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Stay updated on classroom communication, homework, discipline, and upcoming events. Helpful tips to support your child's learning journey.
4th Grade Expectations Mrs. Baker Mrs. Tolbert September 19th, 2019
Welcome! https://youtu.be/fU1RUfHq7fc
Communication • Class DoJo • Agendas Baker: • All communications will be via Class DoJo. • Check it daily! Tolbert: • All communications will be via Class Dojo. • Phone calls will be made when necessary. • Please send notes when your child is absent. It is needed to excuse the absence.
Transportation If there is a change in your student’s transportation, you will need to send it in writing at the start of the school day. *Sending a message via DoJo will be a great reminder, but it will also need to be sent in writing. DoJo may not be checked if it is sent later in the school day. Be sure to call the school if a change occurs later in the day. ** Parents have been writing changes in transportation in students’ agenda’s too! This will help your student remember how they will get home for the day
Lunch 12:05 - 12:35 *If you send in any treats (birthday) please message us beforehand. There are many allergies in both classes! Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their student :)
Homework Baker: • Give on Monday, Due on Friday - 1 assignment; might be front and back. • Always write it in Agenda. Tolbert: • Homework is given daily Monday through Friday. • Homework is usually in Math. Most of the science work is done in class and the homework will be to study. • Please check agendas to see what their assignments are for the week.
Make-Up Work Baker: • However many days students are out, they have that many days to complete the made up assignments. Tolbert: • Students are given the equivalent of days absent to make up work for excused absences. • I will work with students individually to get things made up in a timely manner.
Discipline Not following teacher rules will result in a loss of a DoJo and recess time. Severe behaviors will result in contact with the parent and/or dismissal from the classroom. REFOCUS is set up in our school for students to go for a time-out during the day for about 30 minutes or whatever is deemed necessary at that time for that situation.
Reading The focus right now is on the heart; figuratively and literally. We have also been discussing biographies; Clara Barton, Anne Frank and Helen Keller. • New series: Wit and Wisdom • 4 Modules Apps/Websites: • GetEpic • Lalilo • Learning Farm
Social Studies Studies Weekly • Highlight in newspaper • Crossword on back for a grade • Partner work to start; independent work to finish. • *Extra time is not permitted outside of recess time. • Tests will be given (most times) on the computer Apps/Website • Studies Weekly • GetEpic
Math Eureka Math • New Curriculum this year • New terms to use throughout this program • New ways of doing things • Worksheets in workbooks will continue to come home. I will try to send the daily work home with your child to show how to do the homework. • Fluency books - workbooks for timed fluency • Math facts/ Division facts - Please be doing flash cards with your child each night to help your child become more fluent with their facts. • Importance of Homework - I cannot emphasize enough the importance of doing the homework and checking over it with your child.
Science Most of our science in done in class. • Sometimes I may ask for donations to help with experiments. • Science work is in their science notebook. • Science notebooks will be sent home for students to study, but not every night. • Projects will be given during the school year. I try to do one each semester. Students will be given plenty of time to complete the assignment.
Upcoming Dates: Progress Reports - Sign and Return - Monday, September 23 *Conferences Candyman Ends - Thursday, September 26 STAR Celebration for Specials - Friday, September 27 PTO Program - Thursday, October 3 6:30-7:30 All Pro Dad Breakfast - Tuesday, October 8 7:15 Science & Career Night - Thursday, October 24 6:00 - 8:00 Red Ribbon Week - Monday, October 28