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Arkansas Teen Book Award 2012-2013. Important email and web address. Teen Voting: October 1, 2012 through October 20, 2012 http://arkansasteenaward.wikispaces.com You will find an electronic format and a paper ballot format both.
Important email and web address Teen Voting: October 1, 2012 through October 20, 2012 http://arkansasteenaward.wikispaces.com You will find an electronic format and a paper ballot format both. Email tallies from paper ballots to the gmail account listed below. Power Point, Bookmarks, and Other Materials A copy of this Power Point and other promotional materials for the Teen Book Award can be found at the same wikispace address above. You DO NOT have to be a member or join to access these items. Contacting the Committee arteenbookaward@gmail.com 2012 title suggestions, tallies of paper ballot forms, questions, comments, and suggestions.
Americus—mk reed & Jonathan hill Oklahoma teen Neal Barton stands up for his favorite fantasy series, The Chronicles of ApatheaRavenchilde, when conservative Christians try to bully the town of Americus into banning it from the public library. Great book for banned books week!
Anya’s ghost—verabrosgol Anya, embarrassed by her family and lacking confidence in her body and her social skills, finally finds a friend after falling down a well, but quickly learns there are drawbacks to having a ghost for a friend.
Around the World: Three Remarkable Journeys—Matt Phelan Fictionalized accounts of the true stories of three people who made separate attempts to travel around the world in the late nineteenth century, including Thomas Stevens, who made the journey on a bicycle, reporter Nellie Bly, who used conventional methods of travel, and sea captain Joshua Slocum, the first person to sail around the world alone.
Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick—joeschreiber Perry's parents insist that he take Gobi, their quiet, Lithuanian exchange student, to senior prom but after an incident at the dance he learns that Gobi is actually a trained assassin who needs him as a henchman, behind the wheel of his father's precious Jaguar, on a mission in Manhattan.
The Berlin boxing –Rob Sharenow In 1936 Berlin, fourteen-year-old Karl Stern, considered Jewish despite a non-religious upbringing, learns to box from the legendary Max Schmeling while struggling with the realities of the Holocaust.
Close to famous—joanbauer Everyone has a dream but no one is even close to famous in the small town of Culpepper, West Virginia. Until unexpected events shake the town and its inhabitants and puts there big ambitions to the test.
Enclave—annaguirre The Huntress Duece is drawn to her new partner, Fade, a mysterious boy who is not afraid to break the rules of the elders, and as she learns of the elders' deceptions, she and Fade push the enclave to test their faith and protect themselves from unexpected dangers.
Flesh and blood so cheap—albertmarrin Provides a detailed account of the disastrous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, which claimed the lives of 146 garment workers in 1911, and examines the impact of this event on the nation's working conditions and labor laws.
Flip—Martyn Bedford Sixteen-year-old Alex awakens to find that six months have gone by and he seems to be living in another boy's body, and as Alex tries to figure out what happened, he wonders if he will ever be able to return to the life he once knew.
gandhi: A Manga Biography—kazukiebine A manga biography of Mahatma Gandhi, who led a campaign of nonviolent aggression against British rule in India resulted in a better life for the Indian people.
The girl of fire and thorns—raecarson A fearful sixteen-year-old princess discovers her heroic destiny after being married off to the king of a neighboring country in turmoil and pursued by enemies seething with dark magic.
I’ll be there—holly goldbergsloan Raised by an unstable father who keeps constantly on the move, Sam Border has long been the voice of his silent younger brother, Riddle, but everything changes when Sam meets Emily Bell and, welcomed by her family, the brothers encounter normalcy for the first time.
Okay for now—garyschmidt Fourteen-year-old Doug Swieteck faces many challenges, including an abusive father, a brother traumatized by Vietnam, suspicious teachers and police officers, and isolation, but when he meets a girl known as Lil Spicer, he develops a close relationship with her and finds a safe place at the local library.
The pledge—kimberlyderting In a dystopian kingdom where the classes are separated by the languages they speak, Charlaina "Charlie" Hart has a secret gift that is revealed when she meets a mysterious young man named Max.
Remind vol. 1—jason Brubaker Sonia is looking for her missing cat, Victuals, when he reappears with a head full of stitches, and is able to speak, but has no memory of how he got that way. Both set out to solve the mystery of his disappearance, which leads them to a kingdom under the waves and a royal power struggle.
The Running Dream—Wendelinvan draanen When a school bus accident leaves sixteen-year-old Jessica an amputee, she returns to school with a prosthetic limb and her track team finds a wonderful way to help rekindle her dream of running again.
Ten miles past normal—franceso’roarkdowell Because living with "modern-hippy" parents on a goat farm means fourteen-year-old Janie Gorman cannot have a normal high school life, she tries joining Jam Band, making friends with Monster, and spending time with elderly former civil rights workers.
This dark endeavor—kennethoppel Victor and Konrad Frankenstein are inseparable twin brothers who stumble upon The Dark Library, where secret books of alchemy and ancient remedies are housed, but after their father forbids them to ever return to the library Konrad falls gravely ill and Victor seeks out a cure for his brother beyond traditional medicine.
Wandering son vol. 1—shimuro takako The fifth grade: the threshold to puberty and the beginning of the end of childhood innocence. Shuichi Nitori and his new friend Yoshino Takatsuki have happy homes, loving families and are well-liked by their classmates. But they share a secret that further complicates a time of life that is awkward for anyone: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy.
What happened to goodbye—sarahdessen Seventeen-year-old Mclean begins to lose sight of who she really is after she tries to reinvent herself at each school she attends after her parents' divorce and her father moves her from town to town.
All these things I’ve done—gabriellezevin Anya Balanchine, daughter of New York City's most notorious crime boss in 2083, tries to keep a low profile, but she cannot avoid the spotlight when her loser ex-boyfriend is accidently poisoned by illegal chocolate manufactured by her family.
Anna dressed in blood—kendareblake CasLowood, armed with his late father's mysterious athame, sets out to kill a ghost known as Anna Dressed in Blood, but what he believes will be a routine task turns deadly when he discovers Anna is unlike any ghost he has ever encountered before.
Ashes—ilsabick Alex, a resourceful seventeen-year-old running from her incurable brain tumor, Tom, who has left the war in Afghanistan, and Ellie, an angry eight-year-old, join forces after an electromagnetic pulse sweeps through the sky and kills most of the world's population, turning some of those who remain into zombies and giving the others superhuman senses.
Between shades of gray—rutasepetys In 1941, fifteen-year-old Lina, her mother, and brother are pulled from their Lithuanian home by Soviet guards and sent to Siberia, where her father is sentenced to death in a prison camp while she fights for her life, vowing to honor her family and the thousands like hers by burying her story in a jar on Lithuanian soil. Based on the author's family, includes a historical note.
Bitter end—jennifer brown When seventeen-year-old Alex starts dating Cole, a new boy at her high school, her two closest friends increasingly mistrust him as the relationship grows more serious.
Blood red road—moira young In a distant future, eighteen-year-old Lugh is kidnapped, and while his twin sister Saba and nine-year-old Emmi are trailing him across bleak Sandsea they are captured, too, and taken to brutal Hopetown, where Saba is forced to be a cage fighter until new friends help plan an escape.
But I love him—amanda grace Ann begins her senior year of high school as a happy, straight-A student and track star, but her life changes drastically when she become involved with a haunted young man named Connor and cannot seem to free herself from the abusive relationship.
Daughter of smoke and bone—lainitaylor Seventeen-year-old Karou, a lovely, enigmatic art student in a Prague boarding school, carries a sketchbook of hideous, frightening monsters--the chimaerae who form the only family she has ever known.
Divergent—veronica roth In a future Chicago, sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions to define her identity for the rest of her life, a decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomaly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in is not perfect after all.
How to save a life—sarazarr Told from their own viewpoints, seventeen-year-old Jill, in grief over the loss of her father, and Mandy, nearly nineteen, are thrown together when Jill's mother agrees to adopt Mandy's unborn child but nothing turns out as they had anticipated.
Infinite kung fu—kayanmcleod The world is under the control of a mysterious emperor, who is represented by five cruel kung fu masters who lead his armies. When soldier Yang Lei Kung tires of blindly following his master's evil orders, he goes looking for enlightenment and discovers that it is up to him to put an end to the emperor's evil plans.
Level up—gene luen yang Dennis Ouyang is visited by four angels who prompt him to give up his dream of playing video games professionally and pursue a medical degree as his late father wanted, but a crisis reveals the true nature of the angels and brings Dennis to a crossroads in his path to the future.
Lola and the boy next door—stephanieperkins Budding costume designer Lola Nolan has big plans for the future but is pretty content with her life right now, until the Bell twins move back in next door and Lola must deal with a lifetime of feelings for Cricket and her longtime rivalry with his twin sister.
Marzi: a Memoir—marzenasowa Marzena Sowa recounts her experiences as a young girl in communist Poland, describing how the country's politics shaped her life.
The name of the star—maureenjohnson Rory, of Boueuxlieu, Louisiana, is spending a year at a London boarding school when she witnesses a murder by a Jack the Ripper copycat and becomes involved with the very unusual investigation.
The queen of water—lauraresau Living in a village in Ecuador, a Quechua Indian girl is sent to work as an indentured servant for an upper class "mestizo" family.
Recovery road—blake nelson Seventeen-year-old Maddie meets Stewart in a rehabilitation facility for drug and alcohol abuse, and they begin a relationship, which they try to maintain after they both finish treatment.
Warped—maurissaguibord When seventeen-year-old Tessa Brody comes into possession of an ancient unicorn tapestry, she is plummeted into sixteenth-century England, where her life is intertwined with that of a handsome nobleman who is desperately trying to escape a terrible fate.
Where things come back—john coreywhaley Seventeen-year-old Cullen's summer in Lily, Arkansas, is marked by his cousin's death by overdose, an alleged spotting of a woodpecker thought to be extinct, failed romances, and his younger brother's sudden disappearance.
Zahra’s paradise—amir & khalil Follows the efforts of Zahra and her oldest son, an Internet blogger, to locate another son, Mehdi, after the young man vanishes during the protests in the aftermath of Iran's fraudulent elections of 2009.
Arkansas Teen Book Award 2012-2013 Reading List Level 1 • Americus—MK Reed & J. Hill (graphic) • Anya’s Ghost—Vera Brosgol (graphic) • Around the World: Three Remarkable Journeys—Matt Phelan (nonfiction graphic) • Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick—Joe Schreiber (thriller) • The Berlin Boxing Club—Rob Sharenow (historical fiction) • Close to Famous—Joan Bauer (contemporary realistic) • Enclave—Ann Aguirre (dystopian) • Flesh and Blood So Cheap—Albert Marrin (nonfiction) • Flip—Martyn Bedford (fantasy/scifi) • Gandhi: a Manga Biography—KazukiEbine (nonfiction graphic) • The Girl of Fire and Thorns—Rae Carson (fantasy) • I’ll Be There—Holly Goldberg Sloan (contemporary realistic) • Okay for Now—Gary Schmidt (contemporary realistic) • The Pledge—Kimberly Derting (dystopian) • reMIND Vol. 1—Jason Brubaker (graphic) • The Running Dream—Wendelin Van Draanen (contemporary realistic) • Ten Miles Past Normal—Frances O’Roark Dowell (contemporary realistic) • This Dark Endeavor—Kenneth Oppel (fantasy) • Wandering Son Vol. 1—Shimura Takako (graphic) • What Happened to Goodbye—Sarah Dessen (contemporary fiction)
Arkansas Teen Book Award 2012-2013 Reading List Level 2 • All These Things I’ve Done—Gabrielle Zevin (fiction) • Anna Dressed in Blood—Kendare Blake (horror/ghost) • Ashes—Ilsa Bick (dystopian) • Between Shades of Gray—RutaSepetys (historical fiction) • Bitter End—Jennifer Brown (contemporary realistic) • Blood Red Road—Moira Young (dystopian) • But I Love Him—Amanda Grace (contemporary realistic) • Daughter of Smoke and Bone—Laini Taylor (fantasy) • Divergent—Veronica Roth (dystopian) • How to Save a Life—Sara Zarr (contemporary realistic) • Infinite Kung Fu—Kagan McLeod (graphic) • Level Up—Gene Luen Yang (graphic) • Lola and the Boy Next Door—Stephanie Perkins (contemporary realistic) • Marzi—Marzena Sowa (nonfiction graphic) • The Name of the Star—Maureen Johnson (fantasy) • The Queen of Water—Laura Resau (contemporary realistic) • Recovery Road—Blake Nelson (contemporary realistic) • Warped—MaurissaGuibord (fantasy) • Where Things Come Back—John Corey Whaley (contemporary realistic) • Zahra’s Paradise—Amir & Khalil (graphic)