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iAm. Typographic Self-Portraits. Portraits. = a picture of a person, group of people or animal • Portraits usually show what a person looks like as well as revealing something about the subject's personality. Match the portrait with the best description: Depressed, Funny, Serious.

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  1. iAm Typographic Self-Portraits

  2. Portraits = a picture of a person, group of people or animal • Portraits usually show what a person looks like as well as revealing something about the subject's personality.

  3. Match the portrait with the best description: Depressed, Funny, Serious

  4. How is their personality shown? What are the clues?-Clothing-Facial expression-Colors

  5. Self-portraits • Should reveal something about yourself, your personality, your essence, your beliefs, your likes or dislikes • 45 amazing typeface portraits

  6. Making judgments :: First Impressions • Did you know that within 2 seconds of meeting you, your peers, co-workers, boss, and customers - have determined three things about you? For good or for bad, whether they are right or wrong, within 2 seconds you have been labeled. • They have determined in just a few seemingly meaningless moments: • 1. Your Socioeconomic Status 2. Your Educational Level 3. Your Trustworthiness and Desirability

  7. We all make judgments based on appearance • What do you suspect this person is like? • Where do you think they live? • Do you think they are rich or poor? • Who would you hire and trust?

  8. TYPEFACE / FONT • = specific size and style of type within a type family Two main types of fonts:

  9. Which are serif?Which are sans-serif?

  10. Fonts / Typefaces • display an attitude, feeling, personality, and emotions • http://www.fontmarketplace.com/category/personality-fonts.aspx • http://www.crystalinks.com/fontspersonality.html • http://www.esperfonto.com/

  11. Fonts…they can covey messages and emotions too! Which # font do you think best illustrates anger?Why?Which does the WORST job showing anger? WHY?

  12. Here's the same text for a hotel set in different typefaces. notice what different feelings are conveyed, just by using different typefaces http://www.fontscape.com/explore?70V

  13. “If a picture paints words, a font displays emotion”

  14. Colors & their meanings

  15. Fun & Interactive website about color :: • http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-meaning.html • http://www.mariaclaudiacortes.com/

  16. Think of a pose that best describes you A partner will take your digital picture, then you will use your silhouette.

  17. Putting it all together: • -So based on everything that you just learned, [what a portrait is, the importance of font choice, and what colors mean] you will now create your own self-portrait. • -Choose fonts, colors, and a pose that best matches you. • -Your goal is for people to look at it and know it’s YOU at first glance. Within those first 2 seconds, they should know what kind of person you are. It should also reveal deeper things about you, draw people in and make them want to spend time reading your description and getting to know you.

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