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What Are Americans?

What Are Americans?. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. Letters to an American Farmer

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What Are Americans?

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  1. What Are Americans?

  2. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur

  3. Letters to an American Farmer “What is the American, this new man? He is either a European, or a descendant of an European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys and the new rank he holds . . . Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the word . . . Here the rewards of his industry following with equal steps the progress of his labor; his labor is founded on the basis of nature, self interest; can it want a stronger allurement. Wives and children gladly help their father to clear those abundant fields where crops grow to feed and clothe them all; without any part being claimed, either by a despotic prince , a rich abbot, or a might lord.“

  4. Alexis de Tocqueville

  5. Frenchman Wrote Democracy in America - Absence of Nobility - Overriding concern of American with money - Common people exercised political power

  6. Factors Leading to American Success

  7. Egalitarianism Society of equals – Differences in wealth, power and intelligence, but everyone is socially equal Availablity of free land promoted equality Primary concern of the nation should be to safeguard liberty **Exception – Slaves, Indians

  8. Populism The participation of the common people in political life Everyone has the same right to participate in government Goal Peace and prosperity for all

  9. Liberty Protection against a tyrannical government Americans were devoted to the rule of the law Federal system helped prevent the rise of an over-powerful government American customs and manners were devoted to the spirit of liberty **Religious faith helped strengthen the belief in individual liberty

  10. Individualism Government does not direct all individual activity Flourish without hereditary distinctions and can rise in society Organize into private voluntary associations

  11. Laissez Faire Role of government is limited Hands off approach to the economy Each American is the best judge of his own interests

  12. E Pluribus Unum Out of many [comes] one States have united to form one nation

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