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Fostering International-Mindedness Through the Learner Profile

Explore how IB programmes promote global citizenship and develop learner profile attributes. Engage in activities to create student and staff profiles aligned with IB values. Reflect on essential agreements for effective group work. Discuss and analyze data to enhance learning outcomes.

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Fostering International-Mindedness Through the Learner Profile

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  2. Ice breaker • Look at the picture that has been passed out to you. • Put yourselves in order from the beginning of the book to the end. • Once everyone is in place, you’ll tell you page of the story.

  3. Learner Profile “The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.” Standard A4: The school develops and promotes international-mindedness and all attributes of the learner profile across the school community. Standard C16: Teaching and learning develops the IB learner profile attributes. Standard C4 6a: Student learning and development related to all attributes of the IB learner profile are assessed and reported. Profile should be student created. Aim for having a student created profile by November.

  4. Mirror Neurons • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzMqPYfeA-s • Thinking of this in the context of the learner profile, what does this mean in regards to teacher behavior?

  5. STAFF Created Profile • Get in groups of 4(ish) • Read the definition of the learner profile attribute given to your group • Unpack the profile attribute. Write down the ways that we should “live it” as a staff. • What does a teacher who is a thinker look like? What are things he/she does?

  6. What are essential agreements? • Few in number (usually no more than 5) • Written by all group members • Applicable to a broad range of situations • Agreed on by all group members • Positively framed (no can’t, don’t, or shouldn’t)

  7. Essential agreements for looping teams Think about the following questions before sharing with your group: • What helps you work in groups? • What hinders you working in groups? • What do you value in group members? • What do you want working in a group to look like? Sound like? Feel like? Example: I feel like being on time shows respect for group members’ time and commitments outside of the group. So I feel that being on time should be an essential agreement.

  8. DATA • Please bring your 2013-2014 DRA EOY data after lunch. • #EXPECTTHEUNEXPECTED

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