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Alive-O 7 Term 1: Lesson 1. Opening a New School Year. Opening Prayer Ritual Materials: Class candle Bowl of holy water and small evergreen branch Bible open at Matthew 9:27-30 Every pupil places a closed Alive-O textbook on own desk. Teacher:
Alive-O 7Term 1: Lesson 1 Opening a New School Year
Opening Prayer Ritual Materials: • Class candle • Bowl of holy water and small evergreen branch • Bible open at Matthew 9:27-30 • Every pupil places a closed Alive-O textbook on own desk.
Teacher: May the love of God open us to all the possibilities that this year together ill bring us. Sign of the Cross
Opening Prayer Teacher: God our Father, we know that you love us as your created loved ones. Today we pray for your blessing on this opening of our year. Bless each one of us. Open our minds to all the possibilities that this year holds. Open our eyes to the wonder of each new day. Open our hearts to the love of your Spirit. May your hand be with us, keeping us from hurt and harm. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen
Liturgy of the Word (the pupil who is reading stands at the front of class and reads from the front of classroom)
Reader: This is a reading from the Gospel of St Matthew Jesus left that place, and as he walked along, two blind men started following him. "Have mercy on us, Son of David!" they shouted. When Jesus had Gone indoors, the two blind men came to him, and he asked them, "Do you believe that I can heal you?"
When Jesus had gone indoors, the two blind men came to him, and he asked them, "Do you believe that I can heal you?"and their sight was restored. Jesus spoke sternly to them, "Don't tell this to anyone!“ But they left and spread the news about Jesus all over that part of the country. The Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God
Teacher: Jesus opened the eyes of the blind men. He knew that their hearts and minds were open to all that he had in store for them. As we open this space up to all that this year will bring, we open our hearts and minds too.
Pupil 1 (Open the door of the classroom) We open this door to welcome all who may enter this space. May we show our love to one another. (sprinkle the door and door frame with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.
Pupil 2 (opening a window in the classroom) We open this window to welcome the opportunities that will come our way. May the Holy Spirit fill us with energy and joy. (sprinkle the window with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.
Pupil 3 (as each pupil opens their Alive-O 7 books) We open our books and look forward to all we will learn and understand. Jesus, help us to see more clearly. (sprinkle the books with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.
Pupil 4 (as each pupil opens their hands) We open our hands to all that we will do this year. May we use them to help one another. (sprinkle each person’s hands with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.
Pupil 5 (as each pupil closes their eyes) We open our hearts to all that God has in store for us. May we always make room for God in our hearts. (sprinkle each person with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.
Pupil 6 (as each person opens their eyes) We open our eyes to see one another. May we see clearly that each one of us is unique and loved completely by God. (Sprinkle the classroom with Holy Water) All: Bless us, O Lord.