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Verified Norton Promo Code & Coupons To Save Maximum

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Verified Norton Promo Code & Coupons To Save Maximum

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  1. Norton Antivirus- Secure Your Data With The Best

  2. By: CouponsTechie PPt

  3. What is a Virus? A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program, computer boot sector or document and changes how a computer works. Secure your data with Norton Antivirus. Use Norton Promo Code to get discounts on purchase.

  4. The History of the Virus The first computer virus to be discovered in the wild was "Elk Cloner," which infected Apple II operating systems through floppy disks and displayed a humorous message on infected computers.

  5. The types of Viruses • Boot Sector Virus • Direct Action Virus • Resident Virus • Multipartite Virus • Polymorphic Virus • Spacefiller Virus • Overwrite Virus

  6. By: CouponsTechie Worms

  7. Worm Types • the worm can hide itself in messages as a link or an attachment that will redirect the user to an infected website. • this worm masks itself in the form of an “IM” with the contents of a link that will redirect the user to an infected website and then try to gain full access of the machine.

  8. By: Couponstechie AntiVirus Software

  9. What is AntiVirus Software? Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.

  10. The Best Defense • Norton applications scan for all these types of threats during file download, program installation, email and instant message operations, and file copy operations, and when images and other files are added to your browser cache. Norton also scans your existing files on a regular basis. Norton Internet Security Coupon can help you save money.

  11. since its release in 1990, over 100 million people around the world have used it. • the most widely used software is the Norton AntiVirus. (NAV) • it’s a free program but in order to receive live updates, a valid subscription is needed.

  12. By: CouponsTechie Antivirus software: How it works

  13. Norton Antivirus- Best in the world • Norton Internet Security (NIS) provides the same protection as NAV with additional security features such as protection against spam, a software firewall, and features that make web surfing safer (such as Safe Web, Safe Web for Facebook, parental controls, and Identity Safe).

  14. Sandboxing • It is often used to execute untested or untrusted programs or code, possibly from unverified or untrusted third parties, suppliers, users or websites, without risking harm to the host machine or operating system.

  15. Conclusion • We can help you buy Norton Products at cheaper price by giving you Norton Coupons & Promocodes to experience best at lower price. You can easily redeem coupons & avail maximum discounts on checkout page. All the Norton Coupons on couponstechei.com are absolutely free for you. So go enjoy & be always secure with Norton.

  16. Thank You! • For more information on Norton Antivirus & Coupons- • Visit • https://www.couponstechie.com/promo-codes/norton

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