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Unveiling Drama: Insights into Theatre, Society, and Allegory

Discover the history of drama, explore themes in comedy, satire, and tragedy, and delve into the allegorical nature of literary works like "The Crucible." Learn about the Red Scare and McCarthyism and how they are depicted in art.

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Unveiling Drama: Insights into Theatre, Society, and Allegory

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  1. DRAMA The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the seeing place. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation. - Stella Adler

  2. History Thefirstplayswerestaged in Greece in the 5th century BCE. The original purposewasto honor thegods, particularlyDionysus, thegod of wine Drama became more aboutentertainment in the 1st century AD in Rome. Drama has beenusedtoaskquestionsaboutsociety, government, life, and love.

  3. TheTheme • Dramas have a central theme, which can often be considered as a question. • Thethememaynotalways be obvious • Wehaveto look at themeaning of the drama, and notjusttheeventsthatoccur

  4. Comedy • Comedyisone of thetwomaingenres of drama • Comedyfrequently uses Satireand Parodytocreate humor, and at thesame time criticizeorquestionsomething. • Laugh, and thenthink

  5. Satire Satireisthe use of humor, irony, exaggeration, orridiculetoexposestupidityorhypocrisy.

  6. Parody Parodyisanimitation of somethingwith a humorousmessage

  7. Tragedy • Protagonist is a decent person with one flaw or fault • That fault ultimately leads to the character’s demise • Attempts to resolve problems usually backfire or make things worse Did you know: Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy?

  8. Written by Arthur Miller in 1953 • Set in Salem Massachusetts in 1692-3

  9. Literary Device: Allegory • An allegory is basically an extended metaphor • The entire story represents a key concept or idea • Allegories can often create parallels of real situations or events

  10. The Red Scare • During the 1950s, America experienced what was called “The Red Scare” • The Red Scare was the fear of Communism spreading to America, and taking over the world

  11. Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism • McCarthy was a US senator from Wisconsin • In 1950 he became famous for producing a list claiming that hundreds of people inside the government were either communist spies, or supporters. • He marketed himself as a trustworthy policeman who would protect people from communism. • Hundreds were imprisoned and at least 10,000 lost their jobs. • Congress would later block McCarthy and he died at 48 of hepatitis, alcoholism accelerated his death.

  12. The Crucible’s Allegory • The Crucible was intended to be an allegory of McCarthyism. • Pay attention for details that seem similar to the events during the McCarthyism era • At the same time, look for ways to learn more about Puritan society and values

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