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Being Leaders. Chapters 3 and 4. Review: Definition- Leadership page33. Christian leaders are servants with credibility and capabilities, who are able to influence people in a particular context to pursue their God given direction Key in the definition: Credible Capable
Being Leaders Chapters 3 and 4
Review: Definition- Leadership page33 • Christian leaders are servants with credibility and capabilities, who are able to influence people in a particular context to pursue their God given direction • Key in the definition: • Credible • Capable • Influence people to pursue their God-given direction
A Credible Leader Chapter 3
The Trust Quiz • True or False • ____________Leaders should expect followers to trust them simply because they occupy a position of leadership in the church. • ____________Today people will rely on and place their confidence in leaders , but it takes time and . • ____________People watch leaders 24/7/365. • ____________A leader’s personal life does not effect the way followers view their leadership. • ___________Today, leaders have to earn people’s trust first
The Importance of Trust (Stephen M. Covey) • Trust is a function of two things: characterand competence • Character includes your integrity, motives, your intent with people. • Competence includes your capabilities, skills, results and track record • People trust people who make things happen
Trust Tax • “Widespread distrust in a society…imposes a kind of tax on all forms of economic activity, a tax that high-trust societies do not have to pay” • Low trust tax is not only an economic activity, but an activity—in every relationship, in every interaction, in every communication, in every decision , in every dimension of life (Covey , 19).
8 ingredients to build leadership Credibility • Character- It is the sum total of a person’s distinct qualities, both good and bad, that reflect who he or she is (being) and it affects what he or she does (behavior) • “Godly character is the foundation of Christian leadership, the essential qualifying element. Because it earns people’s respect and, most important, produces trust…People don’t follow the ministry’s mission or vision statement----at least not for long. They follow you, the leader. Only after they are convinced that you’re a person of good character who is worthy of leading will they follow the mission and vision you espouse.” (page 56) • Question: Think about a past leader you worked with at church or work. Did you respect or trust them? Did you follow their leadership? Why or Why not?
8 ingredients to build leadership Credibility • Competenceis the leader’s capability to perform well in a specific context, having the expertise and ability to get things done. • 3 Elements of competence • Competent leaders are gifted leaders • Competent leaders are knowledgeable leaders • Competent leaders are skillful leaders—they get results
8 ingredients to build leadership Credibility • Clarity of Direction- Leaders must know where they are going. They must have a destination in mind when asking people to join them on a journey into the unknown. • “Leaders must know and clarify where they’re going and where they are taking people. It’s the leader’s job, as well as the governing board’s, to think through the organization’s direction, define it, and communicate it clearly and visibly so that there’s little question among people as to the church’s direction.” (page 60) • MUST HAVES • Clear mission and vision
8 ingredients to build leadership Credibility • Communication- • “Informed people are trusting people. Uninformed people are suspicious people. If people suspect that the leadership is trying to keep something from them, they will not follow them” ( page 61) . • Conviction – is the passion and commitment a person demonstrates toward his or her vision. • Passionate leaders convey energy, excitement, and intensity that inspire and grip followers. Commitment signals what is important to that leader and what will ultimately get done.
8 ingredients to build leadership Credibility • Courage- • “ Courage supplies the strength to lead in these difficult circumstances…” (page 63) • Joshua 1: 6-9 • Care- the leader’s demonstration of concern for the well-being of his or her followers that flows from love for them. • Composure- the leader’s consistent display of appropriate emotional health or maturity that sets a positive ministry mood especially in difficult or crisis situations. The leader must manage his or her own emotions.
Five Steps to Recovering Lost Trust and Regaining Credibility as a Leader • Admit the mistake • Acknowledge Responsibility • Apologize • Accept the Consequences • Act to correct the situation
A Credible Leader Chapter 4
Are Leaders Born or Made? Agree or Disagree • “Leadership is of utmost importance. Indeed there is no substitute for it. But leadership cannot be created or promoted. It can not be taught or learned.” Leadership is strongly determined by heredity. ( page 74) • “The Center of Creative Leadership’s research that 60 percent of all executive learning opportunities were associated with tough assignments and hardships further reinforces the potency of challenge in stimulating individual growth and development.” (page 75) • About half of the tendency toward leadership is innate and half is influenced by other factors” (page 75)
Leadership Capabilities Natural Gifts Spiritual Gifts God given ability for service . Every believer will have 1 or more spiritual gifts Not all leaders will have the same gifts. • God gives natural gifts to unbelievers as well as believers , based upon his common grace. • He gives these gifts at birth.
The Leader’s Developed Capabilities • Character (Soul work)- A successful leader must develop his or her character • Knowledge (Head work) – Intellectual knowledge; experiential knowledge; and intuitive knowledge • Skills (Handiwork) – relational skills and task skills • Emotions-(Heart work) emotions, feelings, moods
Discussion Questions • What knowledge or skills do you need to help you lead in your unique ministry situation? Where will you get the knowledge or skills? • What skills do you already have? • What skills do you need to work on to lead better? • How will you develop these skills?