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Becky. Activity 2. Becky wants to be a choreographer as a career. She has realised that she needs to gain certain qualifications to achieve this.
Becky Activity 2
Becky wants to be a choreographer as a career. She has realised that she needs to gain certain qualifications to achieve this. • Imagine that Becky was telling you the story that she tells on the DVD – you are Becky’s form tutor and are preparing a reference for her. What are you going to praise Becky for? • Think of things she has said. • Think of things she has done. • Think of good personality points
View the DVD Case Study about Becky again. • Draft five points that you would use in the reference. • Then get together with another pair and share the five points. • The reference only requires three key statements about Becky see if you can agree on which three to put forward. • Feedback to the group.
Becky said about playing truant, "In the end it got very boring. I did feel like I was missing out on all the good lessons people were having."
Being bored can lead some people to make decisions they later regret. In your groups discuss what you would suggest students in school and outside school could do if they felt bored. • (Things that are legal). • Year 8 – Come up with ideas for Year 6 (at primary school). • Year 9 – Come up with ideas for Year 7 (at Ninestiles).
Becky made some decisions that she later regretted (truanting) but she took the opportunity to put them right by focussing on something she enjoyed and was successful at. • Within your groupsshare one thing (hobby/activity/sport/leisure etc) that you enjoy and are successful at.
Imagine that you have the opportunity to advertise your skills, successes and personality on a worldwide web page. • Design that page and use some of the ‘My home page’ suggestions to help you decide what to include – don’t forget to come up with some of your own ideas and examples.
Review and reflection • Complete this sentence.... • “I have found out that one way of keeping myself focussed and happy is . . .”