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Assessment of aerosol direct effects on surface radiation in the northern hemisphere using two-way WRF-CMAQ model. Jia Xing, Jonathan Pleim, Rohit Mathur, David Wong, George Pouliot, Christian Hogrefe, Chuen-Meei Gan, Chao Wei
Assessment of aerosol direct effects on surface radiation in the northern hemisphere using two-way WRF-CMAQ model Jia Xing, Jonathan Pleim, Rohit Mathur, David Wong, George Pouliot, Christian Hogrefe, Chuen-Meei Gan, Chao Wei U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA 12th Annual CMAS Conference, October 30, 2013
Motivation • To extend the applicability of the two-way WRF-CMAQ model to hemispheric scales • To assess the model’s ability in reproducing the decadal changes in surface radiation (e.g. dimming and brightening) in the north hemisphere from 1990-2010 when significant of changes in emissions occurred • To provide boundary conditions for long-term regional-scale CMAQ simulations at finer resolution
Outline • Emission processing & model configuration • Result discussion • Trends in AOD & Clear-sky Shortwave radiation (SWR) • Aerosol impacts on T2, PBL Height, SWR, PM2.5 and O3 • Dust aerosol direct effects on clear-sky SWR • Summary
Emission processing Historic anthropogenic emissions in three regions over the past two decades Primary PM10 SO2 NOx • Anthropogenicemissions were derived from EDGAR (Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research); • Biogenic VOC and lightning NOx emissions were obtained from GEIA (Global Emission Inventory Activity); • Temporaldistribution was referred to EDGAR default profile; • Speciation was referred to SMOKE profile; • Verticalallocation was referred to SMOKE plume-rise and EMEP profile.
Model Setup Simulation domain: • 108×108 km resolution over northern hemisphere • 44 layers from surface to 50mb • Three sub-regions will be analyzed East China • Simulation period: from 1990 to 2009 (summer time-JJA) • Two scenarios: • WRF-CMAQ(nf): no-feedback • WRF-CMAQ(sf): with shortwave feedback (-aerosol direct effects) • Hemispheric WRF-CMAQ two-way model • ─WRF3.4: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data with 2.5 degree spatial and 6-hour temporal resolution; NCEP ADP Operational Global Surface/ Upper Air Observations with 6 hour intervals, MODIS land-use type, RRTMg radiation scheme, ACM2 (Pleim) PBL, PX LSM. • ─CMAQ5.0: Cb05-AERO6 chemistry, tropopause ozone calculated from PV (potential vorticity), inline photolysis, inline dust emission module. Europe East US
Trend in Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) JJA-average 2009 2000 MODIS+ SeaWiFS • MODIS - level 3 Terra • SeaWiFS - level 3 Deep Blue • Missing value in MODIS (mostly in Sahara Desert) was filled by SeaWiFS (550nm) WRF-CMAQ (sf) • 533nm
Trend in Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) WRF-CMAQ(sf) MODIS+ SeaWiFS JJA-average (2009 minus 2000) East China East US Europe from 1990 to 2009
Trend in clear-sky shortwave radiation JJA-average (2009 minus 2000) Unit: W m-2 brightening WRF-CMAQ(sf) WRF-CMAQ(nf) CERES Dimming East China East US Europe from 1990 to 2009
Aerosol impacts on Surface SW-radiation 1990 JJA-average from WRF-CMAQ difference between sf and nf (i.e., sf - nf ) Unit: W m-2 2009 1990-2009
Aerosol impacts on Surface Temperature 1990 JJA-average from WRF-CMAQ difference between sf and nf (i.e., sf - nf ) Unit: K 2009 1990-2009
Aerosol impacts on PBL Height 1990 JJA-average from WRF-CMAQ difference between sf and nf (i.e., sf - nf ) Unit: meter 2009 1990-2009
Simulated surface PM2.5 conc. 1990 JJA-average from WRF-CMAQ(sf) Unit: µg m-3 2009 1990-2009
Aerosol impacts on PM2.5 conc. 1990 difference between sf and nf (i.e., sf - nf ) Unit: µg m-3 1990-2009 2009
Simulated surface O3 mixing ratio 1990 JJA 24 hour-average from WRF-CMAQ(sf) Unit: ppbV 1990-2009 2009
Aerosol impacts on O3 mixing ratio 1990 difference between sf and nf (i.e., sf - nf ) Unit: ppbV 1990-2009 2009
Dust Aerosol impacts on Clear-sky SSR (2006 minus 2000) Unit: W m-2 CERES WRF-CMAQ (sf) WRF-CMAQ (nf) brightening brightening Dimming Dimming June July
Satellite (June) Model (June) Satellite (July) Model (July) brightening SWR 2006-2000 Dimming AOD 2006 AOD 2000
Summary • Hemispheric WRF-CMAQ model system was successfully set up. • Results of magnitude and spatial distribution of AOD generally agree with MODIS satellite retrievals; • Trends of clear-sky SW-radiation roughly reflect the brightening & dimming in three regions. • Aerosol direct impacts were evaluated. • The reductions in surface solar radiation, surface-level temperature, and PBL height arising from aerosol direct effects show distinct trends in response to changes in regional aerosol loading • PM2.5 will be enhanced in industrial regions, but reduced in windblown dust area. • Capability of two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model to represent the aerosol direct effects and to reproduce the observed changes in radiation was performed through comparison with CERES satellite retrieval.
Thank you for your time! Acknowledgement • This work was supported through and Inter-Agency Agreement between the EPA and DOE and does not represent the views of either Agency. • We also acknowledge the free use of EDGAR, GEIA, MODIS, SeaWiFS and CERES product.
Hemisphere-CMAQ EDGAR v42 gridded annual sectoral emissions 1990-2008 Projection system conversion, incl.: Horizontal & Vertical distribution Monthly/ Weekly/ Hourly variation CO NH3 CH4 Speciation SO2 SULF SO2 NO2 NO NOx CB05 species VOC PSO4 PNO3 PM10 POC PEC PM2.5 PFINE PMC EDGAR HTAPv1 gridded annual sectoral emissions 2000-2005 EDGAR -default SMOKE - default GEIA Framework of emission processing