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HOW DID LIFE START? . Fransisco Redi (1668) Disproved “Spontaneous Generation Theory” People previously believed in abiogenesis : life comes from nonliving things . Fransisco Redi (1668). Showed this with an experiment using maggots and meat (meat without flies did not develop maggots) .
HOW DID LIFE START? FransiscoRedi (1668) • Disproved “Spontaneous Generation Theory” • People previously believed in abiogenesis: life comes from nonliving things
FransiscoRedi (1668) • Showed this with an experiment using maggots and meat (meat without flies did not develop maggots)
Louis Pasteur (1859) • First stated the Law of Biogenesis (all life is from other life) • Conducted an experiment using S-shaped flasks and beef broth
Louis Pasteur (1859) • The S - shape allowed air to enter the flask, but not contaminants • No microbes grew in the flask • When the flask was broken so contaminants could get in, microbes started to grow.
Oparin and Haldane (1920) • Believed a combination of carbon dioxide, ammonia and ultraviolet radiation made organic compounds. • The early sea was “primordial soup” containing large populations of organic monomers and polymers.
Oparin and Haldane (1920) • Haldane believed groups of monomers and polymers evolved lipid membranes, and that these developed into the first cell
Miller and Urey (1950) • Tried to answer how organic molecules could have arisen in early earth • Simulated the conditions of early Earth in a laboratory setting (made primordial soup)
Miller and Urey (1950) • Produced amino acids (organic molecule) by passing electricity through a mixture of hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water. • Controversy over results • Scientists have been able to reproduce the experiments
FROM PROKARYOTES TO EUKARYOTES (how the cells evolved) • The first cells were prokaryotic (no nucleus) and anaerobic (no oxygen) • By 2.2 bya photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) were releasing oxygen into the air
FROM PROKARYOTES TO EUKARYOTES • The rise of oxygen in the air caused aerobic prokaryotes to evolve. • About 2 bya eukaryotic cells started to form
The endosymbiotic theory says that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes that were living symbiotically (today those prokaryotic cells are seen as chloroplasts and mitochondria)