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The PGQM. in Primary Geography. Leading. the way . The Geographical Association Conference Friday 9 th April 2010.
The PGQM inPrimary Geography Leading the way The Geographical Association Conference Friday 9th April 2010
The Geographical Association developed the Primary Geography Quality Mark to support subject leaders who want to develop, evaluate and gain recognition for the quality of their geography curriculum. Using examples of work that have been submitted by Quality Mark schools this session will focus on some of the key areas that show effective learning in geography.
Key principles • identify and celebrate good geography • provide a framework for subject leaders/coordinators to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the geography curriculum • improve for all pupils the quality of the educational experience through geography Hallam Primary School Sheffield
raise the profile of geography within the primary curriculum …and in particular its contribution to citizenship, sustainable development, global dimensions, cultural and social inclusion, using and understanding technology, and in imparting a wide range of skills. Methodist School, Wakefield
The PGQM is underpinned by a self-assessment framework • In your packs Used in conjunction with the Audit Checklist the framework acts as a tool to help subject coordinators identify areas requiring development.
The framework is based on: • The characteristics of geography in your school • How well pupils enjoy & achieve • The quality of provision • Subject leadership and management Linked to the Ofsted Self Evaluation Form (SEF)
Auditing A framework that guides you towardsachieving quality geography for all Prioritising Collaborating Taking action Evaluating
The PGQM self-assessment framework has been used by: • School Leadership Teams who want to engage in a process of whole school supported self-review. • Teachers who are new to the coordinating role and want help with developing geography in their school. • Subject Leaders who want to lead their school through the process of applying for the Quality Mark.
How the PGQMGeography in your school can support you to enhance the quality of 2010
And perhaps on whole school issues: Sustainability Community Cohesion An integrated curriculum with geography at the core It provides a focus forall staff to work together on geography
Pupils are enthusiastic and enjoy their experience of geography Promotes Enjoymentof Geography Getting ready to ‘fly’ to Mexico
shared by other PGQM schools Involvement enables you to discoverexcellent ideasfor teaching geography
Encourages work in The Local Area especially fieldwork Year 3 Local Area topic: Footprints showing the street features of pupils’ journeys to school. Portway Junior School Evidence for C3a
Views map-work and graphicacy as essential parts of geography Evidences for 1a & 3a Two Rivers Special School
Supportsexcellence in geography across the curriculum Foundation Stage Austrey Primary School: Google Maps proved an excellent resource for showing the children a real river. They knew from their story, ‘The Journey’ , where and what the estuary was. Some noticed that the river got narrower. I used the words they had been using to sketch a map of a river. We discussed what the map might be showing, Katie said: It’s here, England
Armed with trowels we start to dig a stream for the Little Red Boat. Stream Building ‘I didn’t know it was going to be this hard work!’
Mushir and the Magic Rickshaw Evidence for C3d In pairs, pupils created a map of the main features of Kalpanagar & the Magic Rickshaw’ story was read. They thought carefully about the main character’s feelings throughout the story, adding emoticons to their Local Studies maps along with appropriate picture images. Promotes connected cross-curricular learning Finally they planned a musical composition to go with the story http://www.geographyteachingtoday.org.uk/curriculum-making/teaching-ideas/music-an-indian-journey/
Making sense of the world through first hand experience Spatial awareness Making connections Creative & critical thinking Investigating issues How could this stream move this tree? Why do the rocks near the water have no vegetation? Looking on the stream bed – what is it made up of? How and when does sediment move? This links to our work on rivers in year 6. What is an island? Discuss why this was a good setting for Swallows and Amazons. Why is this island in the lake? EncouragesGeographicalThinking Thornton Dale CE Primary School
No more relevant subject in the curriculum. David Bell Seeks to developactiveandinformedfuture citizens The energy team at Eastchurch Primary School
The PGQM password protected VLE holds documents, exemplar material and guidance. • Available in full to all schools who register for the award and to all GA members. • http://pgqm.geography.org.uk • Contact jbeattie@geography.org.uk for your individual username and password.
Using the PGQM audit frameworkLeader or Manager? What underpins effective subject leadership? • Use the audit document to choose 4 elements that you feel underpin effective subject leadership. • http://www.geography.org.uk/download/GA_PGQMAuditChecklist.pdf
My choices • Having a vision • Focusing on distinctly geographical activity & experience • Recognising geographical achievement (knowledge, understanding & skills) • Staff development
"The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion." • --Theodore Hesburgh, President of the University of Notre Dame http://humanresources.about.com/od/leadership/a/leader_vision.htm
Activity: Geography for the 21st Century • Think about the content and form of geography in your classroom or school. How might you want to reshape this to make a curriculum fit for the 21st Century?
This focus sheet, adapted by Ann Hamblen , is based on a matrix developed by Di Swift for the Valuing Places project – it should not be used commercially without the express permission of the GA : http://www.geography.org.uk/projects/valuingplaces/cpdunits/geographicalimaginations/
Geography that is: made to come alive for children builds on an understanding of children’s `everyday geographies’ and helps to enhance geographical imagination and thinking concerned with their lives, their futures, their world Quality Geography Is concerned withGeography for todayand not yesterday
Often starts with local but is set in the context of the global (community) Concerned with how our world is changing and whether this will lead to a more sustainable future for ALL We are calling this Living Geography
Living geography - starts with me in my community Identity: • Who am I? • Where do I come from? • Who is my family? • What is my ‘story’? • Who are the people around me? • Where do they come from? What is their ‘story’?
… it is about how our identity is shaped by the geography that is all around us My place in the world: • Where do I live? • How does it look? • How do I feel about it? http://www.quikmaps.com/full/47961 Y5 Methodist J & I, Wakefield
… about the changes we experience in our community and wider world My place in the world: • Where do I live? • How does it look? • How do I feel about it? • How is it changing? • How do I want it to change? http://www.gowilder.org.uk/Oyster-Park/index.htm Oyster Park Junior School, Castleford
... and about the world we live in The Physical world: • What is the world (and this place) made of? • Why do things move? • What becomes of things? The Human world: • Who decides on who gets what, and why? • What is fair? • How do we handle differences of opinion?
Geography is ... a way of looking at the world that focuses our learning on what places and the environment are like, why they are important to us, how they are changing and how they might develop in the future. Simon Catling (2004) Primary Geography Handbook
Geographical understanding is enhanced by: Fieldwork andoutdoor learning The use of: graphicacy, ICT, distinctive ways of usingmaps, atlases,diagrams, images, multimedia, digital mapping use of specific geographical vocabulary Activeenquiryskills which are applied to understanding place, space, scale, interdependence, physical & human processes, diversity, ESD Valuing own experience of spaceandplace. PGQM 3: The quality of provision
Geographyis also a key subject: • to engage creativeandcritical thinking about change (locally and globally) and possible futures. • for understanding the worldtheir social/ environmental responsibilityand their place in it. • for underpinning Global Citizenship
2 ways to become involved • If you are a GA member use the Audit Checklist and Self Evaluation Assessment documents to identify aspects of geography that require further work; create an action plan and develop these action points independently of the award process • Register to be assessed for the award and achieve validated Primary Geography Quality Mark status at bronze, silver or gold level.
If you decide to apply for the award – which level should you aim for?
Which level of the award should we apply for? Bronze • Your school will have a small, but core, group of people committed to teaching geography well. This group has an enthusiastic subject leader who is keen to raise the profile of primary geography and to share this enthusiasm with pupils, colleagues and governors. At the heart of this development will be the feeling that a geographical way of thinking about the world is both fun and essential learning for living in the world today.
Which level of the award should we apply for? Silver • There is a whole school commitment to teaching geography well and to the ongoing development of subject understanding. Playing a leading role is a subject leader who has actively led geography for at least the last two years and had a significant impact on the development of the geography curriculum. The majority of staff and children are enthusiastic about geographical learning, and there is a strong sense that geography has become embedded in the curriculum across the school.
Which level of the award should we apply for? Gold • Geography is well embedded across the school and has been the focus for active development for at least the three years prior to the PGQM submission. The school’s expertise is making a contribution to the development of geography in other primary schools. The school leadership team and governors support an application for the Gold award to celebrate the schools status as a Centre of Excellence’.
In conjunction with the above statements, you need to read the PGQM framework (http://pgqm.geography.org.uk/2010framework/ ) which sets out in detail the quality of the geography experience at each level. • GA members are entitled to access this password protected site with a password to access this site – please contact Julie Beattie: jbeattie@geography.org.uk
If you decide to register and apply for the award Completion of the PGQM Application Form (based on the self-evaluation criteria) is the basis of your submission for the award. You will also be asked to provide evidence of pupil work, planning and other relevant school information.
When completing your application you will need to think about ... your audience • the AUDIENCE for the application is the GA appointed school moderator (someone who is passionate about primary geography) … and
… your PURPOSEis to: • celebrate the characteristics of geography in your school • show how effectively children learn geography and whether they enjoy their learning • communicate how you provide for quality learning in geography and whether your provision is having an impact on children as learners • demonstrate how effectively the subject is led and managed
If you are interested in finding out more about the PGQM • Contact jbeattie@geography.org.uk for further details. • or go online at http://www.geography.org.uk/eyprimary/primaryqualitymark/ to register your interest. • For professional advice contact Wendy North wnorth@geography.org.uk
Other websites: • CPD Unit: `Subject leadership in the primary phase’ http://www.geography.org.uk/cpdevents/onlinecpd/primarysubjectleadership • Everyday Geographies (my personal blog – I’ll add the 9 number grid activity here) http://primarygeogblog.blogspot.com/
Further support? • If you want to continue to develop geography why not join the Primary Geography Champions Network : http://geographychampions.ning.com/