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New Interaction Techniques. Screen Space & Spatial manipulation. Grigori Evreinov. Department of Computer Sciences University of Tampere, Finland. Department of Computer Sciences University of Tampere, Finland. www.cs.uta.fi/~grse/. September – December, 2003. http://www.fossil.com.
New Interaction Techniques Screen Space & Spatial manipulation Grigori Evreinov Department of Computer SciencesUniversity of Tampere, Finland Department of Computer SciencesUniversity of Tampere, Finland www.cs.uta.fi/~grse/ September – December, 2003
http://www.fossil.com Samsung GPRS wristwatch phone Spatial Manipulation TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 01_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation [1, 2] TiltType: Accelerometer-Supported Text Entry for Very Small Devices (UIST2002), http://portolano.cs.washington.edu/projects/tilttype/ TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 02_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation [3] TiltText: Using Tilt for Text Input to Mobile Phones (UIST2003) TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 03_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation if cursor is moving into the “t”, rectangles corresponding to ‘ta’, ‘tb’,‘tc’, ...,‘tz’ appear in a vertical line like the first line the heights of the rectangles correspond to the probabilities of these strings according to the language model demo1 [4] Dasher,http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/djw30/dasher/p0.html TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 04_21 14.11.2003
the left picture shows the EdgeWrite recognition algorithm before the stylus is detected inside one of the corners once the stylus enters a corner area, the corners deflate for the duration of the stroke (the right pict.) Spatial Manipulation onscreen keyboards are small and require the user to fix attention on the keyboard rather than on the output text entry (recognition) on a handheld device is difficult for people with motor impairments (tremor, Cerebral Palsy and fatigue) [5] EdgeWrite: A Stylus-Based Text Entry Method Designed for High Accuracy and Stability of Motion TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 05_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation marking menus and other forms of gesture input are being used in commercial desktop systems and in mobile devices by analyzing mouse and pen flick gestures (5200 gestures), the high levels of angular error were revealed when using a pen-based input device to generate rightwards and leftwards gestures the relatively long time taken to generate downwards gestures using the mouse [9] Analysing Mouse and Pen Flick Gestures TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 06_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation Keuning-Van Oirschot[10] investigated cursor movements with an amplitude of 250 pixels, in eight different directions and with three control devices: a mechanical mouse, an optical mouse and an optical trackball, to find characteristics of the cursor path which could be used to create a prediction algorithm on direction the focus was on the mean curvature of and the variability between the paths in each direction it can be concluded that on average cursor paths are rather straight in all eight directions and with all three devices the variability of the paths depends on direction, friction of the control device and user TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 07_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation the method for rapid evaluation of new graphic templates for text input the method does not require learning of the new graphics, any layout or rules before testing, and is intended to evaluate the user’s capabilities regarding to the pen-based text entry technique testing takes no more than two minutes per graphic template TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 08_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation the average performance (left scale), standard deviation and the amount of copied images per second (right scale) the total times of the drawing (s), the total length of tracks (mm) and the number of copied images TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 09_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation 7 segments TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 10_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation 7 segments txtText1 Form_KeyDown(…) SetSegments Ctrl+K=>move segments SymbDec lblCodec Ctrl+G=>color imaging Form_MouseUp(…) SegmActivate Segm1 - 7 Form_MouseMove(…) Clear TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 11_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation Stylus flicks on touchscreen MouseT TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 12_21 14.11.2003
Clear abs. position BackSp K J abs. position K H N D R speed vectors L abs. position K Space J K H N D R L J J J Cl Sp Bs H H H N N N D D D R R R L L L Spatial Manipulation MouseT TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 13_21 14.11.2003
Timer1 Spatial Manipulation MouseT SetSymbol BackSpace txtText1 ChgSymbol SetHelp K ChgSymbol (YtmpE - YtmpS) > M1x tChar + 1 (XtmpE - XtmpS) > M2x tChar + 7 (XtmpE - XtmpS) > M1x And (XtmpE - XtmpS) < M2x tChar + 3 Form_MouseMove(…) Timer1.Enabled = True Timer1.Interval = Rtime XtmpE = XtmpS: YtmpE = YtmpS XtmpS = Xtmp: YtmpS = Ytmp ChgSymbol (YtmpE - YtmpS) < -M1x tChar - 1 (XtmpE - XtmpS) < -M2x tChar - 7 (XtmpE - XtmpS) < -M1x And (XtmpE - XtmpS) > -M2x tChar - 3 Timer1.Enabled = False Timer1.Interval = 0 XtmpE = Xtmp: YtmpE = Ytmp ChgSymbol TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 14_21 14.11.2003
Timer1 Spatial Manipulation MouseT VPerformance Instruction 150 DurationSlow DurationMiddle1 DurationMiddle2 DurationFast t2 = GetTickCount If t1 > 0 Then k = CInt(t2 - t1) t1=GetTickCount 1 2 2 1 Form_MouseMove(…) Finish lblSave Error “Calibration”: to find the path length of cursor in 150 ms TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 15_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation Drag & Drop TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 16_21 14.11.2003
fraData Timer1 Spatial Manipulation Drag & Drop txtText1 lblNKey lblClrSpot GridData1: order No (1-100) entered number time per symbol, ms lblCapt lblError Form_MouseMove(…) lblTestTime GridData1_Click() to save column lblTimeR SpotPointer lblTimeS Pointer EditKeys KeyPos(0) – (10) EditTools Shadow(0) – (10) Statistics Clear Error TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 17_21 14.11.2003
1 2 3 Spatial Manipulation txtEntry_3Btn TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 18_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation txtText1 Form_DblClick(…) ‘Cancel BackSpace lblString1 lblString2 lblString3 String1 - 3 ChangeString EditCaption lbl1 - 3 SelButton1 Form_MouseDown(…) Form_KeyDown(…) SelButton2 Form_MouseMove(…) Form_KeyUp(…) SelButton3 Form_MouseUp(…) TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov 19_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation References [1] Partridge, K., Chatterjee, S., Sazawal, V., Borriello, G. and Want, R. TiltType: Accelerometer-Supported Text Entry for Very Small Devices.http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/kepart/papers/uist2002.pdf [2] Sazawal, V., Want, R. and Borriello, G. The Unigesture Approach One-Handed Text Entry for Small Devices. http://www.speakeasy.org/~roywant/papers/lncs_unigesture.pdf [3] Wigdor, D., Balakrishnan, R.TiltText: Using Tilt for Text Input to Mobile Phones. http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/papers/dwigdor_UIST2003.pdf [4] Ward, D.J. Adaptive Computer Interafces. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2001. Available at: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/djw30/papers/thesis.pdf [5] Wobbrock, J.O., Myers, B.A., Kembel, J.A. EdgeWrite: A Stylus-Based Text Entry Method Designed for High Accuracy and Stability of Motion. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jrock/pubs/uist-03.pdf [6] J. Himberg, J. Häkkilä, P. Kangas, and J. Mäntyjärvi. On-line personalization of a touch screen based keyboard. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2003), pp. 77-84, Miami, Florida, USA, 2003. ACM Press. [7] G. W. Lesher, B. J. Moulton and D. J. Higginbotham, Optimal Character Arrangements for Ambiguous Keyboards. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, pp. 415–423, 1998. http://www.enkidu.net/downloads/papers/LeMoHi98b.pdf [8] Lyons, K., Patel, N.J. and Starner, T. KeyMenu: A Keyboard Based Hierarchical Menu http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/ccg/publications/keymenu/ TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov p 20_21 14.11.2003
Spatial Manipulation [9] Moyle, M., Cockburn, A. Analysing Mouse and Pen Flick Gestures. http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~andy/papers/sigchinz.pdf [10] Keuning-Van Oirschot, H., Houtsma, A.J.M. Cursor Trajectory Analysis. IPO Annual Progress Report No 35, 2000, pp. 128-139. [11] Kamba, T, Elson, S A, Harpold, T, Stamper, T & Sukariya, P (1996) "Using Small Screen space more efficiently," Proc. ACMCHI96, 383-390. [12] Hinckley, K. Design Issues in Spatial Input. Ch. 4., http://research.microsoft.com/Users/kenh/thesis/design_issues.htm http://research.microsoft.com/users/kenh/papers/Survey.pdf [13] Albinsson, P-A, Zhai, S., High Precision Touch Screen Interaction, in Proceedings of CHI 2003, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5-10, 2003. pp 105-112, http://www.almaden.ibm.com/u/zhai/papers/TouchScreen.pdf [14] Zhai, S., Kristensson, P-O., Shorthand Writing on Stylus Keyboard, in Proceedings of CHI 2003, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5-10, 2003. pp 97-104, http://www.almaden.ibm.com/u/zhai/papers/SharkFinal.pdf WAAA write always, anything, anywhere TAUCHI MMIG G. Evreinov p 21_21 14.11.2003