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1607. Year in which representatives of the Virginia Company of London established the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown , Virginia. Mayflower Compact.
1607 • Year in which representatives of the Virginia Company of London established the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Virginia.
Mayflower Compact • Written in 1620 by male Pilgrims on the Mayflower. Created government where none had existed based on majority rule. A social contract where all agreed to abide by these rules in the colonies.
Slave Trade • The buying and selling of millions of Africans to North America.
Plantation System • System of agricultural production based on large scale landownership; depended upon slave labor; Assisted in the development of an agrarian society in the South
New England Colonies • Along the Atlantic Coast • Subsistence farming • Poor soil • Cold climate • Forests • Economic factors: raw materials, logging, fishing shipbuilding • Political factors: town meetings, representative government • Social factors: small coastal towns (Boston only large city) • Religious factors: Puritans, Pilgrims • Rich soil • Broad, deep rivers • More natural ports • River valleys • Mild winters • Raw materials • Economic factors: large farms, logging, fishing, shipbuilding • Political factors: more tolerance; diversity • Social factors small coastal towns (Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York were large cities) • Religious factors: Quakers, Catholics
Southern Colonies • Appalachian Mountains • Navigable rivers • Richer soil • Warm climate • Raw materials • Economic factors: plantations, cash crops, tobacco, rice, cotton • Political factors: more slaves, more class-based society • Social factors and small coastal towns (Savannah, Charleston were large cities) • Religious factors: Church of England, Catholics (Maryland), more diverse
Great Awakening • Religious movement in the 1730s and 1740s. • Preached personal salvation as opposed to the Puritan beliefs of pre-destination. • JONATHAN EDWARDS – one of the best known preachers of the time – his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” urged believers to develop a personal relationship with God. • This movement revitalized American religion by adding emotion. The Abolitionist Movement began in response to the Great Awakening.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut • First written constitution in the colonies; document that people had the right to elect governors, judges, and a legislature. Was written by the people; the fact that it was written down gave the document credibility.
Mercantilism • Economic theory in which a nation’s wealth is based on the amount of revenue is generated from its colonies. • The more gold and • silver a nation has • determine its • wealth.
Triangular Trade Route • Trade route from: • Europe→Africa • Africa→West Indies • West Indies→Europe
House of Burgesses • First elected body of representatives in the American colonies; met in Williamsburg, Virginia. • Based on Parliament.
Middle Colonies • Rich soil • Broad, deep rivers • More natural ports • River valleys • Mild winters • Raw materials • Economic factors: large farms, logging, fishing, shipbuilding • Political factors: more tolerance; diversity • Social factors small coastal towns (Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York were large cities) • Religious factors: Quakers, Catholics
Effects of Physical and Human Geographic Factors on Major Historical and Contemporary Events • Physical geographic factors – proximity to Atlantic coastline determined where settlements/colonies were created • The New England Middle colonies had access to waterways that resulted in high population and larger urban areas. • Southern colonies had an abundant amount of fertile soil that resulted in an agricultural society • Human geographic factors – removal of the Native Americans, disease and conflict (ex. Georgia as a buffer between the other British colonies and Spanish Florida)