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Rodrigo Santoro

Rodrigo Santoro. Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis, Rodrigo Santoro, was born in Petropolis , on August 22, 1975. Since Rodrigo Santoro child has dreamed of an acting career . He studied journalism at PUC in Rio de Janeiro, while also studying at the Actors Workshop of Rede Globo.

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Rodrigo Santoro

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  1. Rodrigo Santoro

  2. Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis, Rodrigo Santoro, wasborn in Petropolis, on August 22, 1975. Since Rodrigo Santoro childhasdreamedofanactingcareer. He studiedjournalismat PUC in Rio de Janeiro, whilealsostudyingattheActors Workshop of Rede Globo.

  3. Did a test at the station and debuted with a stake in the novel Eye to Eye in 1993. Following My country did. In 1995, Sergio played in Exploding Heart. Another highlight was the miniseries Hurricane Hilda when he played a monk who falls for a prostitute. In 1999, the novel is devoted Suave Veneno.

  4. Turma 1ºB • Thiago Lima nº37 • Lucas Uriel nº23 • Renato Nogueira nº32 • Stephanie Mello nº34 • Luana Moreira nº18

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