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Join us for an introductory presentation providing useful details about our school, including staff members, classes, home visits, daily timetable, clothing guidelines, food and drink policies, health information, and more.
Welcome to Wickford Primary School • This presentation aims to provide an introduction to our school and includes initial information which we hope you will find useful. • Should you have any further questions, staff will be happy to discuss these with you. • The school website is kept up to date with the latest news and events and has lots more information about our school.
our sTAFF Mrs Lewis Mrs Bolton Mrs Powell Mr Flitman Mrs Bircumshaw Mrs Stubley Mrs Sidimoussa Mrs Clark-Barham Mrs Newell Ms Harrison Mrs Farmer Mrs Durkin
ClassES • There are 30 children in each reception class. Each class has a class teacher and a teaching assistant. • The children have free flow between the reception classrooms and the outside area. There is always an adult in the outside learning environment at all times.
Home Visits • You should already have a home visit time and date for the beginning of September. • These are an opportunity for school staff to meet you and your child in a relaxed and familiar environment. It is an important opportunity to share information about your child and about the school. • Two members of staff will conduct the visit and we would like to speak to you and your child during the visit.
First WEEK • Wednesday the 12th of September 9.15am - 12.00. Please bring the children in through the playground gate and into their classroom through the Early Years outside area. • Thursday the 13th September 9.00am – 1.10pmChildren stay for lunch today. • Friday the 14th of September 9.00am - 3.00pmChildren stay all day today and from now onwards.
Daily Timetable • School opens at 8.45am and the bell rings at 9.00am for registration. • Lunch time is 12.00 until 1.00pm. • Our school day ends at 3.00pm. • We must have written permission if anyone other than yourself is collecting your child from school.
Trays and Pegs • Pegs: Every child has their own labelled coat peg. This is their place to store P.E. bags, coats etc. • Trays: Children’s book bags will be stored in boxes in their classrooms. • Objects from home: We do not allow any toys from home in school.
Clothing • All children wear a school uniform. This consists of grey trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore. White polo shirt or blouse. Green cardigan, jumper, fleece. Black school shoes. Green and white summer dress. • Long hair should be tied back at all times. • We do not allow any jewellery. Earrings for pierced ears should be small studs. These should be removed on P.E. days before your child comes into school. • All children will require a P.E. kit. Black shorts, a white T shirt and black plimsolls. This will be kept in school and sent home every half term. • We spend a lot of our time outside. The children will need wellies, a rainproof mac with hood and a sun hat, all to be kept in school. • Grey or black joggers to be worn in the outside area are optional. • Please label everything!! You will be surprised at the amount of clothing we have left at the end of each day that cannot be returned as it is not named!!
Food and Drink • Lunch: can be a packed lunch prepared at home and brought into school, or a school dinner. Lunchtime is between 12.00 and 1.00pm, when the children can eat lunch and then play with their friends. All infant children are entitled to a free school meal - see our website for the menu options. Make sure you have let us know of any dietary restrictions or requirements. • Packed lunches should support our school’s healthy eating policy. We are a ‘nut free’ zone which means that all types of nuts are banned. Also note that fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not allowed in school lunches. • Snacks: Children will receive a free piece of fruit during the day. • Drinks: Water is available throughout the day. Children can also bring a named water bottle to school – remembering that no fizzy drinks or juice are allowed.
Milk • School milk is available free for children under 5 and around £14 per term for over-Fives. • To register for milk please go on line www.coolmilk.com or complete the form included in your pack and return to FREEPOST COOL MILK. • Please do not return these forms to our school office.
Health • Staff need to be aware of your child’s medical background, in particular any allergies (e.g. bee stings, dairy food), any dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian or Halal) and any medical conditions that are important for us to know (e.g. asthma or eczema). • Children can suddenly become ill and therefore it is important that we know we can contact you or another adult relative/friend at all times. Please ensure that the school is kept up to date with your contact details. • If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please telephone the school office to let us know. In the event of sickness or diarrhoea, children cannot return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. We have four members of staff that are paediatric first aid trained. At least one will be on the premises at all times.
EarlyYearsCurriculum • Activities in reception are carefully planned and organised in order to provide a range of learning experiences. Individual records, learning journals, are kept by staff to record the activities your child participates in and undertakes, as well as their progress in specific skills. • Planning for each week is carried out using a topic-based approach, following the children’s interests and responding to specific events. • There are 7 Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which activities are planned around: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Physical Development • Communication and Language • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design • Throughout the EYFS, children will be working towards the Early Learning Goals. These describe the level of attainment expected at the end of your child’s Reception year in school.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Taking turns Working together Sharing Negotiating
Literacy Phonics Letter writing practise Reading Writing
Mathmatics Pattern Number recognition Shape Counting
Understanding the World Family customs Using technology Changes Using the camera
Expressive Arts and Design Painting Pictures from natural objects Collage Christmas Art Activities
Learning JournALS • Throughout the year, staff will record your child’s learning in a folder called a ‘LEARNING JOURNAL.’ This will form a unique record of your child’s learning and development. It will contain samples of work, photographs and staff observations. These folders enable staff to track your child’s progress and attainment, and also plan future activities.
Home Learning • The support you provide for your child at home is invaluable so please tell us what you and your child have been doing at home. During your home visit we will give you a WOW moment sheet. Please send in completed WOW moments for you child to share with us. Sharing your child’s learning, achievements and experiences with us helps us to build a more complete picture of your child.
Reading books, reading diaries and sight word book will be sent home for each child. Please share the book and practise the words sent home for a few minutes everyday. Please make a record of this in your child’s reading diary.