep in mind that great leaders are not born they are made and also keep in your mind that great leaders are also not infallible and that a great leader they are learn from their mistakes
References 1-leadership & management in nursing ,2006,third edition . 2-from management to leadership ,practical strategies for health care leaders,2005,second edition 3-BT Basavanthappa. (2009). NursingAdministration, second Edition, Leadership in Nursing(pp 35-67). Jitendar P Vij. 4- Tomey, A (2000). Nursing Management and Leadership, sixth Edition, theories of Leadership (pp 137-146). Mosby.