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CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS Objectives and goals The CSIC was founded in 1939, taking over the facilities and material of the National Science Research Foundation of 1931 and of the defunct Study Extension and Science Research Board, which had been created in 1907 for the sole purpose of undertaking scientific and technical research in all branches of knowledge. The role of the CSIC in the Spanish Science and Technology system was consolidated by the Scientific and Technical Research (Promotion and General Co-ordination) act (act 13/1986, 14 April), which assigned it a number of functions in connection with national science policy.
CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS * To prepare and execute scientific and technological research projects. * To assist in the analysis and selection of future scientific and technological objectives and to advise the authorities on questions of research and technological innovation. * To foster progress in basic research. * To collaborate with the Autonomous Regions in research activities as identified in formal agreements. * To collaborate with the universities in research and higher education activities. * To undertake researcher and technician training programmes within the sphere of science and technology. * To collaborate with the National R&D Plan in such advisory and management tasks as may be assigned to it
CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS Human resources(1996) * Permanent staff: 4453 * Scientific staff: 1906 * Research teachers: 310 * Scientific researchers: 525 * Scientific collaborators: 1071 * Support staff: 1.874 * Specialized graduates: 259 * Technicians with specialized qualifications: 303 * Research assistants with diplomas: 367 * Research assistants: 130 * Research auxiliars: 130 * Other staff: 673
CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS Scentific and Technological Areas: * Humanities and Social Sciences * Biology and Biomedicine * Natural Resources * Agrarian Science * Physical Science and Technology * Materials Science and Technology * Food Science and Technology * Chemical Science and Technology
CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS Chemical Technology Area: Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (Madrid) Instituto del Carbón (Oviedo) Instituto de Carboquímica (Zaragoza) Instituto de Tecnologia Química (Valencia) Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas y Ambientales(Barcelona)
MANAGING COMMITTEE DIRECTOR Prof. F. Camps Steering Committee Prof. J. Grimalt - Environment Dr. A. Llebaria - Organic Chemistry Dr. A. M. Manich - Chemical Technology Vicedirector Prof. J. Grimalt RESEARCH DEPARTMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Prof. D. Barceló BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Dr. A. Llebaria PETIDES CHEMISTRY Dr. F. Reig SURFACTANT TECHNOLOGY Dr. A. de la Maza ECO - TECHNOLOGIES Prof. J. Cot
The Annual Turnover in 2000 has been of 9.105.500 Euro • The distribution of incomes is 48% in salaries from Government, 30% in projects financed by the Spanish Government and the EU, 20% in projects from the industry and 2% from others • The permanent staff is made of 115 employees and 75 Students and Graduates • Staff involved in 132 projects
THE TEXTILE RESEARCH • It accounts for the 25% of the ICER Turnover, Staff and Projects • Is carried out by the • Surfactant Technology Department • Liposomic Structures • Surface Chemistry • Biodegradability and Ecotixicity • Ecotechnologies Department • Structural Characterization • Thermal Analysis & Viscoleastic Modelling • Clean Technologies
LIPOSOMIC STRUCTURES RESEARCH STAFF: Prof. J. L Parra, Dr. A de la Maza, Dr. L. Coderch
BASIC RESEARCH • Knowledge of liposome-surfactant interaction. • Models of liposomes are envisaged (phospholipidic source, mixtures of lipids presents in the stratum corneum or in the wool’s cell membrane complex or coated by glycoproteins). • The structural implications on the liposome bilayer as well as their physico-chemical stability characteristics are investigated. • The structural modifications induced on the lipo-proteic assembly of the stratum corneum or of wool fibres are studied taking into account different solvents or specific surfactants. • APPLIED RESEARCH • Design of technological formulations of liposomes in wool and blends dyeing (new process of clean technology).
SURFACE CHEMISTRY Research topics • The use of a biopolymer on a textile finishing (wool and cotton) • Study of those modifications undergone on wool by plasma treatments • Extraction of lanoline from wool by means supercritical CO2 • Application of antimicrobial surfactants in wool RESEARCH STAFF: Prof. P. Erra Dr. M. R. Juliá
MAIN GOALS: • Research and development of new non-contaminant textile processes to be applied on natural fibres, wool and cotton, with the aim to confer them shrink-resistance, antimicrobial properties and to improve their dye affinity. • This study deals with selective modifications of the cuticle on the fibres surface by means of either chemical treatments or low temperature plasma application. • The use of the biopolymer chitosan, as an ecologic alternative • to those polymers currently used in the textile industry, is also considered. • With respect to antimicrobial properties, in addition to chitosan, the applicability and the effectiveness of new cationic surfactants with low environmental impact is also investigated. • Moreover to determine the total lipids content on raw wool fibres and on industrially scoured wool, the extraction of lanoline from wool by means of supercritical CO2 is being carried out.
BIODEGRADABILITY AND ECOTOXICITY MAIN GOALS To establish the proper analytical techniques for the determination of surfactants in diverse environmental matrixes, and the study of their ecotoxicity, physicochemical properties and biodegradability to assess their environmental risk RESEARCH TOPICS • Biodegradability and ecotoxicity of organic compounds • Surfactants structure-activity relationships • Surfactant adsorption on biosolids & sediments • Environmental impact of detergents • Surfactant-protein interactions RESEARCH STAFF: Prof. J. Sánchez Dr. M. T. García
STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION • MAIN GOAL: • Relationship between Woven fabric properties and structure. • Cover Factor is determined by classical methods and Image Analysis. • Relationship between Cover Factor and Protective and Barrier characteristics. RESEARCH STAFF: Dr. M. D. De Castellar Eng. Joao Carvalho da UBI (P)
THERMAL ANALYSIS OF FIBRES Research Staff: Dr A M Manich, Dr M T Bosch Determination of the thermal transition of fibres and yarns by TG DSC and TMA. Expansion Coefficient and Elastic Modulus.
VISCOLEASTIC MODELLING OF FIBRES Dr. AM Manich and Dr. Ussman (UBI - P) • Influence of Textile Maufcaturing on Mechanical Behaviour of fibres and yarns • Structural characterization • Relationship between structure and model parameters • Influence of dyeing and finishing processes on mechanical properties
CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES FOR FLAX PROCESSING EUROPEAN NETECOFLAX NETWORK • Study of the best mechanical, chemical and biotechnological combined elementarization process for flax processing • Influence on its processability by conventional processing and final rpoperties. A Europen experience in which were involved the TULodz, TULiberec, Inotex, UBI, CSIC, Flax Res CTr, Mazovia & Alba
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