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Appraisal Process and Forms. Appraisal Process and Forms. Netchemia – company LPS contracts for on-line systems TalentEd – Suite of products offered by Netchemia Perform – LPS On-line Appraisal System and product of TalentEd
Appraisal Process and Forms • Netchemia – company LPS contracts for on-line systems • TalentEd – Suite of products offered by Netchemia • Perform – LPS On-line Appraisal System and product of TalentEd • LPS also uses School Recruiter – LPS On-line System for recruiting new teachers as well as teachers who transfer
Appraisal Process and Forms Connect to Internet and type address: Lincoln.talentedk12.com Log in with your username and password
Appraisal Process and Forms Probationary Teachers will only see the forms they are responsible for completing. This example shows all forms for appraisal done by teacher and administrator. My Folder – click here to access your tasks, history, attachments, and profile Tasks – forms that teacher completes in the process
Appraisal Process and Forms Permanent Teachers will only see the forms they are responsible for completing. This example shows all forms for appraisal done by teacher and administrator. My Folder – click here to access your tasks, history, attachments, and profile Tasks – forms that teacher completes in the process
Appraisal Process and Forms • There are three meetings that will take place during the appraisal process that the administrator will mark as done: • Appraisal Process Review (done on or before October 1 and in person) • Post observation meeting between administrator and teacher • Probationary staff will have two meetings for two different formal observations • Permanent staff will have one meeting for one formal observation • Summative Conference (done at the end of every 3rd year)
Appraisal Process and Forms History – You can view your history, however, no forms may be altered here Date Completed – You can keep track of when forms are completed Completed By – Only you and your appraiser should be listed here View – You may click here to see completed forms
Appraisal Process and Forms Goal Setting Two goals completed each year with a due date of the end of first quarter. District/Building Goal – must be developed from district goals: 1) We will increase student achievement, K-12. 2) We will close the achievement gap, K-12. 3) We will improve the graduation rate. Write goal explaining connection to district/building goal. What do you need from the district or school to accomplish your goal?
Appraisal Process and Forms Document how the goal will be measured using evidence or artifacts to support Timeline reflects initial writing of goal to completion of goal
Appraisal Process and Forms Professional Goal – must be taken from one of the domains: 1) Planning and Preparation, 2) Learning Environment, 3) Instruction, 4) Professional Development Write goal stating connection to domain selected. What do you need from the district or school to accomplish your goal? Document how the goal will be measured using evidence or artifacts to support.
Appraisal Process and Forms Timeline reflects initial writing of goal to completion of goal You have the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; you can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – at this time, the Form Sharing button has been removed because It does not give you the option to Share with your appraiser. This functionality Should be restored soon. Save & Submit – save your document and then submit to your administrator; you can not work on the document any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Form completed by teacher prior to the formal observation(s) by the administrator Please submit at least 24 hours in advance of the observation Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk * Identify learning objectives for the observed lesson Share sequencing of and relevance of lesson
Appraisal Process and Forms Provide the demographic information of your class to be observed Complete this section by sharing how the lesson will be taught as you consider student needs and group dynamics
Appraisal Process and Forms Include how you will know that students met the objectives for the lesson Provide for the appraiser any specific teacher and/or student behaviors you would like him or her to watch for during the lesson
Appraisal Process and Forms Another reminder that this form must be complete 24 hours prior to observation You have the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; you can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – at this time, the Form Sharing button has been removed because It does not give you the option to Share with your appraiser. This functionality Should be restored soon. Save & Submit – save your document and then submit to your administrator; you can not work on the document any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Form completed by teacher following formal observation and prior to post observation conference This form will serve as information for teacher and administrator to discuss the lesson and to complete the Assessment for Teaching Practice form in the post observation conference Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk * Reflect on student engagement and cite specific evidence Based on evidence, determine if students met objectives for the lesson and share how you will help students who did not meet objectives in the next lesson
Appraisal Process and Forms Share how you monitored and adjusted the lesson as the lesson progressed Reflect on how you would change the lesson if you could teach it again Provide how management and space affected the lesson
Appraisal Process and Forms Share how you engaged students’ personal interests and experiences in the lesson Using the domains rubric, mark relevant parts; this will be shared during the post observation conference with the administrator
Appraisal Process and Forms You have the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; you can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – at this time, the Form Sharing button has been removed because It does not give you the option to Share with your appraiser. This functionality Should be restored soon. Save & Submit – save your document and then submit to your administrator; you can not work on the document any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Form completed by administrator in collaboration with teacher during post observation conference Administrator and teacher will highlight domains rubric prior to post observation conference Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk * Based on evidence, provide a summary of what was observed during the formal observation Based on evidence, determine areas teacher should work on to improve instruction
Appraisal Process and Forms Collaborate on any suggestions or next steps necessary to improve instruction An electronic signature will be used by both administrator and teacher You have the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; you can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – you may share your form with your administrator prior to submitting to administrator Save & Submit – save your document and then submit to your administrator; you can not work on the document any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will complete during unplanned informal observations that may last 5-15 minutes Administrator will complete all sections of the form marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will mark any observations relating to Domain 1 Administrator will mark any observations relating to Domain 2
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will mark any observations relating to Domain 3 Administrator will add comments relating to what was observed and evidence collected
Appraisal Process and Forms An electronic signature will be used by both administrator and teacher Administrator has the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; administrator can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – form may be shared with teacher prior to submitting Save & Submit – save document and then submit; document can not be worked on any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Teacher completes by writing reflections on both goals and artifacts collected Note the different due dates for probationary and permanent staff Teacher should complete all information marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Write a reflection about your goal connected to district/building goal including progress made on the goal How did your goal impact teaching and learning? Do you need to continue the goal next year and why?
Appraisal Process and Forms Write a reflection about your professional goal based on a domain including progress made on the goal How did your goal impact teaching and learning Do you need to continue the goal next year and why?
Appraisal Process and Forms Write a reflection about the artifact collected for Domain 1 and how it impacted teaching and learning Write a reflection about the artifact collected for Domain 2 and how it impacted teaching and learning
Appraisal Process and Forms Write a reflection about the artifact collected for Domain 3 and how it impacted teaching and learning Write a reflection about the artifact collected for Domain 4 and how it impacted teaching and learning
Appraisal Process and Forms You have the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; you can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – at this time, the Form Sharing button has been removed because It does not give you the option to Share with your appraiser. This functionality Should be restored soon. Save & Submit – save your document and then submit to your administrator; you can not work on the document any longer once submitted
Appraisal Process and Forms Teacher Appraisal-Summative: Form completed by administrator and must be completed at the end of every 3 years (state policy) Administrator will complete all information marked with a red asterisk *
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will complete all information marked with a red asterisk * Administrator will mark domain 1 as Not Met, Met, or Exceeds Each component will be marked as unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, or distinguished
Appraisal Process and Forms Each component will be marked as unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, or distinguished Administrator must make comments for U or B and may make comments for P or D
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will mark domain 2 as Not Met, Met, or Exceeds Each component will be marked as unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, or distinguished Administrator must make comments for U or B and may make comments for P or D
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will mark domain 3 as Not Met, Met, or Exceeds Each component will be marked as unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, or distinguished Administrator must make comments for U or B and may make comments for P or D
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator will mark domain 4 as Not Met, Met, or Exceeds Each component will be marked as unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, or distinguished Administrator must make comments for U or B and may make comments for P or D
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator may make additional comments in this section Teacher has the option to make comments in this section An electronic signature will be used by both administrator and teacher
Appraisal Process and Forms Administrator the option to complete the form in another way (ie: Word) and attach it here Cancel – quit from form with no saving Save Draft – save; administrator can then return later to continue form Form Sharing – administrator can share form with teacher prior to submitting to file Save & Submit – save document and then submit to file; no further work can be done on the document once submitted