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John 4-6. John 4:1-3. Did Jesus baptize or not ? JST John 4:1-4 Yes he baptized, evidently not as many as his disciples!. John 4:4. Why go through Samaria ? Because they will later get the gospel!. John 4:5. “ Sychar ”
John 4:1-3 Did Jesus baptize or not? JST John 4:1-4 Yes he baptized, evidently not as many as his disciples!
John 4:4 Why go through Samaria? Because they will later get the gospel!
John 4:5 “Sychar” This city’s name appears no where else in the Bible. It is now generally admitted, however, that it was a small village on the site of present Askar, a village with a spring and some ancient rock. It is about a half of a mile north of Jacob’s well (JTC 178).
John 4:6-42 “Jacob’s Well” About noon! The hospitality at this time is that she should give drink. It was held in high esteem because of its unfailing source of water during Jacob’s life.
Samaritans To the orthodox Jew of the time, the Samaritan was more unclean than the gentile of any nationality (JTC, 161). Samaria was a mixed people who wanted recognition as Israelites because Jacob was their Father. The testimony of a Samaritan could not be heard before a Jewish Tribunal. For a Jew to eat food prepared by a Samaritan was an offense as great as eating the flesh of swine. Produce from a field in Samaria was not unclean because it came from the soil. However, if subjected to the treatment of Samaritans hands it was unclean (JTC, 162-63).
John 4:10 - “Living water” “The doctrine”, “the gospel”, “the Holy Ghost!” John 4:22 “For Salvation is of the Jews” As changed and corrupted as the Jewish religion had become, it was better than that of her people. The Jews did accept the prophets, and through Judah the Messiah had come.
John 4:46-54 “The Second Miracle that Jesus Performed” What made this even more faith promoting is that Capernaum is 20 miles away from Cana.
John 5:1-16 “Jesus healed an invalid on the Sabbath” v.3 This was a mineral spring on the north side of Jericho. v.14 The man had probably brought about his affliction through his own sinful habits (JTC,194).
John 5:17-23, 36-37 “My Father” v.22 He hath committed all judgment unto the Son.
John 5:29 It was the mediation on this verse that caused the prophet to receive the “Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory” (Joseph, Sidney and 12 others). Besides James 1:5, this single verse has probably done more to open the door to the mysteries of salvation (Teachings, 345-48).
John 6:35, 48 “I am the Bread of Life” Jesus is the living manna sent from God!
Traditions Concerning Manna: The supplying of manna to the Israelites incident to the exodus and the long travel in the wilderness was rightly regarded as a work of surpassing wonder. Many traditions, some of them perniciously erroneous, gathered about the incident, and were transmitted with invented additions from generation to generation. In the time of Christ the rabbinical teaching was that the manna on which the fathers had fed was literally the food of the angels, sent down from heaven;
…and that it was of diverse taste and flavor to suit all ages, conditions, or desires; and that it was of honey, to another as bread, etc.; but in all Gentile mouths it was bitter. Moreover it was said that the Messiah would give an unfailing supply of manna to Israel when He came amongst them. These erroneous conceptions in part explained the demand of those who had been fed on barley loaves and fishes, for a sign that would surpass the giving of manna in the Old Testament days, as evidence of the Messiah-ship of Jesus.
John 6:52-59 “Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood” Trans-substantiation: The miraculous change by which according to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox dogma the Eucharist elements of the sacrament at their consecration became the body and the blood of Christ while keeping only the appearance of bread and wine (Webster Dictionary).