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Explore leadership styles like situational, transformational, servant, and directive. Discover the impact of effective family engagement, praising effort, and supporting home language for young dual language learners.
Types of Leadership Situational Leadership Transformational Leadership Servant Leadership Directive Leadership
Situational Leaders Able to lead based on time, place and/or circumstance Strong ability to influence and inspire others Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
Transformational Leaders Influence and inspire others Create change and inspire vision Work effectively with complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty Mahatma Gandhi Betty Friedan Cesar Chavez
Servant Leaders Focus on the needs and goals of others Determine what actions and behaviors are most likely to benefit those being served Mother Teresa
Directive Leaders Monitor, guide, coach, direct, and evaluate the work of others Influenced by values and beliefs about how people grow, change, and develop General Patton
Myths About Leadership • I can’t lead if I’m not at the top • When I get to the top, then I’ll learn to lead
What can leadership look like? Watch this video clip from Sister Act Observe the types of leadership practiced by Sister Mary Clarence (Whoopi Goldberg)
. . . the words “leading from the middle” and you’ll get over 37 million results
Leading from the Middle • A different way of thinking about leadership • Leading as a peer, not a superior • Modeling behaviors you want others to display • Exercising influence to reach shared goals
Three understandings that are integral to leading from the middle • Leadership is relationship • Leadership is everyone’s business • Leadership development is self-development (Modified from Kouzes& Posner, 2003, p. 47)
Through relationships, you provide leadership each time you. . . • Model the use of words and images that convey capability • Partner with families in supporting their infants and toddlers • Share information that will help teachers and families to support each infant or toddler • Build cultural and linguistic bridges
. . . use “family” or “parents and family” instead of parents
. . . reflect the diversity of families in the images you use
. . . partner with families in supporting their infants and toddlers
Impact of effective family engagement • Higher preschool performance and promotion to next grade • More positive engagement with peers, adults, and learning • Buffers negative impact of poverty on academic and behavioral outcomes
. . share the importance of reading and stories Being read to as a toddler has a bigger impact on the performance of a child starting school than their temperament or socio-economic background
. . . help others discover how play can support learning and development
. . model effective ways to use praise Praise effort, not talent
A Six Word Leadership Strategy • I love to watch you ______
. . . convey the importance of supporting home language For young dual language learners (DLLs), development in their home languages can be a critical asset for developing proficiency in both that language and in English
Leadership is everyone’s business • Leadership is collaborative • Anyone can make a difference
Everyone’s leadership is needed to support each infant and toddler