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Transactions Lecture 2 (BHG , Chap. 2). The formal foundation. Partial order. L=( Σ , <), Σ is the domain, < is a binary relation on Σ that is: irreflexive, for all a Σ , a a (i.e., a < a is false). transitive, for all a, b, c in Σ , a < b and b < c implies a < c.
Transactions Lecture 2 (BHG, Chap. 2) The formal foundation (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Partial order • L=(Σ, <), Σ is the domain, < is a binary relation on Σ that is: • irreflexive, for all a Σ, a a (i.e., a < a is false). • transitive, for all a, b, c in Σ, a < b and b < c implies a < c. • If a < b then a is a predecessor of b and b follows a. • If neither a < b nor b < a then a and b are incomparable. • L’=(Σ’, <‘) is a restriction of L=(Σ, <) on domain Σ’ if Σ’ Σ and for all a, b Σ’, a <‘ b iff a < b . • L’ is a prefix of L, L’ ≤ L, if L’ is a restriction of L and for each a L’, all predecessors of a in L are in Σ’. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Partial order and DAGs • A partial order L=(Σ, <) can be viewed as a directed graph G=(N, E): • N = Σ. • (a, b) E iff a < b. • G is acyclic as, by transitivity, cyclic would imply a < a for some a Σ. G is also transitively closed. • Conversely, given a DAG G=(N,E), we can construct a partial order (Σ, <) by transitively closing G to produce (N, E+) and setting Σ = N and a < b iff (a, b) E+. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Transactions • In the system context a transaction is a particular program execution that manipulates the database using read and write operations. • In the theory context a transaction is a modeling of such an execution where the operations against the database are modeled as well as their order. • Since a transaction may be generated by concurrent programs, a transaction is best modeled as a partial order. • We will not model all aspects of transactions: • No initial values. • Values read or written. • Analysis will apply to any situation (view each write as an arbitrary function of all read values). • Can model input and output statements via unique data items. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Transactions, informally • T = (S,<), partial order: • S is the collection of read operations and write operations (once). • a or c, not both are in S. • all operations precede a or c. • a < b indicates a happened before b. • for all x, if Wi[x] and Ri[x] are in S, they are not incomparable. r2[x] w2[z] c2 r2[y] (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Transactions, formally • Ti is a partial order with ordering relation <i: • Ti {ri[x], wi[x] | x is a data item} {ai, ci} • ai T iff ci T. • if t T is either ai or ci then for all other p T, p <i t. • If ri[x], wi[x] T then either ri[x] < wi[x] or wi[x] < ri[x] . (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Complete History • Two operations conflict if they operate on the same data item and one is a write. • A complete history over transaction set T={T1,…,Tn} is a partial order (H,<H): • H is the union of the Ti’s, H = i Ti. • <H contains the union of the <i, <H i <i. • for any two conflicting p, q H: p <H q or q <H p. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
History • Histories model system-wide, not necessarily complete, executions. • A History is a prefix of a complete history. • We usually represent histories as DAGs. • In DAG representation, usually not all transitive edges are drawn. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Committed Projection of a History • Ti committed (aborted) if ci (ai) present. • C(H): restriction of H to the set of operations of transactions committed in H. • C(H) is a complete history. • C(H) defines the semantics of a history H, that is the kind of database state transformation performed. • For this interpretation to be sound, the system need achieve this effect. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
History example r3[x] w3[y] w3[x] c3 T1=r1[x] w1[x] c1 r4[y] w4[y] c4 w4[x] T3=r3[x] w3[y] w3[x] c3 r1[x] w1[x] c1 T4=r4[y] w4[x] w4[y] c4 All transactions committed H1 – complete history r3[x] w3[y] w3[x] r4[y] w4[y] w4[x] r1[x] w1[x] c1 H1’ –history, prefix of H1 T3, T4 active (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
C(H) r3[x] w3[y] w3[x] T1=r1[x] w1[x] c1 r4[y] w4[y] w4[x] T3=r3[x] w3[y] w3[x] c3 r1[x] w1[x] c1 T4=r4[y] w4[x] w4[y] c4 H1’ –history, prefix of H1 r1[x] w1[x] c1 Committed Projection of H1’, restriction to the domain of committed transactions (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Serializable Histories • Define equivalence of histories. • Define serial histories. • Define serializable histories. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
(Conflict) Equivalence of Histories • Histories H and H’ are equivalent: • H and H’ have the same set of transactions and operations. • H and H’ have the same order on conflicting operations of transactions that are not aborted in H. • Formally, for conflicting pi and pj such that ai, aj H, if pi <H pj then pi <H’ pj (implying pi <H pj iff pi <H’ pj) • Informally, in ordering conflicting operations we determine what’s computed, so equivalent histories perform the same database state transformation. Formally CSR ==> VSR. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Equivalence example w1[y] r1[x] r1[y] c1 H2 w1x] r2[z] w2[y] w2[x] c2 w1[y] r1[x] r1[y] w1x] c1 H3 H2 r2[z] w2[y] w2[x] c2 w1[x] H4 not equivalent to H2, H3, for example, w1[y], w2[y] r1[x] r1[y] c1 w1y] r2[z] w2[y] (c) Oded Shmueli 2004 w2[x] c2
Serializable Histories • A complete history is serial if for all Ti, Tj all operations of Ti precede those of Tj or vice versa. • We would like “correct” to mean “same as serial”. • Technical problem: serial is complete by definition, history is not. • “Solution”: allow serial histories over incomplete transactions. • But, incomplete histories may be incorrect database transformation. • A serial execution is a correct database state transformation. • So, for a history H to be “correct” we require it to be “equivalent” to a complete history H’. • H itself is not necessarily complete, C(H) is complete. • Also, C(H) is the semantics of H. So, we define: • H is serializable (SR) if C(H) is equivalent to a serial history. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
The Serialization Graph • Consider history H over T={T1,..,Tn} • SG(H) has a node for each committed transaction in H. • An edge from Ti to Tj if one of Ti’s operations conflicts with and precedes one of Tj’s operations. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Serialization Graph r3[x] w3[x] c3 c1 w1[y] r1[x] w1[x] H5 c2 w2[y] r2[x] T2 T1 T3 SG(H5) Note: SG is not transitively closed in general, e.g., replace w3[x] with w3[z]. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Topological sort • Consider a DAG G=(V,E). • List the nodes of V as v1,…,vn so that for all edges (vi, vj), i<j. • A directed graph is acyclic iff it has a topological sort. • Finding a t.s.: • find a source v (no incoming edges). • delete edges outgoing from the source. • output v. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
The Serializability Theorem H is serializable iff SG(H) is acyclic • (if) Equivalence of C(H) to a serial history Hs, in topological sort order of transactions in C(H). Conflicting operations appear in the same order in C(H) and Hs. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
The Serializability Theorem (if): detailed • H over T={T1,…,Tn}. • W.l.o.g., T1,…,Tm are committed in H. • Consider SG(H). Sort it topologically Ti1,…,Tim. • Let Hs= Ti1,…,Tim. • Claim: H Hs. • Proof: Need to show: same operations, same order on conflicting operations. • H and Hs have the same set of operations. • Let pi (of Ti) and pj of (Tj) be conflicting operations. • All such operations are ordered in H. • There is an edge Ti Tj in SG(H). • So, in the t.s., Ti must precede Tj. • So Ti precedes Tj in Hs. So pi precedes pj in Hs. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
The Serializability Theorem (Cont.) H is serializable iff SG(H) is acyclic • (only if) Consider Hs equivalent to C(H). • Ti Tj in SG(H) Ti precedes Tj in Hs. • So, a cycle in SG(H) implies a transaction precedes itself in Hs, which is impossible. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
The Serializability Theorem (only if): detailed • H is SR. • Hs C(H). • Consider Ti Tj in SG(H). • This is due to conflicting pi (of Ti) and pj (of Tj) and pi precedes pj in C(H). • Since Hs C(H), pi precedes pj in Hs. • Since Hs is serial, Ti precedes Tj in Hs. • If there is a cycle T1 T2 … Tk=T1 in SG(H): • Then, T1 precedes T2 in Hs, …precedes T1 in Hs. • But T1 cannot precede itself no cycle can exist. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Example H6 = w1[x] w1[y] c1 r2[x] r3[y] w2[x] c2 w3[y] c3 SG(H6) = T1 T3 T2 • There are two t.s.’s: • T1 T3 T2 • T1 T2 T3 • Both provide equivalent serial histories. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Recoverable Histories • Ti reads x from Tj if • Wj[x] < Ri[x] • aj Ri[x] • Wj[x] < Wk[x] < Ri[X] ak < Ri[x] • Note: i=j is possible. • Ti reads from Tj if Ti reads some data item from Tj. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Examples: Additional Requirements • w1[x] r2[x] w2[y] c2 • T1 may abort, not recoverable (RC) • w1[x] r2[x] w2[y] is RC • if T1 aborts, so must T2 (not ACA) • w1[x,2] w1[y,3] w2[y,1] c1 r2[x] a2 • RC+ACA. We should put y=3. Seems ok. • X=1 w1[x,2] w2[x,3] a1 • should x be 1 (or 3)? If a2, should we put 2? Should be 1! (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Formally: Additional Requirements (i ≠ j) • RC Ti reads from Tj and ci in H cj < ci • Don’t commit if you read uncommitted data. • ACA Ti reads, via ri[x], from Tj cj < ri[x] • Only read data produced by committed transactions. Here i ≠ j. • ST wj[x] < oi[x] aj < oi[x] or cj < oi[x] • implement abort by restoring before-images. • Each category is more restrictive. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
ST ACA RC • Let H ST. • Suppose Ti reads x from Tj in H. • Then, wj[x] < ri[x] and aj ri[x]. • By ST, cj < ri[x]. So, H ACA and ST ACA. • H9 = w1[x] w1[y] r2[u] w2[x] w1[z] c1 r2[y] w2[y] c2 ACA but ST. So, ST ACA. • Let H ACA. • Suppose Ti reads x from Tj in H and ci H. • H ACA wj[x] < cj < ri[x]. • ci H ri[x] < ci cj < ci. So, H RC and ACA RC. • H8 = w1[x] w1[y] r2[u] w2[x] r2[y] w2[y] w1[z] c1 c2 RC but ACA. So, ACA RC. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
State of the world SR RC Serial ACA ST (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Prefix Commit Closed (PCC) Properties • PCC property: if holds on history H then it holds for C(H’) for any prefix H’ of H. • Any correctness criterion better be PCC. • Otherwise, system fails after producing H’ s.t. the property does not hold on C(H’). • ACA, ST, RC, SR are all PCC properties. • SR: H is SR. Look at SG(H). Look at prefix H’. Look at C(H’). SG(C(H’)) is sub-graph of SG(H), hence acyclic. Hence C(H’) is SR. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Operations other than read/write • Two operations conflict if the order of their performance may matter. • Computational effect: value returned, data items’ values. • Need to extend definition of conflict. • Theorems will apply. Same SG(H), theorem. • Can create compatibility matrix. • Important feature - ordering of conflicting operations. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Operations other than read/write - example • Consider increment (inc) that adds 1 and decrement (dec) that subtracts 1. • No value is returned. • Conflict table • n means conflict • y means no conflict (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
Operations other than read/write – example history c4 H11 c2 inc2[y] dec2[x] w1[x] dec4[y] r3[x] inc3[y] c3 w4[x] c1 r4[y] w1[y] T1T3T2T4 T2 T3 T4 SG(H11) T1 (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Equivalence • Transactions are deterministic transformers. • If a transaction reads the same values in two executions, it’ll produce the same values. • So, if in two executions transactions read the same values, they’ll produce the same values. • If, in addition, for all items x, the last transaction to write into x is the same one in the two executions, the final DB will be the same. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Equivalence, formally • Final write: wi[x] in H, ai not in H, for all other wj[x], wj[x] < wi[x] or aj in H. • H is view-equivalent to H’ if: • H, H’ are over the same set of transactions, • For all Ti, Tj s.t. ai, aj not in H (and H’), if Ti reads x from Tj in H, Ti also does so in H’. • Same final writes in H and H’. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Serializability • We’d like a definition that captures “a history is view equivalent to a serial history”. • And, use it as a correctness criterion. • Let’s try “a history is v-serializable if it’s view equivalent to a serial history”. • H12 = w1[x] w2[x] w2[y] c2 w1[y] c1 | w3[x] w3[y] c3. • H12 is view equivalent to T1 T2 T3. • Suppose the system crashes at| . • Resulting execution, H12’ = w1[x] w2[x] w2[y] c2 w1[y] c1,is not view equivalent to either T1 T2 or T2 T1. • So, “v-serializable” is not an appropriate correctness criterion. We need enforce PCC. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Serializability, formally • H is VSR if if for each prefix H’ of H, C(H) is view equivalent to a serial history. • “for each prefix” - so it’s a PCC property! (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Serializability, properties • CSR VSR (next slide) • VSRCSR • W1[x] W2[x] W3[y] c2 W1[y] W3[y] c3 W1[z] c1 is VSR. • but bot CSR: T1 T2 T1 in SG(H). • VSR more inclusive but not a practical notion (a scheduler that outputs exactly VSR histories will need to “solve” P=NP first). (c) Oded Shmueli 2004
View Serializability, CSR VSR • CSR VSR: Let H be SR. SG(H) is acyclic. • Consider an arbitrary prefix H’ of H. • SG(H’) is acyclic (subgraph of SG(H)). • H’ is SR. H’ Hs where Hs is serial. • In H’ and Hs: • Same read from: otherwise conflicting ops are in the wrong order. • Same final writes: similar reason. • Conclusion: H’ is VSR. • H’ chosen arbitrarily, so H is VSR. (c) Oded Shmueli 2004