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UNITAR-Thailand GHS Capacity Building. Pesticide Sector.
UNITAR-Thailand GHS Capacity Building Pesticide Sector
Currently Thailand adopts the FAO Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice for Pesticides 1994 to be applied for pesticide labelling and the WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification 2004 for pesticide classification in the country.
Government Sector • The Department of Agriculture is a responsible agency for control of import, export, production and having in posession of Agricultural hazardous substances (pesticides) under the Hazardous Substances Act B.E. 2535 (1992).
Hazardous substances are classified into 4 types according to their needs for control as follows:- • Type Hazardous Substances • Type Hazardous Substances • Type Hazardous Substances • Type V Hazardous Substances
Classification of pesticides were made according to Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Label and Toxicity Level of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture B.E. 2538. Pesticides are classified into 4 categories which are
Ia - extremely hazardous • Ib - highly hazardous • II - moderately hazardous • III - slightly hazardous
According to Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Criteria and Method for Production, Import, Export and Having in Possession of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture B.E. 2538 (revised in B.E. 2547), it is required to
Register and obtain license prior to import, export, production and having in possession of Agricultural Hazardous Substances • Notify quantity of pesticide produced, imported and exported
Provide storage and production site(s) and equipment(s) for safety of workers and the environment • Provide training supervisor for sale and fumigation.
Labelling of pesticide is made according to Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Label and and Toxicity Level of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture B.E. 2538.
The label has the contexts and pictogram for safety of user during mixing, using and storing pesticide. It also contains wordings of symptoms of poisoning, first aid treatment and guidance for physician.
Other Departments responsible for pesticides regulation are as follows:- • Department of Fisheries : responsible for control of pesticides in fish culture • Department of Livestock Development : responsible for control of pesticides used as disinfectant, cleaning solution, pesticides used to control ectoparasite • Department of Agricultural Extension : responsible for transfer of knowledge on safe handling and efficient use of pesticide to farmers
New laws to be enacted (1) Notification of Department of Agriculture entitled Basic Properties, Characteristics and Criteria for Production Site of Agricultural Hazardous Substances Licensing.
It is aimed at prevention of hazards caused by pesticide production which may occur on human, animal, plant, assets and the environment by determination on details of location, production factory, equipments, containers, protective equipments, storage sites and other safety provisions.
(2) Notification of Department of Agriculture entitled Basic Properties, Characteristics and Criteria for Having in Possession for sale of Agricultural Hazardous Substances Licensing. It determines details of location, building and responsibilities of pesticide possessor.
Existing laws to be amended (1) Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Determination on Details, Criteria and Methods for Registration of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture. It is required to determine validity of registration certificate. The renewed pesticide registration will be able to use GHS system for labelling.
(2) Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Label and and Toxicity Level of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture B.E. 2538. Label contents and classification according to GHS system will be determined.
(3) Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives entitled Criteria and Method for Production, Import, Export and Having in Possession of Hazardous Substances under Responsibility of Department of Agriculture B.E. 2538 (revised in B.E. 2547). Safety Data Sheet (SDS) according to GHS system will be determined.
(4) Notification of Ministry of Industry entitled List of Hazardous Substances (Third version) B.E. 2548 (2005). It is required that responsible agencies shall also control chemicals according to the purpose of use.
Business & Trade Sector • There are two associations concerning pesticide namely, Thai Crop Protection Association and Thai Agri-Business Association. Each association has pesticide import, export, production and distribution companies as members. These pesticide companies follow FAO Code of Conduct for Distribution and Use of Pesticdes.
Pesticide Business in Thailand comprises of multinational companies 5-7%, medium and large companies 40-45% and small companies 45-55%. Among them are 83 producers, 174 importers, 453 distributors and 138 fumigators.
Classification on type and toxicity of pesticide is based on the information and data generated by basic manufacturer in foreign country according to OECD Guidelines and follow good laboratory practice (GLP). The generated data shall be comparable to WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification.
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) produced by multinational companies should be submitted when apply for import license.
Both pesticides associations cooperate with Department of Agriculture in providing training course on safe use of pesticides to farmers.
Multinational companies implement responsible care system and product stewardship together with ISO 14000 in order to have recording keeping system, risk assessment, reporting and inspection.
Only large and multinational companies can implement GHS system for classification and labeling of both single and mixed pesticides. Small enterprises are not able to implement GHS system.
The small label makes it impossible to contain necessary safety information. There is a possibilty of implementation of GHS system of labelling on big containers i.e. carton box, or metal or steel or plastic drum, or gunny or plastic bag.
Civil Society • Certain groups of civil society are interested in chemical hazard communication such as Alternate Agricultural Network, Consumer’s Foundation and Environmental Network of Chulalongkorn University. The Fruit GrowersGroup disseminates safety information on website http://www.chaosuan.com about safe and correct method for pesticide application.
The Environmental Network of Chulalongkorn University posted information on pesticide about SDS, hazard, REACH, industrial chemical and laws on thewebsite http:// ww.chemtrack.org etc.
There were 2 cases of pesticide accident. • The first one was on 5 June 2003 at Tambol Lumpakkud, Amphur Thanyaburi, Pathumthani, where 10 bottles of ammonium hydrogen phosphate and potassium nitrate were broken and caused annoyance to neighbours.
The second accident was on 28 June 2003, at Pesticide storage of Phattalung Provincial Agricultural Office where fire took place but could be extinguished within 30 minutes.
Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, MOPH, reported that during 1993-2002 there were 33,239 pateints caused by pesticides (average 3,323 pateints per year) and died 263 persons (average 26 persons per year).
The rate of sickness was highest in the year 1998 (6.7 per 100,000 capita), in the northern region (16.21 per 100,000 capita) at the age of 25-34 years and most of them were farmers.
The insecticide of organophosphate group caused highest number of sickness followed by herbicide of bipyridylium group (paraquar). Farmers’ risk of pesticides were assessed during 1997-2002 and found to increase every year started from 15.96% in 1997 to 29.41% in 2002.
Consumers’ risk of pesticides was assessed by analizing of pesticide residues on vetgetables in Bangkok markets in 2002. Out of 53,431 samples, residues were found in excess of maximum residue limits MRLs of 1,225 samples (2.29%). Chinese kale sample was found to have highest percentage on pesticide residue in excess of MRLs.
Most of civil societies support organic farming and non-chemical agriculture. Members lack of knowledge about GHS system and should have opportunity to be trained about it.
THANK YOU Pesticide Sector