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GI Anatomy/Histology

GI Anatomy/Histology. Dan Cushman. Four layers of the GI tract. Epithelium. What are the 3 sublayers of the mucosa?. Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Externa Serosa. Lamina Propria. Muscularis Mucosa. Three regions of the small intestine.

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GI Anatomy/Histology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GI Anatomy/Histology Dan Cushman

  2. Four layers of the GI tract Epithelium What are the 3 sublayers of the mucosa? • Mucosa • Submucosa • Muscularis Externa • Serosa Lamina Propria Muscularis Mucosa

  3. Threeregionsofthesmallintestine Where does most of the carbohydrate and protein absorption occur? Jejunum Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

  4. Small intestinelayers Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Serosa

  5. What am I? Largeintestinemucosa More or less goblet cells than the small intestine? More Goblet cells Lamina propria Intestinal gland Muscularis mucosae Submucosa

  6. What am I? Fundicglands Parietal cells (Par-eye-ital) Where in the stomach are parietal cells located? Mostly fundus, a few in the pyloric antrum Chief cells Where in the stomach are these located? Fundus

  7. Esophagus epithelium What am I? Esophagus-stomach junction What are the differences between the muscularis mucosae of the stomach and the esophagus? Cardiac stomach Stomach – thin (circular & longitudinal); esophagus – thick (longitudinal) Mucous glands Circular muscle (thickened) How many layers of muscle in the muscularis externa of the stomach? 3 – (inner) oblique, (middle) circular, (outer) longitudinal Myenteric plexus Longitudinal muscle

  8. What am I? Smallintestine mucosa Villus What type of epithelium is present? Goblet cells Simple columnar with brush border Absorptive cells Enterocytes What’s special about the submucosa here? Intestinal gland Plicae circulares Paneth cells Muscularis mucosae

  9. What am I? Liverlobule Central vein Portal triads Blood flow ? Bile flow ?

  10. What am I? Mucosal folds Gallbladder Simple columnar epithelium Lamina propria Muscle Perimuscular layer

  11. What am I? Pyloricsphincter Pylorus Villi of the Duodenum Parietal – produce HCl and intrinsic factor What type of epithelium is present? Enteroendocrine – produce gastrin and serotonin Simple columnar, mucous-secreting What are the five fundic glands? Parietal, chief, enteroendocrine, stem, mucous neck Chief – secrete pepsinogen What do the first three do? Submucosal mucous glands Sphincter - circular muscle

  12. What am I? EsophagusHistology 1. Mucosa Mucous gland 2. Submucosa 3. Muscularis Externa

  13. Liver Surface Caudate lobe Falciform ligament Round ligament (umbilical vein) Quadrate lobe

  14. Hepatic Functional Unit Name the zones Which region has more: • Oxidative activities • Mitochondria • Detoxification activities • Ammonia removal • Cholesterol synthesis • β-oxidation • Lipogenesis • Gluconeogenesis • Glycolysis I I III III I Zone III I III I III Zone I

  15. Liver Cells Cells? Region? Cell? Region? Surrounding Cells? Cell? ?? Bile Cannaliculi

  16. ESOPHAGEAL DYSPHAGIA solids only – mechanical progressive intermittent heartburn weight loss Schatzki ring esophageal web benign tumor peptic stricture esophageal cancer

  17. ESOPHAGEAL DYSPHAGIA solids and liquids - motility progressive intermittent heartburn chest pain aspiration diffuse esophageal spasm scleroderma achalasia

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