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The story of Belgian 比利時人的故事 (Part two 中輯 )

To my old Belgian friend Alphonse (90 years old) 送給我 90 歲的比利時老友. The story of Belgian 比利時人的故事 (Part two 中輯 ). Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude. Pieter Bruegel de Oude 比利時畫家

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The story of Belgian 比利時人的故事 (Part two 中輯 )

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  1. To my old Belgian friend Alphonse (90 years old) 送給我90歲的比利時老友 The story of Belgian 比利時人的故事 (Part two 中輯)

  2. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude • Pieter Bruegel de Oude 比利時畫家 • Pieter Bruegel de Oude (Breda of Bree (onzeker), circa 1525 – Brussel, 9 september 1569) was een Brabantse kunstschilder. Hij was de vader van Pieter Brueghel de Jonge en van Jan Brueghel de Oude. Men denkt dat Brueghel dichtbij Bree in het huidige Belgisch-Limburg (vroeger Brede, Brida, Breda genoemd) geboren is. Het is ook mogelijk dat hij in Breda (tegenwoordig in het Nederlands Noord-Brabant) geboren is. • De naam van Bruegel wordt ook vaak geschreven als Brueghel, zoals ook zijn beroemde zoons en kleinzoon heten. De schrijfwijze zonder H werd door Pieter Bruegel van 1559 tot zijn dood gebruikt. Zijn bijnamen zijn Boeren-Bruegel, Vieze Bruegel en Peer den Drol.

  3. 老彼得·布勒哲爾 • Belgian painter • 他是彼得·庫克·范·阿爾斯特(Pieter Coecke van Aelst)的徒弟。1551年,他成為安特衛普的著名藝術家,曾遊歷義大利。1553年,與阿爾斯特的女兒邁克(Mayke)結婚,並移居布魯塞爾,1559年,他在安特衛普完成了他的曠世名作《尼德蘭箴言》。 • 婚後育有兩子:長子小彼得·布勒哲爾(Pieter Brueghel the Younger,1564年)及老揚·布勒哲爾(Jan Brueghel the Elder,1568年),兩位後來皆成為畫家,雖然父親早去世,但對兄弟二人的藝術上任有較大影響。 Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  4. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude De val van Icarus (c. 1558) 老彼得·布勒哲爾 Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  5. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude Pieter Bruegel de Oude, De toren van Babel, Olieverf op eiken paneel, 114 x 155 cm; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wenen 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  6. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude Dulle griet, 1561, olieverf op eiken, 74 x 98 cm, museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  7. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude Pieter Brueghel de oude, Kinderspelen, olieverf op paneel, 118x161 cm, 1560 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  8. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude Triomf van de dood 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  9. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  10. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude Pieter Bruegel de Oude - De bruiloft dans 老彼得·布勒哲爾繪

  11. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  12. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  13. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  14. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  15. Belgian painter Pieter Bruegel de Oude

  16. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens • (Sir) Peter Paul Rubens (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈrybə(n)s]; 28 June 1577 – 30 May 1640), was a Flemish Baroque painter, and a proponent of an extravagant Baroque style that emphasised movement, colour, and sensuality. He is well known for his Counter-Reformation altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and history paintings of mythological and allegorical subjects. • In addition to running a large studio in Antwerp that produced paintings popular with nobility and art collectors throughout Europe, Rubens was a classically educated humanist scholar, art collector, and diplomat who was knighted by both Philip IV, King of Spain, and Charles I, King of England. • Paintings can be divided into three categories: those he painted by himself, those he painted in part (mainly hands and faces), and those he only supervised. He had, as was usual at the time, a large workshop with many apprentices and students, some of whom, such as Anthony Van Dyck, became famous in their own right. He also often sub-contracted elements such as animals or still-life in large compositions to specialists such as Frans Snyders, or other artists such as Jacob Jordaens. • At a Sotheby's auction on 10 July 2002, Rubens's newly discovered painting Massacre of the Innocents sold for £49.5 million ($76.2 million) to Lord Thomson. It is a current record for an Old Master painting. • The 1976–1977 academic year at the College of Europe was named in his honour.

  17. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯 • 彼得·保羅·魯本斯(荷蘭語:Peter Paul Rubens,1577年6月28日-1640年5月30日),弗蘭德畫家,巴洛克畫派早期的代表人物。 • 魯本斯出生於德國錫根,父親是一名原籍比利時安特衛普的新教律師,為了逃避宗教迫害而逃到德國。在他的父親去世後,12歲的魯本斯跟隨母親回到了西班牙統治下的家鄉安特衛普,並在那裡接受了天主教洗禮,而宗教也成為魯本斯畫家生涯中十分重要的一個主題。少年時期的魯本斯曾在一個伯爵夫人家裡做侍童,因此有機會接受正統的貴族式教育,精通多種語言。後來又在母親的安排下從師幾位畫家,21歲時他便獲得安特衛普畫家公會的承認,成為一名正式的畫家。 • 魯本斯對歐洲繪畫產生過重大影響,包括德拉克洛瓦、康斯太勃爾和雷諾瓦等人,都受到過他的畫風的影響。法國至十七世紀後半開始至十八世紀早期,流行一種魯本斯風格的藝術風潮,主張色彩比線條重要。 • 魯本斯的油畫作品可以被分為三類:他親手畫的,他畫過一部分的(主要是手和臉),以及他僅僅監督指導過的。和當時的通常情況一樣,他有一個大工作室,有許多學徒和學生其中一些自己也變得很出名(比如安東尼·范·戴克)。他還常常轉包大作品中的一些小部分(比如動物或靜物)給一些專門畫家(比如法蘭西·席得斯(英語:Frans Snyders))或是其他的畫家(比如雅各布·喬登斯)。 • 在2002年7月10日的一次索斯比拍賣行的拍賣中,魯本斯剛剛被發現的一幅作品《對無辜者的大屠殺(英語:Massacre of the Innocents (Rubens))》被湯姆森勛爵(英語:Kenneth Roy Thomson, 2nd Baron Thomson of Fleet)以4950萬英鎊的驚人價格成交,在當時創下了古典油畫作品的新紀錄。

  18. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens Diana Presenting the Catch to Pan 1620 National Museum of Serbia 彼得·保羅·魯本斯

  19. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯 Hippopotamus Hunt (1616). Rubens is known for the frenetic energy and lusty ebullience of his paintings.

  20. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯 Diana and Callisto, 1639, Museo del Prado

  21. The Judgment of Paris, 1639, Museo del Prado Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯

  22. Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens The Château de Steen with Hunter, c. 1635–8 (National Gallery, London)

  23. The Massacre of the Innocents, c. 1611. Art Gallery of Ontario Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens

  24. Venus at the Mirror, 1615 The Fall of Man 1628–29. Prado, Madrid Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens

  25. Rubens and Isabella Brant in the Honeysuckle Bower, 1609–10. Alte Pinakothek, Munich Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Snyders, Prometheus Bound, 1611–12. Philadelphia Museum of Art Belgian painter Peter Paul Rubens

  26. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特 • René François Ghislain Magritte (21 November 1898 – 15 August 1967) was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images that fell under the umbrella of surrealism. His work challenges observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality. • The Magritte Museum opened to the public on 30 May 2009 in Brussels.Housed in the five-level neo-classical Hotel Altenloh, on the Place Royale, it displays some 200 original Magritte paintings, drawings and sculptures including The Return, Scheherazade and The Empire of Light. This multidisciplinary permanent installation is the biggest Magritte archive anywhere and most of the work is directly from the collection of the artist's widow, Georgette Magritte, and from Irene Hamoir Scutenaire, who was his primary collector.[26] Additionally, the museum includes Magritte's experiments with photography from 1920 on and the short surrealist films he made from 1956 on. • Another museum is located at rue Esseghem 135 in Brussels in Magritte's former home, where he lived with his wife from 1930 to 1954. A painting by Magritte was stolen from this museum on the morning of 24 September 2009 by two armed men. The robbery occurred just after 10 a.m., shortly after the museum opened. A man rang the doorbell, inquired if visiting hours had begun, and then pointed a gun at the museum attendant while an accomplice went inside. The thieves made museum workers and visitors kneel in a courtyard while they left on foot with a 1948 painting, Olympia, a nude portrait of Magritte's wife. The two men, who spoke English and French, set off an alarm when they broke a glass plate that protected the painting, but had already escaped by the time the police arrived. The stolen work is said to be worth about $1.1 million.

  27. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特 • 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特(René François Ghislain Magritte,1898年11月21日-1967年8月15日)是比利時的超現實主義畫家,畫風帶有明顯的符號語言,如《戴黑帽的男人》。他影響了今日許多插畫風格。 • 他最有代表性的超現實主義畫作為一幅寫有「你看到的不是煙斗」的煙斗畫作。創作於1929年,名為《形象的叛逆》(The Treachery of Images)。此畫經常被用來解釋超現實主義的觀點,並用於書籍和教學上。此外後世的學者認為他母親的投水自殺對他心理有很大的影響。此點可由他許多關於破碎的女體畫作看出。 • Google全球首頁於2008年11月21日將Logo改為雷內·馬格利特風格的圖片(由Golconda和The Son of Man混合製作而成),以紀念他110歲冥誕。 • 他是一個完美的、技巧純熟的人 ,他通常畫一系列常見的物品,但這些物品在不同尋常的背景下有了新的含義。他也只畫一個不同的蘋果,但又用一個小標題否定它。 • 晚年他定居在比利時布魯塞爾。1967年8月15日因胰臟癌病逝,死後葬在蘇哈比公墓(Schaerbeek Cemetery)。 • 自1960年代起,馬格列特的作品引起公眾的高度興趣,更影響普普藝術、簡約主義及概念主義。在2005年,他被列舉為「大比利時人」瓦隆大區的第九位,在弗拉芒大區的第十八位。

  28. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  29. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  30. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  31. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  32. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  33. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  34. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  35. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  36. Belgian painter René Magritte 勒內·弗朗索瓦·吉蘭·馬格里特

  37. Paul Delvaux (23 September 1897 – 20 July 1994) was a Belgian painter associated with Surrealism, famous for his paintings of female nudes.

  38. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 • The paintings Delvaux became famous for usually feature numbers of nude women who stare as if hypnotized, gesturing mysteriously, sometimes reclining incongruously in a train station or wandering through classical buildings. Sometimes they are accompanied by skeletons, men in bowler hats, or puzzled scientists drawn from the stories of Jules Verne.[7] Delvaux would repeat variations on these themes for the rest of his long life, although some departures can be noted. Among them are his paintings of 1945-47, rendered in a flattened style with distorted and forced perspective effects, and the series of crucifixions and deposition scenes enacted by skeletons, painted in the 1950s. • In the late 1950s he produced a number of night scenes in which trains are observed by a little girl seen from behind. These compositions contain nothing overtly surrealistic, yet the clarity of moonlit detail is hallucinatory in effect. Trains had always been a subject of special interest to Delvaux, who never forgot the wonder he felt as a small child at the sight of the first electric trams in Brussels. • In 1959 he executed a mural at the Palais des Congrès in Brussels, one of several large scale decorative commissions Delvaux undertook. He was named director of the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in 1965. In 1982 the Paul Delvaux Museum opened in Saint-Idesbald. Delvaux died in Veurne in 1994.

  39. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 • 保羅·德爾沃(Paul Delvaux, 1897年9月23日-1994年7月20日),比利時畫家,以其超現實主義風格的裸女畫著名。 • 1930年代中期以後的德爾沃被視為超現實主義的一員,但其本人並不喜歡這種稱呼,他也從未正式參加法國超現實主義團體的活動,只與其中個別人物有過來往;這種稱呼主要來自其定型後的畫風:主題以裸女為大宗,常描繪許多身材修長、眼神呆滯迷茫、皮膚白皙,宛如蠟像的裸女(有時只半裸或著衣)擺出生硬的姿勢,不調和地出現於空曠的希臘羅馬古典建築或近代都市街道、火車站中,有時夾雜了骷髏或衣冠楚楚的男子,表現出神祕、夢幻、脫離現實的風格。除了這類畫作,在1950年代他也使用過火車、骷髏為主題畫過一批作品,風格同樣奇特:背對觀者的洋裝少女望著月夜下的火車;將耶穌受難場景的人物全部以骷髏代換,等等。 • 德爾沃於1950年-1962年任教於布魯塞爾國立高等藝術與建築學院,1965年-1966年任王立美術學院院長。晚年常受聘為布魯塞爾各處公共場所繪製壁畫。1982年創辦德爾沃美術館,收藏自己的作品。1994年以九十七歲高齡逝世。

  40. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 The Tunnel by Paul Delvaux, 1978. Oil on canvas, 150 x 240 cm.

  41. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 • Artist: Paul Delvaux • Completion Date: 1942 • Style: Surrealism • Genre: genre painting • Technique: oil • Material: canvas • Dimensions: 105 x 127 cm • Gallery: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

  42. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 The Sabbath 1962 oil on canvas 160 x 260 cm Museum Paul Delvaux, Koksijde, Belgium

  43. All the lights Toutes les Lumieres Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃 Women-Trees Femmes-Arbres

  44. Belgian painter Paul Delvaux 保羅·德爾沃

  45. Belgian painter Hergé 艾爾吉 • Georges Prosper Remi (22 May 1907 – 3 March 1983), known by the pen name Hergé [ɛʁʒe], was a Belgian comic book writer and artist. His best known and most substantial work is the 23 completed comic books in The Adventures of Tintin series, which he wrote and illustrated from 1929 until his death in 1983. Also responsible for two other well-known series, Quick & Flupke (1930–1940) and Jo, Zette and Jocko (1936–1957), his works were executed in his distinct ligne claire drawing style. • Born to a lower-middle-class family in Etterbeek, Brussels, Hergé took a keen interest in Scouting, producing both illustrations and the Totor series for Scouting and Catholic magazines. In 1925 he started work for conservative newspaper Le XXe Siècle, where under the influence of Norbert Wallez, in 1929 he began serialising the first of his stories to feature boy reporter Tintin, Tintin in the Land of the Soviets. Domestically successful, he continued with further Adventures of Tintin and the Quick & Flupke series at the paper, but from The Blue Lotus onward placed a far greater emphasis on background research. After Le XXe Siècle was closed during the occupation by Nazi Germany, Hergé continued work for Le Soir; after liberation, he faced accusations of being a collaborator, but was exonerated, and proceeded to oversee the creation of Tintin magazine, through which he remained artistic director over Studio Hergé until his death. • Hergé's works have been widely acclaimed for their clarity of draughtsmanship and meticulous, well-researched plots, and have been the source of a wide range of adaptations. Remaining a strong influence on the comic book medium, particularly in Europe, he is a prominent national symbol in his native country, to the extent where he has been described as the "personification of Belgium".[1] Since 2009, a Hergé Museum has been open in Louvain-La-Neuve.

  46. Belgian painter Hergé 艾爾吉 • 艾爾吉(法語:Hergé,1907年5月22日-1983年3月3日),也作埃爾熱,本名喬治·勒米(Georges Remi)。是在比利時的布魯塞爾出生的漫畫家。1924年開始使用筆名艾爾吉。「艾爾吉」的發音和他本名開頭字母R.G的法語發音相同。其漫畫著作《丁丁歷險記》享譽全球,至今在歐洲仍然不斷重版,在中國也是八十年代少數幾部能夠在商店中找到的外國連環畫之一。 • 1937年,因為宋美齡讀到他創作的藍蓮花,希望邀請他到中國訪問,但因當時歐洲的戰爭即將爆發而未能成行。1973年,台灣駐比利時新聞單位的蔡茂葵建議艾爾吉訪問台灣。艾爾吉夫婦於1973年4月由比利時搭機訪台,宿於圓山大飯店,參與拜會和參訪活動。台灣至1978年由台北現代關係出版社和比利時的卡斯特曼(Casterman)出版社簽約翻譯中文版,由汪公紀、朱正華譯有12冊。

  47. Belgian painter Hergé 艾爾吉 It seems like Belgium is preparing for a glut of Tintin-related stuff, what it being Tintin creator Hergé’s 100th birthday. Today, the weekly Knack published a special edition about Tintin, complete with an exclusive stamp from the sheet that has been announced for later this month.

  48. Belgian painter Hergé 艾爾吉 Tintin the young Belgian reporter aided in his adventures by his faithful Fox Terrier Snowy and later included the brash, cynical and petulant Captain Haddock and the highly intelligent but hearing impaired Professor Calculus and other supporting characters such as the two incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson goes through swashbuckling adventures with elements of Fantasy, mysteries, political thrillers and science fiction.

  49. Belgian Poet Maurice Maeterlinck 比利時詩人莫里斯·波利多爾·馬里·貝爾納·梅特林克 • Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck[1] (also called Comte (Count) Maeterlinck from 1932; French pronunciation: [mo.ʁis ma.tɛʁ.lɛ̃ːk] in Belgium, [mɛ.teʁ.lɛ̃ːk] in France; 29 August 1862 – 6 May 1949) was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911. The main themes in his work are death and the meaning of life. His plays form an important part of the Symbolist movement. • In 1930 he bought a château in Nice, France, and named it Orlamonde, a name occurring in his work Quinze Chansons. • He was made a count by Albert I, King of the Belgians in 1932. • According to an article published in the New York Times in 1940, he arrived in the United States from Lisbon on the Greek Liner Nea Hellas. He had fled to Lisbon in order to escape the Nazi invasion of both Belgium and France. The Times quoted him as saying, "I knew that if I was captured by the Germans I would be shot at once, since I have always been counted as an enemy of Germany because of my play, The Mayor of Stilmonde, which dealt with the conditions in Belgium during the German Occupation of 1918." As with his earlier visit to America, he still found Americans too casual, friendly and Francophilic for his taste. • He returned to Nice after the war on 10 August 1947. In 1948, the French Academy awarded him the Medal for the French Language. He died in Nice on 6 May 1949 after suffering a heart attack. There was no priest at his funeral.

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