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LLRF Embedded Development

LLRF Embedded Development. Brian Chase, Joshua Einstein-Curtis Controls Modernization Group 28 September 2018. Introduction. LLRF is a high-speed, high-precision real time system. For the FNAL accelerator infrastructure, have relatively high data rates Similar to beam instrumentation

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LLRF Embedded Development

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  1. LLRF Embedded Development Brian Chase, Joshua Einstein-Curtis Controls Modernization Group 28 September 2018

  2. Introduction • LLRF is a high-speed, high-precision real time system. • For the FNAL accelerator infrastructure, have relatively high data rates • Similar to beam instrumentation • Necessitated builds of a Labview client for commissioning, debug, and diagnostics (Backdoor/custom) • Example: • CMTS has 4 ADC and 2 DAC channels per cavity. In addition to the raw data, there are also the baseband IQ and amplitude/phase signals, error, and controller intermediate stages • 2 * (4*2 + 2 + 10) * 65 MSPS * 32-bit = 82 Gbps max • 82/65 = 1.26 Gbps if 1 MSPS sampling • 1.26 Gbps / 8 * 360 = 56 TB/hour • 0.02 * 56 = 1.12 TB/hour • if only 20 ms of 1MSPS data every second LLRF Embedded Development

  3. Real-time Needs • Hard Realtime  LLRF (timescale-dependent, of course) • Failures not allowed • Bucket-resolution timestamping on data • Necessary to do extensive hardware testing or simulation (Qemu, ARM simulator) • Good debugging tools a necessity • Utilization and overloading • Need for optimizations and good compilers LLRF Embedded Development

  4. vxWorks • MVME2400, MVME5500 with Kinetic Systems backplane • VxWorks 5.5, 6.1, 6.4, 6.9 • 5.5 running on MI, FAST, 6.4 on Recycler, 6.9 dev system provided to controls • Power PC 603e, 750 or 7457 • Standardized communication between front ends enables faster development. Shared libraries, etc. • https://www-bd.fnal.gov/controls/micro_p/mooc_project/welcome.html • Protocol Compiler • Custom for each device? Possibly leads to complexity and versioning issues • Each device has own receive stack, and each group develops their own LLRF Embedded Development

  5. Current Model LLRF Frontend sys_init.cpp Spreadsheet Dennis’ Frontends Modification Scripts Python Scripts-to-dabbel Acnet and Front-end independently record and manage variables LLRF Embedded Development

  6. SoC MFC LLRF Embedded Development

  7. LLRF Control and Timing • VUCD • Developed in mid-nineties • No replacement for current systems available • Timing and data decoding using backplane triggers • Multi-timer system • No planned replacement for current/deployed systems • Bucket resolution and accurate timestamping needed for future diagnostics LLRF Embedded Development

  8. Build Environment • nova build environment (esd tools) well developed • LLRF projects are all there, including configuration files for new SoC systems (spreadsheet register maps and defaults) • Need for a well-developed upgrade plan across departments • Need for supporting both legacy systems and new systems using same tools? • Significant increases in performance with each controller, but processor-specific programming can make porting difficult LLRF Embedded Development

  9. Revision Control • Currently part of build toolchains on nova • One of the largest issues we’ve run in to is revision and versioning • Separate versions for firmware, software, libraries • Storing git commits in f/w and software works well • Xilinx allows for same bitfile from same files • routing/placement hash/seed is based on files included in project • Enforcing this across all project levels is a challenge • PLC versioning? Software versioning? HDL versioning? LLRF Embedded Development

  10. Revision Control • LBL/LCLS-II and CERN have self-describing firmware/software • Register maps in control system and front-ends match • gzip’d JSON in memory on devices • CERN’s FESA and cheby • Acnet database • TFTP/remote image loading is crucial • Limit wear on flash (limited write) devices • Remote/central logging is crucial • See above • Verification and Continuous Integration are valuable tools LLRF Embedded Development

  11. What is plan for future? • Responsibility of each department? • High-speed data and diagnostics • artDAQ? FTP? Something new? • DAQ analysis and storage • High-speed means what for each system? • Data lifetime? • Scope capabilities • Event identification • Design lifetime • 20 years? 5 years? 1 year? • Tool availability and automation • Build system for non-experts • Nova replacement? Command-line functionality? LLRF Embedded Development

  12. Looking Forward • What will be available in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? • Need a long-term plan • Due to few resources at developer level, really need process and procedure directed from managment • Hardware - should there be a standard developed across groups? • Shared FPGA/Processor boards? • Crate standards? • Physical interfaces? LLRF Embedded Development

  13. Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC Designed for cell base stations, radar, military Single-chip includes all necessary for an RF system, but might not meet performance requirements of modern accelerators. Separate application and real-time processors Shared memory makes for very powerful, high-bandwidth toolset https://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/soc/rfsoc.html LLRF Embedded Development

  14. Conclusion • Concerns for future • DAQ and timing/precision • Data retention and high-speed data management • Revision Control and Build Environment are significant concerns • Ease of integrating in to control system: shared protocols, development architectures, etc • Need a multi-year, division-wide path forward • While still supporting legacy systems • Thanks! LLRF Embedded Development

  15. Extra Slides LLRF Embedded Development

  16. Switching to Fiber • Fiber benefits outweigh slightly increased cost • Decreased power • Higher bandwidth • Low cost per bandwidth • Relative ease of implementation given available tools LLRF Embedded Development

  17. Communication Proposals • 9.027 MHz RF synchronous frame rate • Local clock source needed on each device • 1300 MHz harmonic as data rate • Need known frame size (ie 128-bit) • Previous State, Events, Beam pattern for next group • Single-source star • Send as timing/events -- Return line as MPS • Data concentrators? • Throw out proposal • 3 links – DAQ, timing/MPS, control LLRF Embedded Development

  18. LLRF Embedded Development

  19. Intel Cyclone V and Arria 10 LLRF Embedded Development

  20. SoC MFC Test DAQ System Courtesy Ed Cullerton LLRF Embedded Development

  21. Arm Product Line https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/white-papers/Which-ARM-Cortex-Core-Is-Right-for-Your-Application.pdf LLRF Embedded Development

  22. Microsemi SmartFusion2 Single Event Upset Immune design LLRF Embedded Development

  23. NXP LPC17xx Kinetis K60 i.MX LLRF Embedded Development

  24. Why not Pis? • The question is really: what does real-time mean? • Bucket-level resolution and repeatability? • TCLK decoding accuracy? Event decoding accuracy? • What runs at each layer? • Firmware/embedded RTOS • Software/application layer • Lifetime and long-term support • Open Hardware • Interconnect standards • SPI + I2C support? (1 SPI, 1 I2C, 1 UART) • Standard interconnects? • Bus/backplane protocols? LLRF Embedded Development

  25. DSP • LLRF requires higher-performance DSP and DAQ • Newer FPGAs are offering dedicated floating-point blocks • Require use of special tools or overloading standard operators • Integrated simulation and verification environment being more important • Collaboration requires the ability to transfer IP easily LLRF Embedded Development

  26. SoM Benefits https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/products/soc/ecosystem/system-on-modules.html LLRF Embedded Development

  27. Linux (and variants) • Linux w/ preemptRT • RTAI (Linux as task) • NI Real-Time Linux (dual-schedulers) LLRF Embedded Development

  28. RTOS • FreeRTOS -- https://www.freertos.org/ • Contiki (IoT) -- http://www.contiki-os.org/ • MicroC/OS-IIx • Mbed (IoT) • RTEMS • vxWorks • Now a Linux variant • MQX LLRF Embedded Development

  29. MPC603e LLRF Embedded Development

  30. MPC750 LLRF Embedded Development

  31. MPC7457 LLRF Embedded Development

  32. Processing Models • IOC+Epics • “Dumb” front-end with managing IOC • Subscriber model • Crate processors • Slot 0 manages all cards in crate. Advanced data processing happens ??? • NADs • Multiple models available • Acnet • Requirements on who does each portion is not defined • Controls communication (MOOC(AN), libacnet, erlang, PC) • Debug communication (Labview, Python) • Front-end intelligence LLRF Embedded Development

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