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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water. Understanding and Implementing the WMO INFORMATION SYSTEM David Thomas (WMO) RA VI WIS Workshop. www.wmo.in t. Global Telecommunication System (GTS). RTH Regional Telecommunication Hub NMC

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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

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  1. World Meteorological OrganizationWorking together in weather, climate and water Understanding and Implementing the WMO INFORMATION SYSTEM David Thomas (WMO) RA VI WIS Workshop www.wmo.int

  2. Global Telecommunication System (GTS) RTH Regional Telecommunication Hub NMC National Meteorological Centre DC Data Centre

  3. WMO Information SystemWIS • National Centres (NC) • Collect and/or produce national information • Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPC) • Collect and/or produce regional or international information or act as communications hubs • Global Information System Centres (GISC) • Hold WMO metadata catalogue, 24hr GTS cache, and act as core communications hubs • Discovery, Access & Retrieval (DAR) • Data communication network • GTS, satellite two way and broadcast systems, internet, etc • Core network • Area based networks (AMDCN)

  4. WIS / GTS Cloud I & II merged using RMDCN MPLS and add Internet -> WIS Core Network & AMDCNs

  5. GDPFS GOS WIS / GTS Partnerships All WMO Programmes Internationally coordinated network of WMO

  6. DAR in WIS SearchRequest marine warnings in area bounded by 40W to 10W and 45N to 70N SearchResults Information request to custodian http://weather.gmdss.org/I.html Centre publishes metadata to GISC DAR catalogue Retrieve information Security/authentication/authorization and even charging is managed by each service provider GISC – DAR service User searches for metadata then retrieves information from data custodian NC/DCPC information access service

  7. Service Oriented ArchitectureSOA Interoperability is reduced to 15 interface standards (7 areas) • Uploading of DiscoveryMetadata for Data and Products • DAR Metadata Catalogue • Uploading of Data and Products • Cache of current Globally Distributed Data • Discovery, Access and Retrieval (DAR) • Downloading Data & Products • via Dedicated Networks • via Non-dedicated Networks • via Other Methods • Maintenance of DisseminationMetadata • Dissemination Metadata Catalogues • Maintenance of User Identification and Role Information • Sharing of Identification and Role Information • User Authentication • Authorization of a User Role • Reporting of Quality of Service

  8. Discovery Metadata • Online Guide • http://wis.wmo.int/2010/metadata/version_1-2/ • Start-up metadata done for GTS bulletins • Review and update (Liaise with GISC) • Add metadata for high profile/priority products • Establish own metadata mgt system • Liaise with GISC to agree on how to upload metadataWIS metadata is to support search and usage • Don’t worry about the XML (ISO19139) • That is for the tool developers to worry about

  9. More about Metadata • Content of metadata is much like library cards • abstract, title, author, keywords, format, identifier, coordinates (& CRS), plus • Time related details of information or product • Time related details of metadata • Contact information for metadata and for data/product • Learn by doing • Take advantage of user feedback to refine MD • Improve orgnizational capacity to benefit from MD • Participate in and run MD workshops • Practice finding your metadata at different GISCs

  10. Uploading of Data • This only applies if you wish to upload data or products to WIS • GTS is the most common way, but for non GTS centres, the internet is most common • FTP, HTTP put, e-mail, etc • Other paths include AFTN, DCPs, etc • Agreement between centre and GISC • GTS is described in Manual on GTS

  11. Downloading of Data or Products • Two components. • Downloading from GISC/WIS to your centre • Only applicable if required • Any method supported by GISC • GTS centres follow manual on GTS • Internet, via a DCPC, private lines, satellite, etc • Downloading from your centre to users • Any method you support • This is compulsory, • Basic requirement of all NC/DCPCs

  12. Dissemination Metadata • Compulsory for RTH and GISCs • Other DCPC/NC can maintain own dissemination MD for users • If centres authorize GISC to distribute data or products to your users, • need to share relevant distribution list with the GISC.

  13. User control NC/DCPC • User control is only applicable if a centre is offering access to protected or restricted data or subscription service. • The system used is up to the centre but must be robust and not compromise WIS. • Includes user identification and authority, etc • Will be tested by seeing if a non regisetered user can access restricted data or logged in user can go outside their authorized area • Standards apply if sharing user data across centres

  14. Quality of Service Monitoring • Requires a commitment of a centre to participate in the monitoring still to be agreed by ET-WISC and ET-IO • ECMWF is already doing most of the expected monitoring on the RMDCN and centres can utilise this work. • RTH will have greater requirements inlcuding the SMM type monitoring of the WWW

  15. Data representation and Codes • The interfaces allow information to get onto and around on WIS, but … • The data representation and coding affects the usability of data • WMO has standard practices and representations eg BUFR, GRIB, CREX • Moving away from TAC • RTH have a major role in TAC-TDCF migration • Also handle many other standards • NetCDF, XML, GML, CAP… • Recommend contributors use common codes

  16. Metadata and catalogues • WIS requires DAR metadata (ISO19115) • You can have metadata service onsite or rely on GISC service • GISCs synchronize all their WMO DAR metadata catalogue with other GISCs • You only have to arrange publishing your metadata with your principal GISC but can see it at any GISC • Vol C1/C2 will be replaced by the DAR catalogues which are not limited just to bulletins • You will subscribe to information in WIS • Routing tables will be replaced with subscription services • Vol A will continue as not all Vol A information will be in DAR metadata • DAR metadata will tell you where to get more detailed information

  17. Implementing WIS • Build on SOA and interoperability • Note that Metadata is a key standard for registering products and services and enabling DAR • Make the best of access to DAR • Liaise with your GISC & RTH on desired data and product representation and formats required by your centres and users • Register your centres as DCPCs or NCs.

  18. Manual on WIS says How • To designate a DCPC or NC • To comply with relevant interfaces • To demonstrate capability to CBS & Congress / EC • Does not say how to do Metadata yet • But the information is becoming available • Does not say what has to be done for monitoring, • But this too is coming. • The RMDCN monitoring by ECMWF is a good indicator of what WIS will require monitoring of quality of service.

  19. Questions • Understanding WIS • Role of the GTS in WIS • WIS Structure and WIS centres • New components (DAR metadata, catalogues) • The secretariat can help with the WIS Jump Start, now incorporating experts from WIS centres

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