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Vocabulary Lesson 2. Tri - Tres. Tri = Greek Tres = Latin Means “three” Example sentence: Poseidon holds a trident, a three-pronged spear. Trilogy. Greek A group of three literary or musical works that have a theme
Tri - Tres • Tri = Greek Tres = Latin • Means “three” • Example sentence: Poseidon holds a trident, a three-pronged spear.
Trilogy • Greek • A group of three literary or musical works that have a theme • The Hunger Games, Collins popular trilogy, contains these books: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mocking jay
Logos • Greek • Word or speech • Every company had its own logo
Quartus-Latin Quatuor- Latin • Fourth • Four • Four quarters make a dollar
Centigrade • Latin • Referring to a thermometer scale of 100 degrees where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees • Depending on how old you are, you might read 38°C as 38 degrees Celsius or 38 degrees centigrade
Trisect Greek To divide into parts For school, I had to trisect the paper into three separate parts to fit my information.
Secare • Secare=Latin • “to cut” • Zoology is fun, we had to bisect a frog!
Quadrant • Latin • A quarter of a circle or its circumference. Any of the 4 parts of an area divided by perpendicular lines. • On a simple graph, they’re four quadrants consisting of 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Gradus • Gradus=Latin • “step” • Graduation is an important step in life.
Quatrain<L • Means “a stanza or group of four lines of poetry.” • Example sentence: Most nursery rhymes, like “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” are written in quatrains.
Centum<L • Means “hundred” • Example sentence: A centipede has a hundred legs.
Centenary<L • Means “ Pertaining to a 100-year period.” • Example sentence: The next meteor shower will happen in the next centenary celebration.
The Bourbon Triumviratre was very important to Georgia. LATIN Triumvirate A triumvirate is a group of three, especially in authority.
Three very important people to society. Triumviri A board of three.
He was a model of male virility. VIR Definitions: man
In Ancient times people were decimated for the things they had done. Decimate to destroy a large part of: The population was decimated by a plague.
Decem • Latin • Means “ten” • The water measured out to 4.5 deciliters
Annus • Annus = Latin • Means- “year” • Example sentence: Will trained annually to be ready for his game.
Quartet<L • A musical composition for four voices or instruments. Or a group of four musicians. • Example- The Beatles are a very famous quartet.
Decathlon<G • An athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events. • Example- High jumping is one of the events in a decathlon.
Athlon<G • Contest • The athletes competed in a triathlon today.
Bi Bi=Latin “two” Some animals are bisexual.
Bicentennial • Bi=Latin • Means “two” • Centum=Latin • Means “hundred” • The bicentennial of the first ten amendments of the U.S. constitution was in 1989.