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How to construct a sentence

How to construct a sentence. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yg terjadi sehari hari , aktifitas sehari hari . Formula: untuk singular / orang tunggal / satu Bentuk Positive : S (she/he/it) + K. kerja 1 + s/ es

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How to construct a sentence

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  1. How to construct a sentence SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE

  2. Simple Present Tense digunakanuntukmenceritakankejadianygterjadiseharihari, aktifitasseharihari. Formula: untuk singular / orangtunggal/satu Bentuk Positive : S (she/he/it) + K. kerja 1 + s/es example: She cooks fried rice everyday : Memasak Riko plays football every morning: bermain

  3. Bentuk Negative • Subject (she/he/it) + does + not + K. Kerja 1 + Keterangan…. • example : She does not hang out every night (mejeng) • Patas does not speak Spanish (bicara) • Harmoko does not work at an airport (kerja)

  4. Spelling of third person singular forms in Present Simple Tense (She, He, It) • Katakerja 1 ditambah “s” • Work: works : She works at a Bank (Kerja) • Stay : Stays : She stays at a rent house (Tinggal) • Know: Knows : She know me (Mengenal) • Sit : Sits : She sits at the back seat (Duduk) • Live : Lives : She lives in Jambi (Tinggal)

  5. Bentukinterogative • Does + Subjek (she/he/it) + K.Kerja 1 + Keterangan.. • Example: • 1. Does she study at Global Nusa institute? (belajar) • 2. Does he wear a uniform everyday? (Memakai) • 3. Does your daddy live with you? (Tinggal)

  6. Formula untukorang plural/banyak/jamak • Bentukkalimat positive • S (They/we/I/you) + K. Kerja 1 + Keterangan…. • Example: • 1. They tell me the dangerous goods (memberitahu) • 2. I practice English everyday (mempraktekan) • 3. Ahmad and Sinta drink a cup of tea (minum)

  7. Bentuk negative • Formula: • S (They/we/I/you) + do + not + K. kerja 1 + Keterangan • Example: • 1. They do not go by plane (pergi) • 2. You do not treat me some food (traktir) • 3. Rio and Rita do not ride a motorcycle (menyetir)

  8. Bentuk Interrogative • Formula: • Do + S (They/we/I/you) + K. Kerja 1 + Keterangan… • Example: • 1. Do they talk about the discounts? (berbicara) • 2. Do you give some money to the beggar? (memberi)

  9. Katakerja yang berahirankonsonandanhuruf “y”, maka “y” digantimenjadi “ies” E.g.: 1. Cry: She cries all day long 2. Fly : A plane fliesso high 3. Try :She tries to speak English

  10. Keternganada 3, yakni: • Adverb of time: Ket. Waktu : Everyday, every….. • Adverb of place: Ket. Tempat : at school, at the airport • in Jambi, • Adverb of manner : Ket. Cara melakukanssuatu • : katasifat +ly : Happily, gladly, • well, fast, hard,

  11. Katakerja yang hurufahirnya : S, Z, CH, SH, X, O, makakatakerjatersebutdiberiahiran “es” E.g.: 1. Push : He pushes the car (Mendorong) • 2. Catch : A cat catches a mouse (menangkap) • 3. Buzz : A mosquito buzzes over my ear • (berbunyi) • 4. Fix : My father fixes a car (memperbaiki) • 5. Confess : She confesses her mistake (mengakui) • 6. Finish :He finishes her work well (menyelesaikan) • 7. Do : Rinidoes her homework well (mengerjakan) • 8. Go : Joni goes to Jamtos everyday (pergi)

  12. Exercise • Now construct a correct sentence by using the vocabularies provided bellow: please vary the subject and the form. Variasikan subject danbentukkalimatnya. Masing2 katauntuksatukalimat. • Buy (beli) • check in (masuk) • reserve (memesan) • Come (datang) • leave (pergi) • Fly (terbang) • Confirm (konfirmaasi) • Delay (menunda) • Check (ngecek) • Wait for (menunggu) • Pay ( membayar) • call (memanggil)

  13. Exercise • Please make a paragraph talking about your daily activity starting from waking up until going to bed. Then act it out in front of the class without text if possible.

  14. Vocabularies • Wake up : Banguntidur • Perform Subuh prayer : melaksanakansholatsubuh • Take a bath : Mandi • Get dressed : berpakaian • Have breakfast : Sarapan • Go to Global Nusa: pergike • Study : Belajar • Have a break : istirahat • Have lunch: Makansiang • Go home: Pulang • Take a nap: Tidursiang • Watch TV: Nonton TV

  15. Sweep the floor : Menyapulantai • Mop the floor: mengepellantai • Take care my sister: mengasuhadik • Cook : memasak • Have dinner : makanmalam • Hang out : Jalan2 • Do my homework: kerjakantugas PR • Pray Isya: solatIsya • Sleep / go to bed: Tidur

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