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Aztec Mythology

Aztec Mythology. Compiled by: Leo, Timothy, Eric, Cory, and Ashley of Warren E. Hyde Middle School. Primary Aztec Deities : By: Leo. Ometecuhtli : Supreme deity of the Aztec Pantheon, god of flame and creation of the cosmos, and androgynous master (lord) of duality.

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Aztec Mythology

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  1. Aztec Mythology Compiled by: Leo, Timothy, Eric, Cory, and Ashley of Warren E. Hyde Middle School

  2. Primary Aztec Deities:By: Leo • Ometecuhtli: Supreme deity of the Aztec Pantheon, god of flame and creation of the cosmos, and androgynous master (lord) of duality. • Coatlicue: Earth goddess of life, famine, and seismic activity. • Tezcatlipoca: God of night, matter, the north, beauty, and warfare. • Huitzilopochtli: Manifestation of the sun god Tezcatlipoca, tutelary deity of the Aztec, god of warfare and the sun, and chief god of Tenochtitlan.

  3. Primary Aztec Deities, Cont.: • Quetzalcoatl: A manifestation of the sun god Tezcatlipoca represented as a plumed serpent. • Tlaloc: The god of rain, agriculture, fire, and fertility. • Chantico: The goddess of flame, earthly matter, pleasure, and misery. • Acolmiztli: The secondary god of the underworld. • Mictlantecuhtli: The primary god of Mictlan and lord of the dead.

  4. Genealogy of Primary Aztec Deities:By: Cory and Ashley

  5. Rise of the Aztec Empire:By: Cory Tenochtitlan_iMovie(YouTube®) -Believed they were from Aztlan -Moved to the Valley of Mexico in the 1200’s -Found symbol at a swampy site in Lake Texcoco,and formed their capital city, Tenochtitlán, there -Learned to be skillful warriors, and became powerful -Captured live enemies in war

  6. Tezcatlipoca:By: Ashley • God of night and sorcery • Object in most prayers • Also worshipped under name of Titlacahuan • Related to stellar gods • Warrior of the South • “Nahual” is that of a jaguar

  7. Coatlicue:By: Timothy • Goddess of life and death • Mother of the southern stars • Serpent goddess • Gave birth to all celestial things

  8. Quetzalcoatl:By: Leo Appearance: • primarily a plumed serpent Contributions: • god of death, resurrection, light, wind water, and fertility, the deity who patronized culture, arts, poetry, and all knowledge, and the establisher of agriculture and the Aztec calendar • served a significant role in the organization of the original cosmos and in the creation and destruction of various world periods • ruler of the fifth world cycle and the creator of the humans of that particular era

  9. Huitzilopotchli:By: Timothy • God of war and sun • Chief of the mighty Tenochtitlán • Son of Coatlicue • Represented as a hummingbird • Name means “Blue Hummingbird of the South”

  10. Mictlantecuhtl:Lord of the UnderworldBy: Timothy Mictlan, his domain: • the underworld of the Aztecs Description of Mictlantecuhtl: • skeleton-like god • Lord of the underworld, Mictlan. • played quite a role in the creation of the "new world" and humans

  11. Tlaloc:The Rain GodBy: Eric Appearance:-blue colored man wearing foam sandals, a net of clouds, a crown of heron feathers, and carrying a pair of rattles Who was he?: - the god of rain, agriculture, fire, and fertility Domain: -Tlalocan, where all drowned people lived

  12. Destruction of the Aztec World:By: Timothy -Used human sacrifices to prevent the destruction of the fifth world. -Four suns/worlds have been destroyed 1)Chalchiuhtlicue(destroyed by floods) 2)Texcatlipoca(world was set ablaze) 3)Tlaloc(land was set ablaze) 4)Quetzalcoatl(hurricane ended the fourth world) 5)Nanahuatzin(earthquakes will end the fifth world)

  13. Credits: General division of labor: King of the gods: Eric Messenger god: Leo Sculptor: Timothy Muse: Cory Genealogist: Ashley PowerPoint: Technical coordinator: Timothy and Leo Audio: Leo and Timothy Image: Timothy Student material: Leo iMovie: Director: Leo Producer: Eric Audio: Eric, Leo, and Timothy Video: Eric, Leo, Timothy, and Cory Aztec Mythology Collaboration: http://hydeaztecmythology.pbwiki.com/

  14. Bibliography: “1eagle.wav.” Index of /sons/animaux. 2004-2006. 29 March 2006. <http://vienvoir.free.fr/sons/animaux/>. “Aztec Gods.” http://www.musesrealm.net/aztecmayainca/aztecgods.html (11 March 2006). "Aztec Gods and Religion." http://history.missouristate.edu/jchuchiak/HST%20350--Theme%203--Aztec%20Gods.htm (20 February 2006). “Aztec Mythology.” http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/aztec-mythology.php (18 February 2006). “Aztec Myths.” http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/aztec_culture.html (14 February 2006). “Aztec Warriors.” Aztec Warriors. 27 March 2006. <http://history.missouristate.edu/jchuchiak/HST%20350--Theme%206--Aztec_warriors.htm>. Aztec Warriors. Home page. 21 December 1997. 27 March 2006. <http://members.tripod.com/aztec_warrior/>. Barry, Paul C. A Newsletter Celebrating Native America. Home page. 2002. 27 March 2006. <http://www.turtletrack.org/Issues02/Co11022002/CO_11022002_Thisdate.htm>. “B-Aztec/Adobe: Desert scene.” Gary’s Upholstery Products LLC. Gary’s Upholstery Products LLC. 2005. 27 March 2006. <http://www.garysupholstery.com/utaztec.html>. “Fireworks 4.” PartnersInRhyme. 2006. 29 March 2006. <http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/>. F, Sarah. “Aztec Creation Story.” http://www.internet-at-work.com/hos_mcgrane/creation/csaztec.html (18 February 2006). “Golden Eagle Sunrise: Captive Subject.” Don Getty’s Wildlife and Nature Gallery on Location with Captive Critters. 2001-2004. 27 March 2006. <http://www.dongettyphoto.com/captives/eaglesunrise.html>. N., Gill S.. “Aztec Gods and Goddesses.” http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/americamyth/a/aztecgods.htm (8 March 2006). “nopal.jpg.” Index of /redescolar/act_permanentes/historia/html. 2002-2006. 27 March 2006. <http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/act_permanentes/historia/html/>.

  15. Bibliography, Cont.: “Quetzalcoatl.” Dictionary.com. 2006. 5 February 2006. <http://dictionary.reference.com/>. “Quetzalcoatl.” Encyclopedia Mythica®. 1995-2006. 5 February 2006. < http://www.pantheon.org/>. “Quetzalcoatl.” Wikipedia. 2001-2006. 5 February 2006. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatl/>. Roufs, Timothy G.. “Ancient Middle America.” http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth3618/ (20 February 2006). “Tenochtitlan: The Wall of Skulls.” Gallery of American Civilizations: the Mexica | Aztecs. 1996-1999. 27 March 2006. <http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/CIVAMRCA/AZGALL.HTM>. “The Aztec Creation Myth.” http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Post/106338 (14 February 2006). “The Aztec Gods.” http://home.freeuk.net/elloughton13/aztecgod.htm (8 February 2006). “The Conquest of the Aztec Empire: Hernán Cortés.” The European Voyages of Exploration: The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. 1997-2001. 27 March 2006. <http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/eurvoya/aztec.html>. “The Gods and Goddesses of the Aztecs.” Seanachaidh. 1999-2000. 27 March 2006. <http://www.scns.com/earthen/other/seanachaidh/godaztec.html>. “The Rain: Tlaloc.” Windows to the Universe: Aztec Mythology. Windows to the Universe. 19 March 1997.9 February 2006. <http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/tlaloc_rain.html&edu=high>. Watkins, Graham. “The Gods of the Ancient Mexicans.” http://www.mindspring.com/~coatl/pages/append.htm (11 February 2006). Welker, Glenn. “The Aztecs/Mexicas.” http://www.indians.org/welker/aztec.htm (14 February 2006).

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